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Introducing VBA Macros

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1 Introducing VBA Macros
Applications of Spreadsheets C51BR

2 Automating A Workbook with Macros
A macro enables you to combine multiple commands and keystrokes and execute them as a single command. If you perform a particular task frequently, creating a macro to use can be time-saving and improves the consistency and accuracy of repetitive procedures. C51BR

3 Automating A Workbook with Macros
The macro recorder looks at the results of your keystrokes and creates a subroutine in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) which produces the same results as your keystrokes. Using a macro, you can execute a sequence of instructions by simply clicking a button, pressing a key combination, or selecting a name from a list box. C51BR

4 Automating Tasks with Macros
Macros are viewed and edited using the Visual Basic Editor. fine-tune the macro code delete lines from incorrect keystrokes create programs from scratch C51BR

5 Preparing to Record a Macro
Before you can record a macro, you need to decide what to name the macro and where to store it. A macro name must start with a letter and can contain numbers, letters and the underscore character – but no spaces! C51BR

6 Preparing to Record a Macro
You may store your macro In the current workbook In a new workbook In the personal macro workbook so that it is available to use in any existing or future workbook. You can assign a shortcut key to your macro. Type a letter in the Shortcut key text box within the Record Macro dialog box. C51BR

7 Recording a Macro Provide a descriptive one-word name for the macro
Provide a shortcut key for executing the macro quickly Select a storage location for the macro. Where you store a macro determines its availability to other workbooks Enter a description specifying the purpose of the macro. Excel 2003 enters a description like this one automatically C51BR

8 Completing the Record Macro Dialog Box
Select a storage location for the macro. Where you store a macro determines its availability to other workbooks. C51BR

9 Recording & Playing a Macro
Once you’ve established a name and storage location for your macro, you can begin the recording process. Once you are recording, just perform the task as you normally would. When finished, stop recording. After a macro has been recorded, you can run (or play) it at any time. C51BR

10 Recording Cell Formatting Commands
Stop Recording toolbar “Recording” status C51BR

11 More About Macros To run a macro using the shortcut key
Press and hold the Control key and press the letter you assigned to the macro. If your letter is uppercase, you need to press both the control key and the shift key and then press the letter. To delete a macro, select the macro from the list in the Macro dialog box and click the Delete button. C51BR

12 Playing Back a Macro All of the macros stored in the Macros in selection appear in this list box Select which macros to view in the list box A description of the currently selected macro is displayed C51BR

13 Executing a Macro to Enter a Business Name and Address
All of the macros stored in the Macros in selection appear in this list box. C51BR

14 Protecting Yourself From Macro Viruses
Most users will specify the “Medium” security setting if they also have antivirus software installed on their system. If you do not have a virus scanner, consider selecting the High or Very High security For more information about security settings, trusted publishers, and digital signing, click the Help button in the Title bar This computer has a virus scanner installed C51BR

15 Opening a Workbook Containing Macros

16 Introducing the VBA Environment
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the shared and fully integrated macro development environment available in Microsoft Office System 2003. VBA is itself an independent software program. VBA provides a subset of the features found in the Microsoft Visual Basic programming language. Visual Basic creates stand-alone applications VBA must be run within a host application C51BR

17 Visual Basic Editor - VBE

18 Touring the Visual Basic Editor
Project Explorer window Properties window Code window Work area C51BR

19 The Project Explorer Window
Project file for the “VBA Tour” workbook Microsoft Excel 2003 workbook and worksheet objects VBA code module object C51BR

20 The Properties Window Click a tab to display the properties in alphabetical order or grouped by category Displays the name and type of the selected object Double-click a property box to set its value Select a property by clicking its name C51BR

21 The Code Window Macro name Object box Procedure box View buttons C51BR

22 Tiling Code Windows in the VBE

23 Editing a Recorded Macro
Macro name Code window Comment The Code window contains the VBA programming code C51BR

24 Editing VBA Programming Code

25 Stepping Through a Macro
The yellow arrow and code highlighting indicate the line to be executed next Margin Indicator bar C51BR

26 Setting a Breakpoint The red circle and highlighting indicate that a breakpoint has been set Margin Indicator bar C51BR

27 Printing Your Macros Specify whether to print the selected code, the entire module, or all the modules in the current project When printing a custom form, you can specify whether to print its image, in addition to its code C51BR

