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Colonial America 4.18-Explain that people came for profit, religious freedom, slavery, and indentured servitude 4.19- Label Jamestown on a map 4.14 Identify.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial America 4.18-Explain that people came for profit, religious freedom, slavery, and indentured servitude 4.19- Label Jamestown on a map 4.14 Identify."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial America 4.18-Explain that people came for profit, religious freedom, slavery, and indentured servitude 4.19- Label Jamestown on a map 4.14 Identify key details about John Smith

2 COLONIAL BEGINNINGS Roanoke had failed, but England still wanted to settle land in the New World. In this chapter we will learn how the do this. Read here to see how it all began.

3 COLONIAL BEGINNINGS Jamestown Colony Video
They named it after King James of England. The land they found was wet and full of mosquitoes, and the water made the colonists sick. This caused many of them to die. They were wealthy men who came looking for gold but they were not used to having work done for them. They did not know how to hunt, fish, or build homes.

4 John Smith Takes Charge
Captain John Smith Video He put everyone to work and said, “He that will not work, shall not eat.” He got help from the Powhatan Indians. He got hurt and had to return to England. When this happened, the colonists became lazy and this angered the Indians, which made them stop helping. They then had no food and became so hungry, they even ate their own HORSES! A new leader eventually came and things began to get back to normal for the colonists.

5 The need for workers… Once the colonists realized there was no gold and they would have to feed themselves, they wanted to make some money (profit.) They realized the land in the area of Jamestown was perfect for growing tobacco (known as a cash crop…because it made a lot of money fast.) Tobacco was REALLY wanted in Europe, so they grew as much as they could but needed help planting and farming all of it.

6 The need for workers… Indentured Servant video
Agreed to work for a period of time for a boat ride over. Once they worked off their voyage “cost,” they were freed. The colonists didn’t like losing workers and having to find new ones. The result was introducing slavery into the colonies. Slaves were NOT allowed to be freed. They worked for life. Slaves were bought and sold like property.

7 Jamestown…in a nutshell
Jamestown Colony Song

8 Refer to your study guide…highlight the key words from today’s lesson.
Jamestown, Virginia- England’s first SUCCESSFUL colony (1607)-p in book John Smith- leader of the colony; said, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat.” The colonists here originally came to find gold, but they couldn’t find it. They wanted a way to make a profit so they grew and sold the cash crop tobacco. indentured servants- people who agreed to work (4-7 years) for wealthy colonists who paid the cost of the voyage to the colonies slavery-the colonists soon turned to this so they wouldn’t lose their workers after the 4-7 year period ran out; this was the introduction of slavery in the new world

9 Study Guide-Map

10 Closure What was the original reason for colonists to want to settle Jamestown?

11 Colonial America 4.18-Explain that people came for profit, religious freedom, slavery, and indentured servitude 4.19- Label Plymouth on a map 4.14 Identify key details about William Bradford

12 Review from yesterday…
What was the original reason for colonists to want to settle Jamestown?

13 Settling New England Thirteen years after Jamestown settlers arrived, another group left England and headed for the New World. They were called the Pilgrims. Pilgrim Video They were unhappy with England’s laws about religion and settled here for religious freedom, NOT to find gold like the settlers of Jamestown A bad storm got them off course and they landed North of their target at Plymouth William Bradford was the colony’s first governor School House Rock Video

14 Pilgrims…in a nutshell
Pilgrim song

15 Refer to your study guide…highlight the key words from today’s lesson.
Plymouth Colony (called New England) (1620)-p in book Pilgrims settled this colony. They wanted to go to Virginia, but rough storms sent them north of their Target and they landed at Plymouth. The Pilgrims came for religious freedom. They did not like England’s laws about religion. The Pilgrims relied on the Indians to help them survive that first harsh winter and they traded goods and supplies for what they needed. William Bradford- Plymouth’s first governor

16 Study Guide-Map

17 Closure How were the Pilgrims’ reasons for coming to the New World different than the Jamestown colonists?

18 Colonial America 4.18-Explain that people came for profit, religious freedom, slavery, and indentured servitude 4.19- Label Massachusetts Bay Colony on a map 4.14 Identify key details about John Winthrop 4.17 Discuss Puritanism in Massachusetts

19 Review from yesterday…
How were the Pilgrims’ reasons for coming to the New World different than the Jamestown colonists?

20 The Massachusetts Bay Colony
Ten years after the Pilgrims, the Puritans came to the New World. They wanted to purify, or cleanse, the church by getting rid of practices they did not like. Massachusetts Bay Colony Video John Winthrop was the leader of the Puritans and he wanted to show the world what a good community should be like. Puritan people…believed they were special people chosen by God, had very strict rules and punishments if those rules were broken, and wanted all people to be able to read the Bible.

21 Puritans…in a nutshell
Massachusetts Bay Colony Song Puritan Song

22 Refer to your study guide…highlight the key words from today’s lesson.
Massachusetts Bay Colony (1630)-p in book Puritans settled this colony. They wanted to “purify, or cleanse, the church by getting rid of practices they did not like.” They came for religious freedom. Once they were here they held town meetings to make decisions, believed they were special people chosen by God, valued education and expected everyone to be able to read the Bible, and they had strict laws saying that all people should believe their Puritan ways (or they would be severely punished.) John Winthrop-leader of the Massachusetts Bay colony and Puritans; made very strict rules the Puritans had to follow and created a “city on a hill.”

