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Welcome to Pine Lake! Mr. Ensey-Advanced LASS

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Pine Lake! Mr. Ensey-Advanced LASS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Pine Lake! Mr. Ensey-Advanced LASS
If you would like hard copies of tonight, they are on the white table as you enter. Feel free to browse the portfolios on your desks to see the array of writing we’ll do this year!

2 Welcome to Mr. Ensey’s Humanities Plus Class
CONTACT INFO: (This is the best way to get a hold of me!) Remind (Daily homework)

3 Brief Bio Live in Klahanie with Michelle & Quinn (sophomore at Skyline) Maya (sophomore at Gonzaga) Master’s in ED from UW 22nd year in district (taught 4th-8th) National Board Certified Teacher Writing Trainer for ISD District Instructional Technology Specialist ( )

4 Overview of Advanced LASS
Choice leads to engagement All about creativity, initiative and independence Technology as a tool for deeper learning High-level thinking (deep shovel) Quicker pace (at times), more depth, more rigor, more reading and writing

5 Social Studies Weekly Learning Checks Service Learning (10 hrs)
Ancient Civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome Focus is on Four Essential Questions: Legacy-How is your life different today because of ancient civilizations? Geography-How does where you live affect how you live? Beliefs-How do your beliefs determine the rules you follow? Technology-Why do we invent things? Weekly Learning Checks Service Learning (10 hrs)

6 The Writing/Reading Notebook (WRN)
Language Arts Writer’s Workshop Authentic writing/multiple genres Grammar, spelling in context Weekly SAT Vocabulary Readers Workshop Young Wonders Hero’s Journey Independent Reading Program 40+ books! Read 4-5 days/wk in class Scope Magazine The Writing/Reading Notebook (WRN) Authentic reading response and writing practice

7 Technology in Today’s Classroom
Technology to deepen learning Microsoft Office 365 Google Drive ONENOTE Classroom Notebook iPads, Macbooks and PC’s provided by Issaquah Schools Foundation grants and Issaquah School District

8 TIPS FOR SUCCESS SUCCESS INDICATORS: Collaboration, Initiative, Work Habits and Citizenship=Long-term success Use Remind and ONENOTE Communicate with me (students first!) Kindness Matters

9 Citizenship A score of “4” indicates that the student consistently follows rules, respects others and completes work with integrity.

10 Collaboration A score of “4” indicates that the student consistently participates productively, stays focused, and works well with their peers.

11 Initiative A score of “4” indicates that they consistently ask questions, seek help, retake tests, and turn in missing work when given the opportunity.

12 Work Habits A score of “4” indicates that the student consistently comes to class prepared and produces high quality, complete, on-time work. This includes daily assignments.

13 Daily Work Daily/nightly assignments that are practice (formative assessments). These don’t count against your grade.

14 Assessments What you know and can do. Writing Assignments
Reading Assignments Test and Quizzes Yes (A-/A) Mostly (B) Some (C) Not Yet (D) Missing 3.7/4.0 3.4 (85%) 3.0 (75%) 2.6 (65%) Deep understanding is obvious Excellent skill/knowledge displayed All parts complete and detailed Good understanding with some minor issues Solid skill/knowledge displayed with some minor issues Most parts complete and detailed A number of issues that show gaps in understanding A few skills shown, but more needed Missing parts, not enough detail Many issues Shows lack of understanding Skills not shown Missing many parts, lack of detail Projects Presentations Scored discussions

15 How You Can Support Your Child in Every Class
Check remind and website, but let your child solve his/her problems Provide framework for organizing, but let your child own his/her plan Give “professional advice” on homework, but let your child DO THE WORK. Teach your child how to check Student Access

16 WEB-Where Everybody Belongs
Transition program for incoming 6th Graders 8th Grade Mentors run Orientation Put on events (Halloween, Hoedown, Period of Service) Meaningful for leaders and 6th graders Talk about when you’re a junior how excited you are to see these 6th graders and know them personally when they get to Skyline.


18 “The 8th grade WEB leaders foster a sense of big brother and big sister-ness that helps build bonds between the younger and older students.  The fear of older kids is decreased and the desire to support the younger ones is increased.  A win-win!” ~Anne Kiemle, 8th Grade Teacher

19 Please email me if questions arise.
Thanks so much for coming and making your child’s education a priority!

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