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Youth Europe Service.

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1 Youth Europe Service

- The association Y.E.S. (Youth Europe Service) was born in January 1999 in Potenza. - Y.E.S. is a no profit Tourist association with Christian, democratic principles, that believes in respect of the personal freedom and operates in social and environmental fields.


4 Potenza was built on a hill more than 800 metres high and it was inhabited since the IV century B.C. It was probably built as a consequence of the destruction of the close village of Serra di Vaglio, whose ruins are still visible. Its good geographic position made it an important crossroads in the Mediterranean, with the benefits of the Greeks influence. Under the Roman domination, Potenza was first a prefecture, then an important municipality. S. Vito’s Bridge was built around that time ( B.C.) and so was the Roman villa that the Malvaccaro Mosaic belonged to. This town has a beautiful old centre with several churches, the Cathedral, the Castle Tower, and the Museum. Every year in May an event called ‘Sfilata dei Turchi’ (Turks’ Parade) takes place. This is one of the centres in Basilicata, together with Tito, Pignola, Vaglio and Trecchina, where the Gaul-Italian dialect is spoken. This probably depends on the migration (XIII century) of some peoples coming from areas in the North of Italy (Monferrato), that amalgamated together with the local communities (G. Rohlfs).

5 BASILICATA REGION The surface area is 9,992 square kilometres; the 617,000 inhabitants are shared throughout the 131 town councils in the provinces of Matera and Potenza: 7/10ths of the territory comprises mountainous areas, 2/10ths are hills, while 1/10 is plain. Basilicata is the lend of: Mountains The castles Water Whiled nature Vine The Vulture is the home of the famous red vine Aglianico del vulture , made from the grapes of Aglianico and certificated D.O.C. Sees Jonian and Tyrrhenian see The Thermal Baths The

6 NATURE  Basilicata enjoys a very varied climate depending on latitude and altitude. The same region can offer seaside activities from spring to autumn and, at the same time, skiing on snow for the four months of autumn-winter. This unique possibility puts the region in a league of its own and this is an important factor in the continuous flow of tourism to the area. Basilicata is one of the very few reference points for skiers from Rome and the South of Italy. The mountains provide a typical continental climate while the Jonian and Tyrrhenian coasts enjoy a Mediterranean one. These two opposite climates meet up in the Matera district and in the Vulture, especially.

7 YES INITIATIVES YES association promotes many sensitization initiatives about: Integration of persons with disabilities or disadvantaged ; Knowledge exchange between people to develop solidarity and develop the principles of civil life; Knowledge and protection of the historical, cultural, artistic heritage; Development of the social, cultural and sports activities in order to create an active participation in european citizenship; Members of Y.E.S. promote many annual events, activities like european info-points, realization of cultural exchanges and voluntary services.

8 Youth Europe Service organizes
Training courses for young and adults ; Information points for young and adults; Social, cultural, educational and sports activities to develop a knowledge about art, culture, music… Campaigns for peace, brotherhood and solidarity; Activities with charity bazaar for the progress of the U.E. and the other countries; Activities to protect nature and environment; Activities to realise a teaching materials; Activities to build strong moral principles in the cooperation with Institutions and Organizations. It is the promoter of the European Network named E.N.L.T. - EUROPEAN NETWORK OF LOCAL TOURISM It was part (till 16 November 2008) of the C.T.S. network (CENTRE OF TOURISM FOR STUDENTS) It is recognized by Presidency of Minister’s Council as Organization of National Civil Service

9 European Progects realised from 2000 to 2010
Year 2000 Bus Ambiente 2000 Programme: Youth - Action 3 – Youth initiatives Year 2001 Viaggio intorno all’arte e cultura della Basilicata Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Bilateral exchange European Network for Local Tourism Programme: Youth - Action 5 – Transnational network Young in Europe Seminario di contatto per scambio di esperienze nel programma Gioventù - partner Programme: Youth - Action 5 – Contact Seminar

10 Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Bilateral exchange Young News
Year 2002 Our Nature Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Bilateral exchange Young News Programme: Youth - Action 3 – Networking Year 2003 Escucha Europa - partner Programme: Sostegno ad ONG nel 2003 N.A.M. 2003 Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Trilateral exchange International work placement for Tourism Management Students - partner Programme: Leonardo - Mobility

11 Year 2004 Sviluppo e valorizzazione di competenze nel turismo sociale (Development and valorization of competencies in social tourism)‏ Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2 Year 2005 InformaStudenti Programme: NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE (ITALY)‏ Sviluppo e valorizzazione di competenze nel turismo sociale – anno 2 (Development and valorization of competencies in social tourism – year 2)‏ HUMAN-COM. Tourism Business Human Ressources Management Students placement – hosting partner Programme: Leonardo - Mobility

12 Year 2006 Autonomous citizens in United Europe Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2 En.He. – Environmental Heritage (year 1)‏ Year 2007 En.He. – Environmental Heritage (year 2)‏ Programme: LLP Grundtvig partnership

13 Year Medialogues Programme: LLP Grundtvig partnership Year Edu-Mont (year 1)‏ Year 2010 Edu-Mont (year 2)‏ Landskape (year 1)‏

14 YES - living together The activities of the YES confirm a new culture of knowledge, protection of the historical, cultural, artistic heritage. Sensibilization on the topics like disabilities, the social, cultural and sports activities for young and adults, develop solidarity and the principles of civil life.

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