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Human-Computer Interaction Lecture 2: HCI History

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1 Human-Computer Interaction Lecture 2: HCI History
Key people, events, ideas and paradigm shifts Shandong University This material has been developed by Georgia Tech HCI faculty, and continues to evolve. Contributors include Gregory Abowd, Jim Foley, Diane Gromala, Elizabeth Mynatt, Jeff Pierce, Colin Potts, Chris Shaw, John Stasko, and Bruce Walker. This specific presentation also borrows from James Landay and Jason Hong at UC Berkeley.

2 Series of technological advances Series of paradigm shifts
The Evolution of HCI Series of technological advances lead to and are sometimes facilitated by a Series of paradigm shifts that in turn are created by a Series of key people and events

3 Why study HCI’s history?
Understanding where you’ve come from can help a lot in figuring out where you’re going - repeat positive lessons “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it” - avoid negative lessons Knowledge of an area implies an appreciation of its history

4 What are Paradigms Predominant theoretical frameworks or scientific world views e.g., Aristotelian, Newtonian, Einsteinian (relativistic) paradigms in physics Understanding HCI history is largely about understanding a series of paradigm shifts Not all listed here are necessarily “paradigm” shifts, but are at least candidates History will judge which are true shifts

5 Howard Rheingold – Tools for Thought
History of interactive breakthroughs On-line at One of several good sources

6 (Some of the) Key Technological Advances
Starting point Computing in 1945 Batch processing Interactive graphics systems Time sharing computers One computer to many people Internet

7 More Key Technological Advances
The desktop / personal computer One computer to one person Inexpensive, low-power chips Many computers to one person Wireless connectivity

8 Paradigm Shifts – How We Use Computers
Interactive Computing - time sharing, Basic WIMP Interfaces Windows, Icons, Mouse, Pointing Direct Manipulation Metaphors Hypertext / WWW Computers for person-to-person communications – not just for computing , CSCW

9 Multimodal interfaces
More Paradigm Shifts Multimodal interfaces Mode is a human communication channel Not just the senses e.g., speech and non-speech audio are two modes Emphasis on simultaneous use of multiple channels for I/O Immersive (VR) interfaces Mobile computing Ubiquitous computing

10 (Some of the) Key People and Events
Vannevar Bush Doug Engelbart Ivan Sutherland J. R. (Lick) Licklider Alan Kay Ted Nelson Nicholas Negroponte Mark Weiser Jaron Lanier Events Founding of Xerox PARC Lisa / Macintosh

11 Key Technological Advances Key Paradigm Shifts Key People and Events
Telling the Story Key Technological Advances Key Paradigm Shifts Key People and Events Interleaved in more or less chronological order

12 Digital computer grounded in ideas from 1700’s & 1800’s
In the Very Beginning Digital computer grounded in ideas from 1700’s & 1800’s Technology became available in the 1940’s and 1950’s Movie: Inception/ Minority Report

