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The Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method

2 The Scientific Method involves a series of steps that are used to solve problems.

3 What is the scientific method?
The Scientific Method involves a series of steps that are used to solve problems. Scientific method - steps used to solve problems

4 What is the scientific method?
state the problem gather info/research problem form a hypothesis – Experiment – record & analyze – conclude – summary of the data from the experiments, repeat as needed Scientific method


6 Observation/Research Formulate a Hypothesis Experiment
Scientific Method Problem/Question Observation/Research Formulate a Hypothesis Experiment Collect and Analyze Results Conclusion Communicate the Results/Repeat

7 Steps of the Scientific Method
Problem/Question: identify a question or problem that can be solved through experimentation. What are we concerned with

8 What is the scientific method?
state the problem what are we concerned with, id the problem

9 Steps of the Scientific Method
2. Gather information/Research: Make observations and research/think about your topic

10 What is the scientific method?
state the problem what are we concerned with, id the problem gather info/research problem observe, think

11 Do you remember the next step?

12 Steps of the Scientific Method
3. Formulate a Hypothesis: Predict a possible answer to the problem or question. Educated guess Example: If soil temperatures rise, then plant growth will increase.

13 What is the scientific method?
state the problem what are we concerned with, id the problem gather info/research problem observe, think form a hypothesis – suggest answer, educated guess, Ex. If … then …

14 Steps of the Scientific Method
Experiment: Develop and follow a procedure to test hypothesis. Lab experiment OR Natural observation

15 Steps of the Scientific Method
Experiment: control- part which does not change Constant – part that is the same for all experiments variable – factor being tested independent – factor adjusted by experimenter dependent – factor that depends on the value of the independent experimental setup – part of the experiment that contains the variable

16 What is the scientific method?
state the problem what are we concerned with, id the problem gather info/research problem observe, think form a hypothesis – suggest answer, educated guess, Ex. If … then … Experiment – organized process used to test hypothesis lab experiment, natural observations

17 What is the scientific method?
4. Experiment – organized process used to test hypothesis lab experiment, natural observations control- part which does not change constant – part that is the same for all parts of the experiment/trials variable – factor being tested independent – factor adjusted by experimenter dependent – factor that depends on the value of the independent Thing measured experimental setup – part of the experiment that contains the variable

18 Steps of the Scientific Method
5. Record and Analyze Results: Record all data – observations and measurements recorded during an experiment Write it ALL down

19 What is the scientific method?
state the problem what are we concerned with, id the problem gather info/research problem observe, think form a hypothesis – suggest answer, educated guess, Ex. If … then … Experiment – organized process used to test hypothesis lab experiment, natural observations record & analyze – data – observations and measurements recorded during experiment

20 Steps of the Scientific Method
6. Conclusion: Include a statement that accepts (agrees with) or rejects (disagrees with) the hypothesis. Make recommendations for further study and possible improvements to the procedure.

21 What is the scientific method?
state the problem what are we concerned with, id the problem gather info/research problem observe, think form a hypothesis – suggest answer, educated guess, Ex. If … then … Experiment – organized process used to test hypothesis lab experiment, natural observations record & analyze – data – observations and measurements recorded during experiment conclude – summary of the data from the experiments,

22 Steps of the Scientific Method
7. Repeat as needed: Either because the hypothesis was wrong or because you asked another question.

23 What is the scientific method?
state the problem what are we concerned with, id the problem gather info/research problem observe, think form a hypothesis – suggest answer, educated guess, If … then… Experiment – organized process used to test hypothesis lab experiment, natural observations record & analyze – data – observations and measurements recorded during experiment conclude – summary of the data from the experiments, repeat as needed

24 Think you can name all steps?
Collect and Analyze Results Formulate a Hypothesis Observation/Research Repeat as Needed Problem/Question Experiment Conclusion

25 What is the scientific method?
state the problem what are we concerned with, id the problem gather info/research problem observe, think form a hypothesis – suggest answer, educated guess, Ex. If … then … Experiment – organized process used to test hypothesis lab experiment, natural observations record & analyze – data – observations and measurements recorded during experiment conclude – summary of the data from the experiments, repeat as needed

26 Let’s put our knowledge of the Scientific Method to a realistic example that includes some of the terms you’ll be needing to use and understand.

27 She explains that yeast releases a gas as it feeds on sugar.
Problem/Question John watches his grandmother bake bread. He ask his grandmother what makes the bread rise. She explains that yeast releases a gas as it feeds on sugar.

28 Problem/Question John wonders if the amount of sugar used in the recipe will affect the size of the bread loaf?

29 Observation/Research
John researches the areas of baking and fermentation and tries to come up with a way to test his question. He keeps all of his information on this topic in a journal.

30 Formulate a Hypothesis
After talking with his teacher and conducting further research, he comes up with a hypothesis. “If more sugar is added, then the bread will rise higher.”

31 Note: These variables will be defined in the next few slides.
Hypothesis The hypothesis is an educated guess about the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Note: These variables will be defined in the next few slides.

32 Experiment His teacher helps him come up with a procedure and list of needed materials.

33 Experiment John writes out his procedure for his experiment along with a materials list in his journal. He has both of these checked by his teacher where she checks for any safety concerns.

34 Collect and Analyze Results
John comes up with a table he can use to record his data. John gets all his materials together and carries out his experiment.

35 Size of Baked Bread (LxWxH) cm3
Size of Bread Loaf (cm3) Trials Amt. of Sugar (g.) 1 2 3 Average Size (cm3) 25 768 744 761 758 50 1296 1188 1260 100 1080 1116 250 672 576 588 612 500 432 504 360 Control group

36 Collect and Analyze Results
John examines his data and notices that his control worked the best in this experiment, but not significantly better than 100g. of sugar.

37 Conclusion John rejects his hypothesis, but decides to re-test using sugar amounts between 50g. and 100g.

38 Once again, John gathers his materials and carries out his experiment.
Here are the results.

39 Observe your world and come up with a question to answer using the Scientific Method!

40 Get a piece of bulletin board paper and a pen.
Get into groups with students having the same shape sticker as you have. Disregard the numbers 1, 2, and 3 at this time. (Do not loose the sticker/wrapper) Get a piece of bulletin board paper and a pen. Get out the scientific method worksheet from Friday. 9/19/2018

41 This presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included under the Fair Use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law. Further use of these materials and this presentation is restricted. 9/19/2018

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