28 Creating a Macro Button in a Workbook
Excel provides four methods to run a macro choosing a menu sequence entering the assigned shortcut keystrokes clicking a macro button embedded in a worksheet clicking a macro button added to a new or existing toolbar. C51BR

29 Working with ActiveX Controls
Formerly known as OLE controls, ActiveX controls are prebuilt, reusable software components that you can use to add interface elements and functionality to your workbooks. command buttons drop-down list boxes, etc. You place these controls directly on a worksheet or display them in a custom user form. There are thousands of ActiveX controls, produced by Microsoft and third-party developers, that you can take advantage of in Excel 2003. C51BR

30 The Control Toolbox Toolbar
Design Mode Properties View Mode Check Box Text Box Command Button Option Button List Box Combo Box Toggle Button Spin Button Scroll Bar Label Image More Controls C51BR

31 Creating a Macro Button in a Workbook
Clicking a macro button in a worksheet executes the macro assigned to the button. You can resize a macro button by using its handles. If they are not in view, press the control key while left clicking the button. Change the characteristics of a macro button by right-clicking the button and selecting Format Control from the shortcut menu. C51BR

32 Creating a Macro Button in a Workbook
Move the macro button by right-clicking the button and dragging it by its shaded border to the new location. Remove a macro button in the worksheet by right-clicking it and selecting Cut from the shortcut menu. If you embed a macro button in a worksheet, the macro assigned to that button can only be applied to that worksheet. Create a macro button on a new or existing toolbar so that it can be applied to any workbook. C51BR

33 Placing a Command Button On the Worksheet

34 Placing a Command Button On the Worksheet
Displaying the Properties window for the selected control The Command Button ActiveX control is selected in Design mode C51BR

35 Running a Macro Procedure in the Command Button’s Click Event

36 Running the Macro Procedure from the Command Button

37 Linking Controls and Cells

38 Testing a Combo Box Control
Values displayed in this combo box control are stored in the MonthNames range on the Lists worksheet C51BR

39 Understanding the VBA Language
The declaration line specifies the name and type of the procedure Comments appear green in the Code window and are preceded by an apostrophe Keywords appear blue among the program statements C51BR

40 Excel 2003’s Object Model C51BR

41 Declaring & Assigning Values to Variables
Declaring variables and data types Assigning values to variables C51BR

42 Writing VBA Code Adding a procedure to a module
You must specify the type of procedure that you want to create The code module’s Name property has been changed to “MyCode” C51BR

43 Using AutoList to Enter Code
When you type a period in the With structure, the Editor displays a list of the properties and methods that apply to the object C51BR

44 The Toggle Display Sub Procedure

45 Running the Toggle Display Sub Procedure
The display of gridlines and row and column headings is toggled off C51BR

46 Working with Excel Objects

47 Maximizing the Code Window
The Procedure box displays the active procedure’s name The insertion point is positioned in the active procedure Click the Procedure View button to view the active procedure only C51BR

48 Displaying the Application Object’s AutoList Window

49 Completing the AppInfo SubProcedure

50 Controlling Your Procedures
One of the greatest benefits of writing your own procedures is the ability to control how, when, and what code executes. VBA provides several control structures that allow you to test conditions for processing and to perform looping operations, which run the same lines of code repeatedly. These structures let you work within a dynamic environment, engage the user, and make processing decisions within your code. C51BR

51 Making Decisions with IF…THEN

52 Creating the “CalcPayment” Sub Procedure
A Sub procedure always begins with “Sub” and ends with “End Sub” Inserting a new code module into the project file The Code window is maximized in the work area C51BR

53 The Completed Calcpayment Sub Procedure

54 Making Decisions with Select…Case

55 Looping with For…Next The “c” represents each cell in the rTasks range object C51BR

56 Looping with Do…While C51BR

57 Interacting with the User
VBA provides two functions for use in programming user interaction. MsgBox InputBox These functions enable you to display and collect information using built-in dialog box forms. C51BR

58 Using the MSGBOX Function

59 Using the MSGBOX Function

60 Running the DisplayMessage Sub Procedure
msgText msgTitle msgButtons Concatenated expression C51BR

61 Using the INPUTBOX Function

62 Using the INPUTBOX Function

63 Running the YearBorn Sub Procedure
Assuming that the current year is 2004, this dialog box appears when “24” is entered C51BR

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