13 History of HCI Mechanical Computers 1623 Schickard makes "Calculating Clock". 6-digit machine can add, subtract, bell indicates overflow. 1674 Leibniz designs his "Stepped Reckoner” Can multiply, with operands of up to 5 and 12 digits. User turns a crank for each unit in each digit 1820 de Colmar makes "Arithmometer” First mass-produced calculator. Does multiplication & division. It is also the most reliable calculator yet. Continue to be sold for about 90 years. 1889 Felt invents the first printing desk calculator. 1935 IBM introduces "IBM 601", punch card machine capable of 1 multiplication /second are made. 1945 Mauchly & Eckert "ENIAC” for ballistics. 30 tons, 1000 ft2 of floor, 140 kilowatts of electricity, 17,468 vacuum tubes 1600.. 1623 Wilhelm Schickard makes his "Calculating Clock". 1644 Blaise Pascal makes his "Pascaline". 1668 Sir Samuel Morland, of England, produces a non-decimal adding machine. 1674 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz designs his "Stepped Reckoner". 1700.. 1775 Charles Earl Stanhope makes a multiplying calculator similar to Leibniz's. 1770-6 Mathieus Hahn also makes a successful multiplying calculator. 1786 J. H. Mueller conceives the idea of what came to be called a "difference engine". 1800.. 1820 Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar makes his "Arithmometer". 1822 Charles Babbage starts building his difference engine. 1832 Babbage and Clement produce a prototype segment of the difference engine. 1834 George Scheutz, of Stockholm, produces a small difference engine in wood. Babbage conceives, and begins to design, his "Analytical Engine". 1842 Babbage's difference engine project is officially canceled. 1843 Scheutz and his son produce a 3rd-order difference engine with printer. 1847-9 Babbage designs an improved, simpler difference engine. 1853 The Scheutzes complete the first full-scale difference engine. 1858 The first two Tabulating Machines are sold. 1871 Babbage produces a prototype section of the Analytical Engine's mill and printer. Charles Babbage dies. 1878 Ramon Verea invents a calculator with an internal multiplication table. 1879 A committee concludes that the Analytical Engine is impossible. 1885 A multiplying calculator enters mass production. 1886 Dorr E. Felt ( ), of Chicago, makes his "Comptometer". 1889 Felt invents the first printing desk calculator. 1890 US Census results are tabulated using Hollerith punch card tabulators. 1892 William S. Burroughs ( ) starts the office calculator industry. 1906 Henry Babbage completes the mill of his father's Analytical Engine. 1919 First flip-flop circuit design. 1930s 1931-2 E. Wynn-Williams constructs a binary digital counter. 1935 International Business Machines introduces the "IBM 601" punch card machine. 1937 George Stibitz constructs a demonstration 1-bit binary adder using relays. Alan M. Turing publishes a paper on "computable numbers". 1938 Shannon publishes a paper on the implementation of symbolic logic using relays. Zuse completes a prototype mechanical binary programmable calculator, the Z1. 1939 Zuse and Schreyer begin work on the "V2" (later " Z2"). John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry complete a prototype 16-bit adder. 1940s 1940 Williams and Stibitz complete a calculator with complex numbers. Zuse is released from the army and completes the Z2. 1941 Atanasoff and Berry complete a calculator for simultaneous linear equations. Zuse completes the "V3" (later "Z3"). 1943 Howard H. Aiken and his team complete the "ASCC Mark I". Max Newman, Wynn-Williams, and their team complete the "Heath Robinson". Williams and Stibitz complete the "Relay Interpolator". Tommy Flowers and his team at Bletchley Park complete the first "Colossus". 1944-5 Zuse almost completes his first full-scale machine, the "V4". 1945 Zuse invents a programming language called Plankalkuel. John von Neumann describes what is later known as a von Neumann computer. The ENIAC is completed. 1946 The ENIAC is revealed to the public. 1947 Aiken and his team complete the " Harvard Mark II". First actual case of bug being found. Magnetic core memory is patented. The magnetic drum memory is independently invented by several people. 1948 Wallace Eckert of IBM, with his team, completes the "SSEC". Newman, Freddie C. Williams, and their team complete their "Mark I". The ENIAC is improved, using ideas from Clipper and Metropolis. IBM introduces the "IBM 604". 1949 Jay W. Forrester and his team at MIT construct the "Whirlwind". Forrester conceives of magnetic core memory as it is to become common. The Manchester Mark I acquires a secondary memory. Maurice Wilkes (1913-) and his team complete the "EDSAC". Presper Eckert and Mauchly complete the "BINAC" for the US Air Force. Aiken's team completes the "Harvard Mark III". 1950s 1950 A group at the National Physical Laboratory, England, complete the "Pilot ACE". Zuse's Z4 is finally completed and goes into service at the ETH Zurich. Hartree estimates 3 computers will suffice to handle all calculations in England. 1951 Ferranti Ltd. completes the first commercial computer, yet another "Mark I". Eckert and Mauchly complete the first "UNIVAC". Thompson, Simmons, and their team complete the "LEO I". Grace Murray Hopper ( ) invents the modern concept of the compiler. 1952 The EDVAC is finally completed. The IBM "Defense Calculator", later renamed the "701", enters production. Grace Murray Hopper implements the first compiler, the "A-0".

14 In the Beginning – Computing in 1945
Context Computing Picture from Harvard Mark I 55 feet long, 8 feet high, 5 tons Jason Hong / James Landay, UC Berkeley, Picture from

15 Context - Computing in 1945 Ballistics calculations
Physical switches (before microprocessor) Paper tape Simple arithmetic & fixed calculations (before programs) 3 seconds to multiply Picture from Jason Hong / James Landay, UC Berkeley, /

16 Context - Computing in 1945 First computer bug (Harvard Mark II)
Adm. Grace Murray Hopper Cobol Bug & Debug On the 9th of September, 1947, when the machine was experiencing problems, an investigation showed that there was a moth trapped between the points of Relay #70, in Panel F. Jason Hong / James Landay, UC Berkeley

