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Welcome to Wilbur Wright Middle School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Wilbur Wright Middle School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Wilbur Wright Middle School
                                       5th Grade Parent Night

2 Introductions Principal Dr. Andy Sargent Asst. Principal Amanda Jez
Dean Bojan Jovanovic Counselor (A-K) Julie Atkinson Counselor (L-Z) Lindsay Grunewald Linda will introduce

3 Extracurricular Activities
Academic Superbowl (January – April) Art Club (November – May) Chess Club (Every Tuesday) Cross Country (August – October) Drama (TBA) Environmental Science Club (all year) Fitness Training (January – February) Intramural Basketball (Boys: Sept-Oct / Girls: Nov-Jan) Newspaper (all year) Ping Pong Club (all year) Science Olympiad (November – March) Service Club (September – May) Soccer (March – May) Spell Bowl (September – November) Student Council (October – May) Tennis (April – May) Track (April – May) Wrestling (October – December)

4 Guidance Services Learning Strategies/Study Skills (all 6th graders)
Conflict Resolution Organization Help Individual and Group Counseling Barb

5 Transition to Middle School
Organization is the key Time management Homework Locker Elizabeth

6 Parent Information Agenda and Handbook
Every child is given an agenda. Your child should use the agenda to record his/her homework on a daily basis. Parents should check the agenda every evening. Moodle/Blackboard and PowerParent Moodle/Blackboard - shows you what homework has been assigned PowerParent – shows you grades

7 Parent Information Illness Announcements
You can teachers directly Check moodle/blackboard for homework assignments Announcements Shown daily during 1st period You can read them on the school website

8 Parent Information Late Start Days Thursdays Weekly Staff Meetings
Teachers are not available during this time

9 Parent Information Laptops Info mailed home in June
All students are assigned a laptop Info mailed home in June Orientation Schedule Medical Information

10 Parent Information Peer-Tutoring Tuesdays and Thursdays
3:00pm – 3:45pm In the WWMS Library Tutors are 8th grade students

11 Parent Information Adventure Club
Provides after-school care for students Available from end of school day until 6pm Rates and other info available at

12 New Student Orientation
A summer orientation day will be held the week before school begins Students will be given a tour of the building. Students will practice opening their lockers. Students will learn how to read their schedule. Students will learn about the school rules. Julie


14 Student Schedule 7:45-8:38 Period 1 and announcements
10:24-10:54 Lunch 10:59-11:47 Period 4 11:52-12:40 Period 5 12:45-1:33 Period 6 1:38-2:26 Period 7 2:29-2: MRT (Mustang Resource Time) Linda

15 5th into 6th Elective Video
Will be available on WWMS website!

16 Required 6th Grade Classes
Math Science Language Arts Reading Social Studies PE (1 semester) Digital Citizenship (1 semester) 2 Semesters of Electives **Sample Schedule** SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Math Language Arts Reading Social Studies Science PE Digital Citizenship Elective MRT Randy

17 Elective Choices These electives are 2 semesters long:
Students get to pick 2 semesters of electives These electives are 2 semesters long: Band (2 semesters) Orchestra (2 semesters) Choir (2 semesters)

18 Elective Choices These electives are 1 semester long:
Students get to pick 2 semesters of electives These electives are 1 semester long: 6th Grade Art (1 semester) Ceramics (1 semester) Computer Graphics (1 semester)

19 Elective Choices These electives are 1 semester long:
Students get to pick 2 semesters of electives These electives are 1 semester long: PE-Elective (1 semester) In addition to the required PE semester FACS (1 semester) Study Skills (1 semester)

20 Students will receive their course selection sheets after their visits to WWMS.
EADS: Tuesday, February 6th ELLIOTT: Wednesday, February 7th FHH: Friday, February 9th

21 Course selection sheets due back to your child’s 5th grade teacher by
February 16th!



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