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Mood Disorders.

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Presentation on theme: "Mood Disorders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mood Disorders

2 Mood Disorders Psychological Disorders characterized by emotional extremes. Dysthymic Disorder Major Depressive Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder Bipolar Disorder

3 Depression The common cold of psychological disorders.
It is like a warning that something is wrong.

4 Depression

5 Depression

6 Major Depressive Disorder
A person, for no apparent reason, experiences two or more weeks of depressive moods. Includes feelings of worthlessness and diminished interest or pleasure in most activities.

7 Dysthymic Disorder Suffering from mild depression every day for at least two years.

8 Seasonal Affective Disorder
During winter time, people often go to work when its dark, and come home when its dark. Darkness = depression.

9 Bipolar Disorder Person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania.

10 Bipolar Is not the same as “multiple personalities.”
1 person who swings through a manic and depressed state of mind. Manic- happy or over excitement

11 Bipolar Brain

12 Suicide

13 Suicide

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