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Warm Up – 9/1 On your own paper, state whether each source is a primary or secondary source AND explain why. 1 3 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up – 9/1 On your own paper, state whether each source is a primary or secondary source AND explain why. 1 3 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up – 9/1 On your own paper, state whether each source is a primary or secondary source AND explain why. 1 3 2

2 The South Reconstructed
Come together right now --The Beatles

3 Reconstruction Review
Reconstruction = period after Civil War when Southern States reorganized and reintegrated back in the Union. Marked by the military occupation of the South, attempts to remove a President, and major constitutional amendments. Withdrawal of federal troops from the South marked the end of Reconstruction in the U.S.

4 President Johnson Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan – issued full pardons to all Confederate citizens who swore allegiance to the United States Repeal secession Cancel war debts

5 Radical Republicans Under Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan, Confederates granted amnesty Angered Radical Republicans - members of Congress who favored punishing the South harsher They did not like Johnson’s handling of the South so they created their own plan called Wade Davis Bill Divided the South into military districts to be overseen by the federal government

6 A major goal was to gain voting rights for the newly freed slaves
Did not want to readmit Southern states into the Union unless they ratified the 14th amendment The Radical Republicans in Congress disagreed with Johnson and tried to impeach him  it failed

7 Takeaways from Reconstruction
1. Presidents Lose Power For the next three decades presidents were overpowered by Congress and big business 2. Continual African Americans Repression Ex. Freedman’s Bureau – organization created to help newly freed slaves adapt to their new freedom – set up schools, provide medical care, food, clothes, and jobs Ex. Sharecropping



10 Turn in Notecards #1-5 to teal crate! (PLEASE USE PAPER CLIP)
Warm Up – 9/8 Turn in Notecards #1-5 to teal crate! (PLEASE USE PAPER CLIP) Take out Abraham Galloway questions (on the BACK of the blank US map we did last class) Begin reading the article and answering the questions

11 The “New South” Freedom! Freedom! Where are you? Cause I need freedom too! I break chains all by myself --Beyonce

12 “New South” Term that described changes in the Southern economy
1. Agricultural diversification (growing different types of crops) 2. Southern Industry Textile manufacturing Tobacco-processing industry - ex. American Tobacco Company. Iron and steel industry Despite industrialization, average income in the South much lower than in North


14 Reformers Scalawags – white Southerners who supported the Republican Party and Reconstruction Carpetbaggers – Northerners who moved down South to participate in Reconstruction governments Viewed by Southerners as exploiting the South for the own gain

15 One Step Forward… Blacks were elected congressmen, mayors and state legislators Black schools were built Individuals working to promote the advancement of blacks post slavery such as journalist Ida B. Wells Early leader in the Civil Rights Movement, and women’s suffrage movement She documented incidents of lynching

16 Civil Rights Amendments (13th, 14th, 15th)

17 14th Amendment – Citizenship

18 15th Amendment – Voting Rights

19 End of Reconstruction The Compromise of 1877 unofficially ended Reconstruction putting Rutherford Hayes in office as President Removed all Federal troops from Southern states After the election, whites tightened their grip on the Southern governments

20 …Two Steps Back Many whites tried to deny freed slaves their rights
Ex: Literacy Tests, Grandfather Clause and Poll Taxes Southern States charged poll taxes and required literacy tests to keep African Americans from voting Grandfather Clause: If you relatives could not vote, neither can you Ex: Black Codes Laws that restricted African Americans' freedom and kept them working in low paying jobs Ex: Ku Klux Klan Secret organization in the South Aimed to suppress the newly acquired powers of blacks and to oppose carpetbaggers from the North



23 Jim Crow Laws Attempts by state and local governments to restrict the freedoms of African Americans after the end of the Civil War – promote segregation and disfranchisement Limited the effectiveness of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments Jim Crow Laws continued until 1964

24 Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) Supreme Court case that upheld Jim Crow Laws based on the idea that the laws provided “separate but equal” public facilities for African Americans

25 Reconstruction = Epic Fail
Solid South - Nickname for the South that was once again controlled by the Democratic Party and stayed Democrat for nearly 100 years after Reconstruction The South would remain a backward, agriculture-based economy and the poorest section of the nation for many decades afterward

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