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CS 492/592: Malware (Reverse Engineering)

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Presentation on theme: "CS 492/592: Malware (Reverse Engineering)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 492/592: Malware (Reverse Engineering)

2 About this course Learn tools and techniques to analyze what malicious software does

3 Ethics Explore only on your own systems or places you have permission to Do not break or break into other people's machines

4 Format Lectures followed by labs and homework

5 Pre-requisite Course assumes an understanding of how software executes on a system (e.g. CS 201) Media Space channel available for review

6 Syllabus

7 VM for course Vanilla Windows XP VM image located on D: drive Also located on linuxlab at /stash/cs492/492_WinXP_x86.ova All software from book installed When importing the VM, store the disk in D:\cs492

8 Installed software on your VM
Install WinXP 32-bit instance with VirtualBox Guest Additions CD Install cygwin with sharutils, binutils, zip/unzip, and nc Install WinRAR or cygwin p7zip Install Sysinternals tools (Process Explorer, Process Monitor) ( Install PEView ( Install Resource Hacker ( Install Dependency Walker ( Install IDA Pro 5.0 Freeware ( Install Wireshark ( Install Apate DNS ( Install OllyDbg 1.10 ( and its Phant0m plug-in ( Install WinHex ( Install PEiD ( <= CAUTION, it is a zip file not an installer Install UPX ( Install Regshot ( Install labs from textbook ( Encrypted zipfile (password: malware) Will set off Windows defender alarms Make two copies, a working one and a read-only one

9 Securing your VM Always shut the VM down when not in use
Do *not* enable shared folders To protect EB 325 hosts Do *not* enable bridged networking mode To protect the VM itself

10 Motivation

11 Motivation What is malware? What is reverse-engineering?
Set of instructions that run on your computer and make your system do something that an attacker wants it to do What is reverse-engineering? The ability to understand what the software being run is doing A useful skill to have (at both the source-code and binary level)

12 Example #1: FBI Playpen 8/2014

13 Example #2: Stuxnet

14 Example #3: Shellshock

15 Example #4: Good software gone bad
Avast CCleaner (2017)

16 Example #4: Good software gone bad
Avast CCleaner

17 Example #5: Amazon Echo Easter Egg

18 Why is malware so prevalent?
Unprecedented connectivity Vulnerable users Homogenous software and hardware Focus on time to market Mature malicious software industry Data and instruction mixing (see next)

19 Data vs. code Data is information that your CPU acts on
Code tells your CPU to take action (danger!)‏ To a computer, what’s the difference between code and data? Not much in a Von Neumann architecture where data and instructions share same memory/bus Data & code are intermixed everywhere ELF, .exe, .html, .docx …. Adds flexibility (.docx), features (.html), and efficiency (.js)

20 Types of malware Viruses and worms Botnets Backdoors Trojans
Self-replicating code that infects other systems manually (virus) or automatically (worm) Botnets Software that puts your computer under the command and control of an adversary to send spam or attack other systems Backdoors Code that bypasses normal security controls to provide continued, unauthorized access to an adversary Trojans Code that appears legitimate, but performs an unauthorized action

21 Types of malware Rootkits Information theft (data exfiltration)
Tools to hide the presence of an adversary Information theft (data exfiltration) Keystrokes, passwords, credit cards, browsing habits, webcams Ransomware Code that renders your computer or data inaccessable until payment received

22 Course context 11/three-cyber-war-fallacies Edited version: Dave Aitel USENIX Security 2011 keynote CEO of Immunity Inc. daily-dave newsletter Covers both technical and policy issues involved in cybersecurity Why show such an old talk?

23 Revisiting Aitel Asymmetric Kinetic Attribution Attacking ideology Deterrence

24 Kinetic

25 Kinetic

26 Kinetic


28 Attribution about-2014-russian-hack-of-the-state-department-it-was-hand-to-hand- combat/2017/04/03/d89168e0-124c-11e7-833c-503e1f6394c9_story.html

29 Attribution The importance of being everywhere…
(19:45 – 21:45) 4/4/2017

30 Attacking ideology Democracy is an ideology that threatens Russia (and China and North Korea and Iran and Syria and ISIS) Attack a competing ideology to protect your own Russian goal in 2016 election hacking Shake the fundamental belief in the US democratic system and its ideology "Cyberwar attacks ideology best"

31 Expose its secrets Aitel "A nation-state is a collection of secrets"

32 Subvert its media

33 Attack its voting infrastructure
Sow the seeds of distrust in the election system Slow down voting systems in strategic locations Compromise machines for counting votes and registering voters

34 Likely not the worst of it…
Election systems only now being considered critical infrastructure "One former senior U.S. official expressed concern that the Russians now have three years to build on their knowledge of U.S. voting systems before the next presidential election, and there is every reason to believe they will use what they have learned in future attacks."

35 The new frontline Gen. John Allen
brookings-panel-cybersecurity-us-elections "As a guy who has spent a lot of time overseas dealing with threats to America, I now recognize at the speed of light, the very heartland of America is under threat today. The enemy has moved beyond my reach. The first line of defense of American democracy and the last line of defense are in our states and counties."

36 Looking ahead Countries ramping up capabilities
North Korea, Unit 180, Lazarus Syrian Electronic Army Iran Cyber Army ISIS's Digital Caliphate Chinese PLA Unit (Shady RAT) Russian Fancy Bear (APT 28) How do we fight these threats? Can we learn from conventional war?

37 Lessons from deterrence
Deterrence theory of national security in a nuclear age Mutual Assured Destruction prevents escalation into war Requires Maximizing offensive capability (e.g. aircraft carrier deckspace) Minimizing defensive vulnerability (e.g. missile defense systems) Is there a cyber-equivalent and how does the US stack up?

38 Not well Defensive vulnerability US with the most to lose
Crap in a hurry gives us ant-level smarts in IoT devices Weakens position in cyber-realm Example: Iranian attacks on US Banks after Stuxnet When the Obama administration was weighing a response to distributed denial-of-service attacks against U.S. banks in 2012 (by Iran), officials vetoed any retaliation because they were worried that the country’s digital infrastructure wouldn’t be able to deal with counterattacks.

39 Is North Korea deterred?
Why not?

40 Does this help? Has the most to gain in building offensive capability

41 Why we need to do more…

42 Extra

43 VM for course (linuxlab)
See handout Vanilla Windows XP VM image located on MCECS file server /stash/cs492/492_WinXP_x86.ova All software from book installed Contact if you are not in the “vagrant” group

44 Deterrence and cyberwar
What constitutes an act of war between nation states in cyber? (Fred Kaplan, "Dark Territory") Blowing up a power plant? (US) Tampering with elections? (Russia) Industrial espionage? (China) Taking down the banking system? (Iran)

45 Attacking ideology You may not even need to hack anymore…

46 Cyber deterrence Why does this make sense from a deterrence standpoint for N. Korea?

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