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B Reflective Teaching Bellevue Independent Schools Dr. David A. Rust

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1 B Reflective Teaching Bellevue Independent Schools Dr. David A. Rust
Director of Academic Services August 8th and 12th, 2014 B

2 Bell Ringer - Takeoff Please take two minutes to complete this prompt individually: WHEN and How do I Currently reflect on my teaching practice and outcomes?

3 Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System
Professional Growth and Self-Reflection in the Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Thank you for joining us for our session, Professional Growth and Self-Reflection in the Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System.

4 Learning Targets I can identify how reflection and growth planning is connected to improved educator effectiveness (TODAY) identify what I want to target about my practice that will effectively impact student learning (NEXT 30 Days). devise, manage, and evaluate a plan for personal growth after reflection (REMAINDER of Year).

5 Why is self-reflection important for a teacher’s professional growth
Why is self-reflection important for a teacher’s professional growth? Discuss in Dyads or Triads for two minutes. Open Discussion: Why is self-reflection important for a teacher’s professional growth? “Policymakers and practitioners who advocate professional development for teachers are not arguing that teaching is of poor quality and must be fixed. Not at all; their advocacy for professional development for teachers reflects the recognition that teaching is so hard that it is never perfect; no matter how good a lesson is, it could always be improved.” Danielson, Talk About Teaching (2009).

6 “Policymakers and practitioners who advocate professional development for teachers are not arguing that teaching is of poor quality and must be fixed…Not at all; their advocacy for professional development for teachers reflects the recognition that teaching is so hard that it is never perfect; no matter how good a lesson is, it could always be improved.” **Danielson, Talk About Teaching (2009)

7 Connecting Self-Reflection to Effective Teaching
Teachers rate analyzing and seeking to improve their own teaching as an important factor in their teaching effectiveness (Covino & Iwanicki, 1996)

8 Connecting Self-Reflection to Effective Teaching (continued)
Effective teachers may reflect on their work formally or informally; for example they may review a day’s work mentally, keep a journal, meet regularly with a mentor or with colleagues, or assess a videotaped recording of their teaching. (Good & Brophy, 1997; NBPTS, n.d.). Reflection may be formal or informal as it is integrated into every aspect of a teacher’s professional life.

9 “Reflective teachers portray themselves as students of learning
“Reflective teachers portray themselves as students of learning. They are curious about the art and science of teaching and about themselves as effective teachers. They constantly improve lessons, think about how to reach particular children, and seek and try out new approaches in the classroom to better meet the needs of their learners.” -James H. Stronge Stronge, James H. Qualities of Effective Teaching (2007) p. 30 After reading quote, “just as students need to reflect on performance, teachers must also take time to reflect on practice for the purpose of personal growth. According to Charlotte Danielson, “teachers and administrators must all accept that ongoing learning is not an add-on to the work of teaching. Rather, it is integral to the work.” Danielson, Talk About Teaching (2009). This time can be made available through PLCs and reflective practice with a peer observer and/or principal”.


11 Proposed Multiple Measures
Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation Peer Observation formative Professional Growth Self-Reflection Student Voice Student Growth All measures are supported through evidence. The Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System is designed to consider several measures of effectiveness. These include observation, both supervisor and peer observation. You’ve been hearing about the training principals and other supervisors will be involved in through the Teachscape Proficiency system to prepare for teacher observation. The observation measures align directly with domains 2 and 3 within the Framework for Teaching. Evaluators will practice online and take a test to show proficiency. The professional growth and reflective practice measures go together. These measures refer to how teachers and principals will collaborate to develop professional growth goals based on a teachers’ reflection on his or her own strengths and areas for improvement. State Contribution: Student Growth % Local Contribution: Student Growth Goals

