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ENG III Teacher Collaboration meeting

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1 ENG III Teacher Collaboration meeting
Anna Collura

2 Meeting Agenda Introductions EOC Curriculum Guidebooks
Nature of Collaboration

3 What is a network? Network Executive Director: Mark Bailey Principal
Teachers Not Evaluative School Support Specialists Our goal is to facilitate collaboration and help individual teachers identify and meet their classroom needs. What is a network?

4 Who is your network team
Anna Collura – ELA School Support Specialist (S3) Mark Bailey – Network Executive Director Sandy Newsham – Algebra I, U.S. History S3 Cathie Brister – Geometry, Biology S3 Jennifer Pell-Lingle – SpEd and Special Projects S3 Who is your network team

5 Group introductions name, school, course(s)

6 End of Course test english iiI

7 ENGLISH III - end of Course 13-14 Structure
Test Section Number of Points Suggested Testing Time Section1: Writing 12 75 min Section 2: Reading and Research 20 40 min Section 3: Reading and Proofreading 26 Totals 58 155 min From Assessment Guide Note: Only 50 points count towards a student’s final score. Any additional points come from embedded field test items and do not count towards a student’s final score. Points are not detracted from writing. ENGLISH III - end of Course Structure

8 ENGLISH III - end of Course 13-14 Structure
Test Section Number of Points Weight Suggested Testing Time Section1: Writing 12 24% 75 min Section 2: Reading and Research 20 24% - 40% 40 min Section 3: Reading and Proofreading 26 36% - 52% Totals 58 155 min From Assessment Guide Note: Only 50 points count towards a student’s final score. Any additional points come from embedded field test items and do not count towards a student’s final score. Points are not detracted from writing. ENGLISH III - end of Course Structure

9 ENGLISH III - end of Course 13-14 Structure
Test Part Number of Points Weight Writing 12 24% Language 4 8% Reading 24 48% Research 10 20% Total 50 Determined from December 13 and May 14 EOC Student Item Analysis Reports Note: Determined through comparison of December 2013 and May 2014 English II EOC Student Item Analysis Reports. ENGLISH III - end of Course Structure

10 ENGLISH III - end of Course 13-14 Structure
CCSS Domain Section(s) Points Reading Literature (RL) Reading 8-15 Reading Informational (RI) Writing (W) Writing and Research 18 Language (L) Writing, Language, Reading 9 Determined from December 13 and May 14 EOC Student Item Analysis Reports ENGLISH III - end of Course Structure

11 Section 1: Writing Read 2 informational passages
Write an argumentative essay that uses evidence from both passages Scored: Content, Style, Conventions Standards Covered: Writing: W , W , W Language: L , L , L

12 Sections 2-3: Reading 4 passages (Colonial Period – Early 20th Century) Answer passage-based multiple-choice questions Standards Covered: Reading Literature: RL , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9,10 Reading Informational: RI , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 Language: L , L (Vocabulary)

13 Section 2: Research Multiple choice questions Standards Covered
Researching to answer a question or solve a problem The narrowing or broadening of a topic of inquiry The synthesis of multiple sources on a subject Gathering relevant information Assessing the usefulness of a source Integrating information from sources Following a standard citation format Standards Covered Writing: W , W

14 Section 3: Language Read sentences to recognize or correct different kinds of errors Multiple choice questions Standards Covered: Language: L , L Writing: W (editing and revising) Grade Progressive Skills

15 Where do we stand? data

16 District Overall EOC Growth
Percent of Students Proficient on EOC Currently ranked 37th in the state 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 38% 46% 51% 55% 60% All EOCs combined

17 District ENG III Growth
Academic Year JPPSS Students Proficient State Students Proficient Difference 12-13 55% 58% -3 13-14 57% 61% -4 Note: JPPSS ENG II is currently ranked 42nd in the state.

18 ENG III Growth by school Percentage of students proficient (Academies % Excellent)
11-12 12-13 13-14 Difference A 33% 51% 48% +15 B 47% 64% 44% -2 C 53% 61% 65% +12 D 32% 46% +14 E 45% 52% +7 F 60% 77% +17 G 31% 34% +16 H 57% 58% 63% +6 I 69% J 39% +0 K 68% 82% 73% +5 L Academy numbers only reflect the % of students scoring Excellent

19 School Performance By strand 13-14
Writing / Language Conventions % correct Reading % correct Research % correct A 60 48 B 58 47 54 C 66 56 64 D 61 49 E 50 59 F 83 81 87 G 62 H 55 67 I 63 68 J 57 K 85 75 86 L 74 72 DISTRICT 65.4 57.3 67.3 Green highlights the highest strand, dark orange highlights the lowest strand by school. A school has two green highlighted strands if the scores are the same.

