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Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

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1 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007
I CAN Distinguish the types of mood disorders Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

2 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007
Mood Disorders Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

3 Symptoms of Major Depression
Agitation, restlessness, and irritability Dramatic change in appetite, often with weight gain or loss Extreme difficulty concentrating Fatigue and lack of energy Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and inappropriate guilt Withdrawal from usual activities, a loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed Thoughts of death or suicide Trouble sleeping or excessive sleeping Major depression is when a person has five or more symptoms of depression for at least two weeks. Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

4 The most common mood disorder
Major Depression The most common mood disorder Causes? --Involves a genetic predisposition and biological basis in the decrease of certain neurotransmitters. --Activity levels in frontal left lobe also implicated. --In some cases, depression may be caused by a viral infection --Or perhaps it is a collection of disorders having a variety of causes -May not be just biological…a cognitive-behavioral explanation says a negative event along with low self esteem/ pessimistic attitude may lead to depression. Biologically alone can not explain depression… it is a mental, social and behavioral condition. Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

5 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007
A mild form of depression Shows less than 5 symptoms of depression for more than 2 years No major depressive element Dysthymia Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

6 Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
A form of depression believed to be caused by deprivation of sunlight such as during the winter months. Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

7 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007
Bipolar Disorder (formerly known as manic depression) Mental abnormality involving swings of mood from mania to depression. Very up to very down Changes in moods are not daily, but can often be measured in months or years Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

8 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007
CAN I? Distinguish the types of mood disorders Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

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