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Personal Leadership: Anything is PAWSable Theory

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1 Personal Leadership: Anything is PAWSable Theory
Kayleigh Perlotto Lead 444

2 Where it All Began Began working with Gus last year
Train Gain experience working with therapy dogs Inspired by my interactions of working with him Helps me continue to develop my leadership skills, traits, and behaviors The opportunity to learn about leadership in a different way has benefitted me more than I ever expected it to

3 Are leaders born or developed?

4 Overview Definition: A theory that is recognized as a form of leadership through having a drive to serve others first by encouraging certain behaviors using personality, persuasion, and communication to inspire others by building a safe and trusting environment to achieve success with other motivated individuals. Developed from: Servant, Charismatic, and Motivational Leadership styles Certain behaviors are within a person Training and coaching can emphasize specific characteristics and behaviors

5 Main Focus Dogs can be leaders
Develop the skills and traits an individual possess in order to build lasting a trusting relationships with other individuals, whether they are followers or other leaders

6 Flow Chart Throughout the process of developing ones’ abilities, the individual is able to act as a leader and interchangeably as a follower Continuous learning process between individuals in order to develop efficient and effective relationships Effective leaders develop trust and trust is built through the relationships developed through the process serving others Dogs = Building blocks


8 Application Working towards a goal by developing personal skills, traits, and behaviors that promotes an individual as a leader and encourages others to follow Skills Developing Problem-Solving Traits Dependable Future-seeking Behaviors Communication Valuing relationships

9 Situations Many of the skills, traits, and behaviors these individuals possess are also situational Structure Relationships Environment TIME!

10 4. Situational Requirements Anything is PAWSable Theory
2. Skills 3. Styles and Behaviors 1. Traits 4. Situational Requirements Anything is PAWSable Theory

11 Are leaders born or developed?

12 Questions?

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