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Please sit with your midterm presentation team

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Presentation on theme: "Please sit with your midterm presentation team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please sit with your midterm presentation team
Business English Please sit with your midterm presentation team

2 Today’s Schedule Homework check Midterm Presentations
Time given to organize presentations in groups Textbook (presentation info) Inform Practice

3 Do you get nervous when you talk in public?
Printed Homework p. 77 Do you get nervous when you talk in public? How often do you give a presentation? What is the most important thing when preparing for a presentation?

4 What do you need after you set up the structure of the presentation?
Printed Homework p. 78 According to Sara, what is the most important thing when preparing a presentation? What do you need after you set up the structure of the presentation? According to George what is the key part of the preparation?

5 Homework p. 80 T F

6 Midterm Presentation Take 10 minutes and share information
that you gathered Team leaders

7 Textbook p. 55

8 Conversation Question (p.55)
Think about the best presentation you’ve ever seen and the worst presentation you’ve ever seen. What made it so good or bad? Be specific, write out some of your ideas after talking with your team

9 Effective Presentations (p.56)
paragraph a paragraph d Have a simple, clear structure *Use PowerPoint paragraph e paragraph b Making informal presentations *Consider the audience paragraph c paragraph f *Choose visuals to support the presentation *Dealing with nerves paragraph g *Show enthusiasm KNOWING YOUR AUDIENCE

10 For example… Selling This Chelsea football provides everything that a real footballer needs. It will allow you to develop your ability to control, strike and manipulate the play so your skills are at their best. The Chelsea Smart Ball training system connects to your smartphone to give instant feedback on power, spin, strike and trajectory.

11 For example… Explaining This ball, designed and created by the Chelsea Football Club represents the clubs history. Founded in 1905, the club has been a major competitor in the English Premier League and is well known around the world.

12 For example… Convincing Chelsea, with their fast counter attacks, quick play, short sided and long distance passing surpasses all other teams in the world! Using this football will allow you to follow this tradition of being the best…without a doubt.

13 Knowing your Audience (page 58)
Why might the audience members have made the following comments? “What on earth is he talking about?” “I have no idea!” “Hey, Sarah! Wake up! He’s finished!” “Read that! I can’t read that! I’d need a pair of binoculars!” “Speak up! I can’t hear a thing!” “Summarize four main points? I only noticed one! Have I been asleep?!”

14 Knowing your Audience A medical conference in Tokyo with papers on new techniques in open heart surgery. The Purchasing and Product Managers of a Taiwanese company interested in buying some production equipment from your company. An internal meeting of administrative staff to discuss a new accounting procedure. A staff meeting to discuss a charity event for earthquake victims.

15 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan
1. Medical Conference 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan 3. Internal Meeting 4. Staff Meeting - Earthquake

16 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan
1. Medical Conference 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan Formal 3. Internal Meeting 4. Staff Meeting - Earthquake Semi-formal Informal

17 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan
1. Medical Conference 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan Formal Very technical Expertise but maybe not technical 3. Internal Meeting 4. Staff Meeting - Earthquake Semi-formal All the audience will be accountants Informal No expertise / but using some technical terms

18 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan
1. Medical Conference 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan Formal Very technical Very professional All skilled specialists Expertise but maybe not technical They’re not experts 3. Internal Meeting 4. Staff Meeting - Earthquake Semi-formal All the audience will be accountants They will expect you to be knowledgeable Informal No expertise / but using some technical terms Knowledgeable

19 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan
1. Medical Conference 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan Formal Very technical Very professional All skilled specialists Long ~ 3 days Expertise but maybe not technical They’re not experts 1 hour 3. Internal Meeting 4. Staff Meeting - Earthquake Semi-formal All the audience will be accountants They will expect you to be knowledgeable 20 minutes Informal No expertise / but using some technical terms Knowledgeable 5-20 minutes

20 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan
1. Medical Conference 2. Purchasing and Product Managers from Taiwan Formal Very technical Very professional All skilled specialists Long ~ 3 days Questions after pictures Expertise but maybe not technical They’re not experts 1 hour Discussion / negotiations / handouts / images 3. Internal Meeting 4. Staff Meeting - Earthquake Semi-formal All the audience will be accountants They will expect you to be knowledgeable 20 minutes Interrupt with questions / flip charts / PPT Informal No expertise / but using some technical terms Knowledgeable 5-20 minutes Discussion based / flip chart / white board

21 Listen (page 59, track 37) Is it a good introduction? Why? Why not?
Label the structure of the talk: ??Marketing plan?? ?? Brand Identity?? ??What Telco means to customers??

22 Listen (page 60, track 38) Background to Proposals Characteristics
Is it a good introduction? Why? Why not? Label the structure of the talk: Background to Proposals Characteristics Proposal One Proposal Two Key Considerations

23 Phrases (page 60, part 4) Greet your audience. Introduce yourself.
Good afternoon everyone. Introduce yourself. My name is ______. I’m a _______ with _______. Give the title of your talk. I’m going to talk about _______. / Today, we are planning to discuss… Describe the structure of your talk. I’ve divided my talk into three parts. First… Then I’ll report on… Finally I’ll talk about … Explain that the audience can interrupt if they want. Please interrupt at anytime if you have any questions or if something in not clear Say something about the length of your talk. My talk will last about … Say a colleague will be showing a video later. Later my colleague ______ will be …

24 New Safety Conditions for Production Staff
Practice 1 New Safety Conditions for Production Staff Protective clothing Training in accident prevention Changes to working practices Questions / Discussion

25 Break Time 10 minutes

26 The Rest of Today’s Schedule
Practice Intro Rubovia Writing Quiz

27 for an “outline” of what to say
Practice 2 Your hometown Your favorite sport Tourism Your very first job Vacations Eating out A thing you really like Your hobbies Your previous job Look on page 60 / Part 4 for an “outline” of what to say

28 Rubovia See handout

29 What sort of writing will you need to provide to future employers?
An intro What sort of writing will you need to provide to future employers?

30 Resumes Why do we need them?
A marketing tool To obtain interviews (not jobs) Requirement of many organizations On average, how much time do employers look at your resume? 15-20 seconds min & 45 seconds max

31 Hidden Messages Resume You Neat Well-organized Error free
Professional appearance Detail orientated Ability to prioritize Attention to small detail Careful and competent

32 Importance Most important information? Where? How?

33 Headers


35 Summaries What are they?


37 Bring to class next week
Homework Online Printout Answer pages 1-3 Bring to class next week


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