12 Activity: What Goals and Action Items Exist within my Current Professional Growth Plan? Think – Pair – share

13 What are The Roles of Administrator and Instructional Coach in Support of teacher Reflection and Professional Growth?

14 Teacher’s Reflective Tendencies Related Classroom Characteristics
Teacher’s Reflective Tendencies Related Classroom Characteristics The Coach’s Role The Administrator’s Role UNAWARE STAGE Demonstrates little or no awareness of instructional reality in the classroom Focuses on routine Exhibits the best of intentions Expresses confusion about own role in learning Collaborates with colleagues on a superficial level Defines problems inaccurately Focuses on the job itself – the act of teaching Scripted lessons, with little or no teacher modeling Passive learning, with little or no student interaction Lessons built on direct instruction and assignments Little or no evidence of systematic standards-based planning No differentiation of instruction Little or no awareness of effective time management No link between instruction and assessment Little effort to make curriculum relevant to students Unconditional Partner Identify strengths, limitations and needs Recognize potential Build trust through interpersonal relationships Share your personal experience of becoming aware of different instructional strategies Create a collaborative environment Director Encourage repeated future use of an effective instructional approach Compliment an attempted use of an effective strategy (with a specific suggestion for improvement) Discourage future use of an ineffective e instructional approach Capacity Building Goal: To create awareness of the need for change and foster a desire to learn CONSCIOUS STAGE Demonstrates a consistent “knowing-doing” gap Can ambiguously cite research to support current teaching methods Makes excuses for problems Demonstrates limited ability to evaluate problems Becomes easily distracted from goals Collaborates inconsistently with colleagues Disregards others’ ideas Focuses first on self Instruction designed for teacher convenience Short-term planning is evident, yet inconsistent Occasional links between instruction and assessment Little student engagement in active, meaningful learning Little problem solving from students Occasional differentiation of instruction Motivator and Strategist Praise generously Reach out to include teacher in collaborative work Communicate and maintain a clear vision Build confidence through short-term goal setting Focus on small changes Make daily contact, checking in often to talk about goals and progress toward them Navigator Establish a focus for goal setting Encourage consistency in application of effective instructional practices Redirect teaching behaviors toward the proper heading Extend self-reflective efforts Capacity Building Goal: To motivate and show how to apply pedagogical knowledge consistently

15 Look at Danielson Framework

16 Reflection Example 1A- Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
I am *********** because I display a solid knowledge of the important concepts in the classroom and during content meetings and the ways they relate to one another. During meetings I engage in collegial conversations regarding how a concept in 6th grade is important to the future learning in 7th and 8th grade and beyond. I also look for what background knowledge a student has when entering the 7th grade. In the classroom, directly with students, this is evident in pretests that students take before each unit of study. The pretests focus on prerequisite skills students will need to be successful in the unit. The results are then used to provide feedback to students and to show them where they will be going with the content in the future. This is also evident in the Essential Questions for the unit of study. I reflect on lessons and make adjustments to the lessons depending on how students respond to the activity or questioning during the lesson. This is evident in the lesson plans in Sharepoint. I also belong to NCTM and use the resources available to activity seek out effective instructional approaches to make learning more accessible to students in the math classroom.

17 Reflection Example B 1D- Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources I am ************** in the area of knowledge of resources. I am able to identify resources that will enhance my understanding of learning outcomes as well use a variety of resources in the classroom to provide access to learning to all students. I pull resources from various skill levels as well as providing multiple ways to engage in mathematics. For example I use several courses that are labeled 1, 2, 3. These texts provide entry levels of skills to application of skills. I also use the online tutorials that correlate to the leveled texts. Personally and professionally I use a program titled Exemplars and use as a means to differentiate problem solving in the classroom. I use online resources for professional development such as professional organization for mathematics (NCTM) as well as other websites for activities for students that will enhance student understanding of math concepts. I also share these resources with my colleagues. In addition to utilizing the internet as a resource for myself, I have created a website for student use. I post assignments and tutorials for student access. I have just finished my master’s degree through the local university in teacher as a leader and have plans to pursue national board certification in the upcoming year.

18 Pilot Teachers and Administrators Discuss Reflective Process from Last Year

19 TaKE a Short BREak Reconvene in Computer Lab

20 Demonstrate Ciits - EDS


22 PGES Rollout – Our Future Work
Due September 12th - Complete Reflections and review sequence, processes and tools for the first partial observation with Admin Due October 3rd - Develop a growth plan Work on student growth goals Due November 7th – Submit student growth goals November/December - Learn the tools and procedures for conducting a peer observation

23 Access Reflection Template Begin Working on Reflections 2a – 2d

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