20 Louisiana department of education 9-12 Curriculum guidebook

21 Guidebook structure ELA Overview (page 8) Tools for Teaching (page 19)
Step-by-step ‘how to’ guide for selecting texts, organizing text sets, and designing targeted instruction. Tools for Teaching (page 19) Sample year long plans, unit plans, lesson plans, and assessments. Appendix (page 301) CCSS ELA standards

22 Using guidebooks (page 25)
1. Read the text and unit focus 2. Identify what mastery of the content and standards look like for students 3. Adapt and create daily instructional tasks that prepare students for end of unit assessments. 1. Read the texts and the unit focus. Because text is so critical, teachers must read their texts before instructing. To ask meaningful questions of texts and engage students, teachers should be clear on the following: a. Unit focus: This explains how all of the texts connect to each other and what content knowledge, themes, and/or concepts students will build or understand as a result of engaging in this unit. b. Text focus: Teachers should read the texts of the unit and consider: (1) How does this text help students accomplish the unit focus? and (2) How does this text connect to and deepen understanding of other texts in the unit? c. Standards use: How do the standards recommended in this unit help students engage with this text? 2. Identify what mastery of the content and standards looks like for students. Once teachers have reviewed the unit texts, they should review the sample unit assessments in the plan. Exploring the sample unit assessments will help teachers adjust and build their lesson plans, by identifying the content they must teach to prepare students for success. a. Mastery of text and content: What content knowledge must students build in this unit in order to perform well? What texts and portions of texts must they deeply understand? b. Meeting standards: What do reading, understanding, writing, and speaking about texts look like at this grade level? How do the standards help students understand and write or speak about complex texts? 26 Adapt and create daily instructional tasks that prepare students for the end-of-unit assessment. With this knowledge, teachers are prepared to adapt and create their lesson plans. Teachers should consider the following: a. Using recommended tasks: Which tasks are already built out that will matter most for the students in my classroom? Will I need to adjust or omit any of those tasks? b. Building additional plans: The unit plans do not include tasks for every text. What additional texts, content, and standards must my students practice before the culminating assessment? How will I build a lesson to help them do that? c. Learning from others: The grade-level ELA Edmodo site, virtual book clubs, and the online instructional framework18 are all places where teachers can find additional resources and support to help them build and adjust plans.

23 What’s there and what’s not?
Units for grade-level text based instruction Culminating, Cold-Read, Extension tasks Lessons that address reading, understanding, and expressing the text Adjustments for incoming student needs, schedule, and resources Student mastery exemplars Formative assessments aligned to daily objectives Language and Research

24 Guidebook units HIGHLY recommended Division of labor
Context for evaluating student performance

25 Student Anthology This anthology includes all available resources recommended by the Louisiana Department of Education for the first two Curriculum Guidebook units. While all resource titles are listed in the table of contents, not all resources are included in this anthology. Resources were excluded from the anthology if they were not openly available online, of excessive length, a medium other than text, redundant, already available in the Holt textbook, or intended for use as a cold read. If a resource was excluded, you can find an explanation the “Notes” section of the table of contents. Resources listed as “Additional Resources” are the recommendations of JPPSS teachers selected to provide feedback regarding the text sets in the spring of These additional resources were not originally included in the Louisiana Department of Education’s ELA 9-12 Guidebooks but were considered to be helpful supplements for unit instruction. All works are accompanied by a publication date. For the few works for which the publication date is unknown, the author’s life span was included to provide context.

26 This anthology includes all available resources recommended by the Louisiana Department of Education for the first two Curriculum Guidebook units. While all resource titles are listed in the table of contents, not all resources are included in this anthology. Resources were excluded from the anthology if they were not openly available online, of excessive length, a medium other than text, redundant, already available in the Holt textbook, or intended for use as a cold read. If a resource was excluded, you can find an explanation the “Notes” section of the table of contents. Resources listed as “Additional Resources” are the recommendations of JPPSS teachers selected to provide feedback regarding the text sets in the spring of These additional resources were not originally included in the Louisiana Department of Education’s ELA 9-12 Guidebooks but were considered to be helpful supplements for unit instruction. All works are accompanied by a publication date. For the few works for which the publication date is unknown, the author’s life span was included to provide context.

27 This anthology includes all available resources recommended by the Louisiana Department of Education for the first two Curriculum Guidebook units. While all resource titles are listed in the table of contents, not all resources are included in this anthology. Resources were excluded from the anthology if they were not openly available online, of excessive length, a medium other than text, redundant, already available in the Holt textbook, or intended for use as a cold read. If a resource was excluded, you can find an explanation the “Notes” section of the table of contents. Resources listed as “Additional Resources” are the recommendations of JPPSS teachers selected to provide feedback regarding the text sets in the spring of These additional resources were not originally included in the Louisiana Department of Education’s ELA 9-12 Guidebooks but were considered to be helpful supplements for unit instruction. All works are accompanied by a publication date. For the few works for which the publication date is unknown, the author’s life span was included to provide context.

28 Interval proposal Cold Read texts – reading and writing
Team created language and research questions

29 Anchor text selection

30 Deliverable: Review Guidebooks with your school team
Decide on first anchor texts Place sticky with school name in the appropriate box (if you choose other, please include the anchor text your plan to use) School X The Scarlet Letter

31 Nature of collaboration

32 What would be the best use of this time?
Sharing broader effective practices Trouble shooting at unit level Co-evaluating student work Upcoming Interval/Anthology committee? Document sharing platform? Etc. Working in small groups, discuss what has been most effective for you.

33 Support MY SCHOOL Needs
Exit slip Support MY SCHOOL Needs

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