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Proposal for Consideration

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1 Proposal for Consideration
NY3 Discussion Forum Proposal for Consideration

2 TRS Yahoo Group (Example)
Important Reminders About the TRS Yahoo Group Our home page is Remember that all messages and replies are broadcast to the entire group. When posting or replying, please stay on-topic with useful information. Post new questions or topics as a new thread rather than as a reply to an unrelated thread. Attachments to s or in-group replies are not allowed. If you have a file you wish posted, please send to Always sign your name, Tax-Aide split-state, and position(s) so everyone will know who you are. If you disagree with something that is posted, please offer constructive criticism rather than a condemnation. Replies such as "I agree" or "No, I disagree" should be avoided.

3 TRS Yahoo Group (Cont.) This group was created and is maintained by AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers and is not affiliated with or controlled by the Tax-Aide National Office, the IRS, or any other organization. The information and opinions expressed in the TRS Yahoo Group messages are those of the message originators and are not to be construed as official national Tax-Aide policy or as the opinions or policy of the volunteer TRS group moderators unless it is expressly stated that they are.

4 NY3 Communication Proposal
Forum for NY3 Leaders to Communicate “Planning & Execution” Issues Not intended to replace already established channels of communications with AARP Foundation TaxAide Program IRS Outreach Program TaxSlayer Communication Procedures Created for the mutual participation and benefit of NY3 Leaders

5 Goal: Expanding the Number of Volunteers in Leadership Roles
Leadership Positions Site Level LC ERO SF (Support Facilitator) District Level DC AC (Administrative Coord.) CC (Communications Coord.) INS (Instructor) TC (Technology Coordinator) TRC (Training Coordinator) State Level SC (State Coordinator) ASC (Assistant State Coord.) ADS (Administration Specialist) PCS (Partnership/Comm. Spec.) PVS (Prospective Vol. Spec.) TCS (Technology Specialist) TRS (Training Specialist) Non-Leadership Positions Counselor Client Facilitator Note: Not all new leaders have to come from the pool of current Non-Leaders; they can be new volunteers.

6 Discussion Group Options

7 Success Criteria Need a Moderator Peer Participation

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