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2/26 Daily Catalyst Pg. 23 Consumers

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1 2/26 Daily Catalyst Pg. 23 Consumers
1. Describe the tropism that is responsible for grape plants growing around a trellis. 2. Why are plants called producers and autotrophs? 3. True or false, plants are prokaryotic cells. If the statement is incorrect, correct it to be true.


3 2/26 Class Business Quiz #6 on Friday Lab on Friday
Producers, consumers, owl pellets Lab on Friday Be here! Labs are test grades Be working on your ecology research paper! Library work time soon Remember our discussion on tardies, hoods, and cell phones!

4 2/26 Agenda Pg. 23 Consumers Daily Catalyst Class Business
Writing assignment Consumer notes Ecology work time Lab prep Homework: ecology research paper and study for the quiz

5 Writing in science Question: Why is it beneficial for plants ability to reproduce sexually AND asexually? Time: 6 minutes Noise: 0 (SILENCE) Have students answer this question

6 2/26 Essential Questions What are the roles of producers and consumers? What is the beginning of energy transfer (food webs)?

7 2/26 Notes Consumer Notes Key Points

8 There are two ways organisms receive energy
Consumer Notes Key Points Definition: consume energy ie: animals (humans) AKA: Heterotrophs

9 There are two ways organisms receive energy
Consumer Notes Key Points Definition: consume energy ie: animals (humans) AKA: Heterotrophs Key Point #1: Heterotrophs Hetero= different Troph= energy

10 There are two ways organisms receive energy
Consumer Notes Key Points Definition: consume energy ie: animals (humans) AKA: Heterotrophs How? Eating other organisms Key Point #1: Heterotrophs Hetero= different Troph= energy

11 Animals cannot produce their own food so they get their energy through eating other organisms

12 There are three types of consumers- based on what they consume!
Key Point #2: Types of consumers HERBIVORE- eats plants CARNIVORE-eats meat OMNIVORE- eats plants and meat

13 There are two ways organisms receive energy
Consumer Notes Key Points Definition: consume energy ie: animals (humans) AKA: Heterotrophs How? Eating other organisms Key Point #1: Heterotrophs Hetero= different Troph= energy Key Point #2 Consumers Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores

14 Are all consumers created equal?
No, they are not! There are different levels of consumers depending on what they eat. This is the beginning of a food chain!

15 There are two ways organisms receive energy
Consumer Notes Key Points Definition: consume energy ie: animals (humans) AKA: Heterotrophs How? Eating other organisms Herbivores exist in larger numbersomnivorescarnivores Because herbivores have more energy from plants Key Point #1: Heterotrophs Hetero= different Troph= energy Key Point #2 Consumers Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores

16 Pg. 23 Work Time Answer the following questions on page 23 in your notebook. When you finish the questions, return your notebook to your folder. 1. Why do carnivores exist in smaller numbers in ecosystems? 2. In an experiment, sunflowers are placed in a dark closet for three weeks and their growth is monitored. Which tropism is being studied? 3. What type of organisms consume producers only? 4. What is the highest level of organization that ecologists study? 5. Give an example of a community. 6. Why are j-curves not sustainable? 7. Name the process that converts sunlight into food for consumers. 8. Draw an example of a logistical growth curve. 9. What type of survivorship curve do oyster show? Why? 10. What characteristic do the grassland, savanna, and chaparral have in common?

17 Owl Pellet Lab Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Brian Eva Nicoh Kayla
Travis Amani Fabien Stephanie Wyatt Terriyan Andrea Avery Barrian Daniel V. Hefer Daniel G. Darrius Stephen Eric Ridel Chase Nick Francisco Eliud Zaven Chris Alfredo David Smokey Eduardo

18 Lab Prep Directions: With your lab group, read the pre-lab reading and answer the pre-lab questions. With your group, create a hypothesis based on what you will find in the owl pellet. Noise: 2 (with your lab group) Time: Until 10:55

19 Exit Ticket #6 Name: __________ Date: 2/26 Period: 2 Score: _____/4
1. Name the tropism that allows plants to grow towards a light source. 2. Define autotroph: 3. True or false, Consumers produce their own energy through photosynthesis. 4. Who exists in the greatest numbers in an ecosystem: producers, herbivores, omnivores, or carnivores?

20 Ecology Research paper work time
Directions: Quietly work on your ecology research paper. All research and internet usage must be about your research topic! Noise: 1 (whispers)

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