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Handling Change and Stress

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1 Handling Change and Stress
Chapter 12 Handling Change and Stress

2 Stressful Events
Uncontrollable events cause more stress than controllable events. Uncertain events are more stressful than definite events. Long-term events cause more stress than brief one-time events.

3 Responses to Stress Psychological responses. We first react to stressful events by assessing them: “Is the situation good, neutral, or bad?” “Do I have the resources to cope with it?” “What will the consequences be if I fail to cope?” “What would failing to cope with the event mean for my self-belief?”

4 Responses to Stress Physical responses include heightened energy, higher blood pressure, and faster heart rate. This “high alert” response state is eventually physically exhausting. Long-term responses can be damaging to physical and mental health. Ongoing stress can weaken the immune system and contribute to heart disease and cancer.

5 Signs of Stress Physical signs include shortness of breath, increased heart rate, chest pains, headache Mental signs include decreased concentration, increased forgetfulness Emotional signs include anxiety, depression, anger, frustration, fear Behavioral signs include fidgeting, nail biting, increased eating, yelling, blaming

6 Stress, Personality, and Environment
Attitudes toward change. People who fear change are more susceptible to stress. Thought patterns. Feelings of helplessness or a need to be in control both bring stress. Resilience. Positive attitudes and accepting what can’t be changed relieve stress. Social support. Isolated people are more vulnerable to stress.

7 Coping With Stress Deal with the causes. Take steps to eliminate the sources of stress in your life. Acknowledge the demands of others. Plan to be interrupted and leave “response time” in your schedule. Learn to say no. Know what you can cope with and be assertive about limiting demands on your time.

8 Coping With Stress Reframe your thoughts. Change how you think about stressful situations. Relieve the symptoms. Lifestyle changes like cutting out caffeine and getting more exercise and sleep can counteract stress. Seek social support. Ask family and friends to help out and provide emotional support.

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