23 Study Guide-Map

24 Closure Compare and contrast the reasons for settlement from the colonists we have discussed so far.

25 4.13- Locate the SOUTHERN colonies on the map.
Colonial America 4.13- Locate the SOUTHERN colonies on the map. 4.14 Identify key details about Lord Baltimore (Maryland) and James Oglethorpe (Georgia)

26 Review from yesterday…
Compare and contrast the reasons for settlement from the colonists we have discussed so far.

27 Watch these to learn about ALL of the 13 colonies…
Brain Pop Flocabulary

28 The Southern Colonies The Southern Colonies video
Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia Most people were farmers because of the good soil. Some people had small farms, and some had large plantations. (This increased the slave trade in this region.) Maryland- founded by Lord Baltimore for the Catholics Georgia- founded by James Oglethorpe for poor people

29 Refer to your study guide…highlight the key words from today’s lesson.
Southern Colonies-p (LOCATE EACH COLONY ON MAP) Fertile soil and a good climate allowed these colonies to grow crops well. Because of this, they built lots of plantations (farms) and really relied on slave labor. Virginia- Jamestown, Virginia (1st successful colony) Maryland Lord Baltimore- originally named George Calvert; established Maryland as a haven for Catholics North Carolina South Carolina Georgia James Oglethorpe- wanted to colonize Georgia as a place for poor people to start a debt-free life with a small farm without slavery; he soon realized it was difficult to stop slavery from spreading here

30 Study Guide-Map Know the locations of each colony on the map. Use the helpful pneumonic device to help you identify the locations!

31 Why did the Southern colonies have such large plantations?
Closure Why did the Southern colonies have such large plantations?

32 Colonial America 4.13- Locate the NEW ENGLAND colonies on the map.
4.14 Identify key details about Roger Williams (Rhode Island) 4.9 Describe American Indian and colonist relationships in King Philip’s War.

33 Why did the Southern colonies have such large plantations?
Review from Friday… Why did the Southern colonies have such large plantations?

34 The New England Colonies
New England Colony Video Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies joined together and formed one large colony called Massachusetts. Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts were included in these colonies Unlike the Southern colonies, they did NOT have good climate for growing crops. They had good access to water, so they had a reliable food supply and sufficient resources to trade with Europe.

35 The New England Colonies- Roger Williams
Roger Williams- forced to leave Puritan church, so he founded Rhode Island…Helpful Study Tip: (Roger begins with an “R” like Rhode Island)

36 The New England Colonies- King Philip’s War

37 Refer to your study guide…highlight the key words from today’s lesson.
New England Colonies-p (LOCATE EACH COLONY ON MAP) Their climate was not good for growing crops, so they did not have many farms. However, they had great access to water, so they were able to have a reliable food supply and sufficient resources to trade with Europe. Massachusetts- Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies joined together to be renamed Massachusetts. Rhode Island Roger Williams- Puritan minister who was forced to leave the Puritan church and settled the land after he bought it for seven beads from his Indian friends. Connecticut New Hampshire King Philip’s War- The colonists began treating Indians like they were in the way. New England colonies were building more homes and towns and the Indians saw their trees being cut down. This caused the Indians to fight. Metacom (chief of the Wamponoag tribe-called King Philip by the colonists) brought all the tribes together to fight the colonists; together these tribes were called the Algonquin Indian. This battle was called King Philip’s war and resulted in Metacom dying and the Indians losing more of their land.

38 Study Guide-Map Know the locations of each colony on the map. Use the helpful pneumonic device to help you identify the locations!

39 Why did the New England colonies NOT have large plantations?
Closure Why did the New England colonies NOT have large plantations?

40 Colonial America 4.13- Locate the MIDDLE colonies on the map.
4.14 Identify key details about William Penn (Pennsylvania) 4.17 Describe the major religious tenets of the earliest colonies, including: • Quakerism in Pennsylvania

41 Review from yesterday…
Why did the New England colonies NOT have large plantations?

42 The Middle Colonies Middle Colonies Video
New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey Settled for trade and profit

43 The Middle Colonies- Pennsylvania and the Quakers
Quakers video Pennsylvania video William Penn established this colony for his “Society of Friends”

44 Refer to your study guide…highlight the key words from today’s lesson.
Middle Colonies-p (LOCATE EACH COLONY ON MAP) New York New Jersey Delaware Pennsylvania William Penn-wanted to create a place of his people “Society of Friends,” or Quakers Quakers They treated the Indians with kindness and didn’t take their land, but bought it instead. The believed in the basic goodness of every person and wanted to be simple in all areas of their life.

45 Study Guide-Map Know the locations of each colony on the map. Use the helpful pneumonic device to help you identify the locations!

46 Closure How was the Native American relationship with the Quakers different than with other colonist groups?

47 Review all Chapter 5 Standards TEST TOMORROW!
Colonial America Review all Chapter 5 Standards TEST TOMORROW!

48 Study Guide Discussion Questions
Look at the bottom of your study guide… Are there any similarities or differences in the men in this chapter? What were the main reasons people came to the New World? What are some examples of good Native American and colonist relationships? What are some examples of bad Native American and colonist relationships?

49 Review 13 colony review video Ultimate 13 colonies review

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