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10 Principles of Servant Leadership

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1 10 Principles of Servant Leadership
Mark Sedgley

2 Why Servant Leadershp 1. Small Company to start 2. Husband of 20 years 3. Children

3 Ask questions now 1. What are some things that come to mind when you think of strong leadership 2. How many of you are leading a team or an organization?

4 How many of you have worked in an environment where control was clearly the culture?
Did you feel inspired?

5 How many of you have worked in an environment where you felt constantly supervised or micro-managed?

6 When the infrastructure shifts everything rumbles, the old rules of traditional, hierarchical,  high external control top down management is being dismantled it simply doesn’t work anymore. Don’t get me wrong can this leadership work? The answer is categorically yes. That is demonstrated over and over again in today’s world. The question we should ask ourselves are we creating a leadership culture that works…. Or do we want to create one that endures?

7 When Thinking of Servant Leadership we want to think of it in the following terms – Instead of managing by driving results and motivation from the outside in to seeking to draw out, inspire, and develop the best within people from the inside out. So we need to start changing the question What do we want to What is being asked of us…… George Bernard Shaw once said…. This is the true joy in life, being used for a service for which you believe to be a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, slefish little cloud of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not make you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live, it is my privelige to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I have lived.

8 St. Francis said: Lord grant that I may not so much seek to be understood but to understand.
Bob Chapman – HayssenSandiacre Note:  Dale Carnegie lesson,

9 Marine commanders….


11 Retell the story of Marcus Lutrell
Lt. Michael T. Murphy

12 Start within…. Three assholes in a day story

13 Take one person at a time…
Take one person at a time….. Coercive power only invites resistance – When you are persuading a person to a perspective you are honing in on something that they already inherently believe and pulling it to the forefront


15 Creating a culture of trust  the Strange Attractor theory - This is a chaos theory that simply states that there should be a sense of vision that people are drawn to, and united in, that enables them to be driven by motivation inside of them toward achieving a common purpose…. Whitehall Studies – Stress is much more closely aligned with how much control workers feel over their work Let’s take the example of Captain Marquet --- He quickly rose through the ranks – captain the olympia – like any good leader – he studied the ends of out he wanted to be the expert….He studied the personnel files the, The systems, etc. He felt great going into his newest command. Two weeks prior to his expected taking control of the oplympia, he was informed that he would actually be taking over the Santa Fe. A new ship, completely different than the Olympia….. He took a traditional approach…….He took his team through a routine drill of simulating his sub’s reactor failure. 2/3 ahead and we all fail……

16 The only way to achieve empowerment is to create High Trust Cultures - Where leaders become coaches and servants A low trust culture is characterized by a high control top down leadership hiearchy Some of the key elements of a low trust culture: Cynicism Political wrangling Protectionism Posturing…. High Trust cultures: Quality Discretionary effort Innovation Speed


18 Monks Story - carrying


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