17 Innovator: Vannevar Bush
“As We May Think” Atlantic Monthly “…publication has been extended far beyond our present ability to make real use of the record.” Postulated Memex device Stores all records/articles/communications Items retrieved by indexing, keywords, cross references (now called hyperlinks) Interactive and nonlinear components are key

18 More About Vannevar Bush
Name rhymes with "Beaver" MIT faculty member Coordinated WWII effort with 6000 US scientists Social contract for science federal government funds universities universities do basic research research helps economy & national defense 6000 US scientists Picture of Bush from

19 Futuristic inventions / trends
“As We May Think” Futuristic inventions / trends Wearable cameras for photographic records Encyclopedia Britanica for a nickel Automatic transcripts of speech Memex, Trails of discovery Direct capture of nerve impulses Picture from

20 As We May Think Computers don't have to be desktop machines!
The top of the desk would have slanting translucent screens on which material could be projected for convenient reading. The top of the memex would have a transparent platen. When a longhand note, photograph, memoranda, or other things were placed on the platen, the depression of a lever would cause the item to be photographed onto the next blank space in a section of the memex film. The memex would become "'a sort of mechanized private file and library'.-Bush. It would use microfilm storage, dry photography, and analog computing to give postwar scholars access to a huge, indexed repository of knowledge-any section of which could be called up with a few keystrokes. Picture from

21 As We May Think Very optimistic about future
Technology could help society Technology could manage flood of info Bush – one of most informed people of his time Look at trends, guess where we're going If you read it Which feature is your favorite? Why? Which feature is your least favorite? Why? What was he right about? Wrong about?

22 As We May Think Some have come true
Increased specialization Flood of information Faster / Cheaper / Smaller / More reliable Some he missed or we are still waiting Microphotography? Digital technologies? Non-science / Non-office apps? Memex?

23 As We May Think Not so much predicting future as "inventing it" by publishing article hypertext wearable memory aid Use technology to augment human intellectual abilities New kinds of technology lead to new kinds of human/machine & human/human interaction Be aware that science/engineering can impact society Picture from

24 Context - Computing in 1960s
Transistor (1948) ARPA (1958) Timesharing (1950s) Terminals and keyboards Computers still primarily for scientists and engineers Transistor is better version of vacuum tubes Modern Pentium III has about 10 million transistors about size of fingernail! ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) founded to do advanced research, usually military purposes Founded right after Sputnik ARPA budget back then only a few million Modern DARPA budget about 2 billion (2001) Modern NSF budget about 4.5 billion (2001) Timesharing let computers be shared among people Instead of one computer and batch processes, one computer which pretended to be multiple computers Vacuum Tube Jason Hong / James Landay, UC Berkeley

25 Batch Processing Computer had one task, performed sequentially
No “interaction” between operator and computer after starting the run Punch cards, tapes for input Serial operations

26 Innovator: J. R. Licklider
Postulated “man-computer symbiosis” Couple human brains and computing machines tightly to revolutionize information handling “The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today.”

27 Produced goals that are pre-requisite to “man-computer symbiosis”
Immediate goals: time sharing of computers among many users electronic i/o for the display and communication of symbolic and pictorial information interactive real time system for information processing and programming large scale information storage and retrieval

28 intermediate goals: long term visions:
facilitation of human cooperation in the design & programming of large systems combined speech recognition, hand-printed character recognition & light-pen editing long term visions: natural language understanding (syntax, semantics, pragmatics) speech recognition of arbitrary computer users heuristic programming

29 Need for HCI Mid 1960’s Timesharing mode of computing
Computers too expensive for individuals timesharing increased accessibility interactive systems, not jobs text processing, editing , shared file system Need for HCI

30 Innovator: Sutherland

31 Sketchpad MIT, 1963 Ivan Sutherland
an innovative program that influenced alternative forms of interaction with computers. . Sketchpad could accept constraints and specified relationships among segments and arcs, including the diameter of arcs. It could draw both horizontal and vertical lines and combine them into figures and shapes. Figures could be copied, moved, rotated, or resized, retaining their basic properties. Sketchpad also had the first window-drawing program and clipping algorithm, which allowed zooming.

32 Innovator: Ivan Sutherland
SketchPad PhD thesis at MIT hierarchical structures defined pictures and sub-pictures object-oriented programming: master picture with instances constraints: specify details which the system maintains through changes icons: small pictures that represented more complex items copying: both pictures and constraints input techniques: efficient use of light pen world coordinates: separation of screen from drawing coordinates recursive operations: applied to children of hierarchical objects Sophisticated drawing package

33 History of HCI Ivan Sutherland’s SketchPad-1963 PhD
Parallel developments in hardware: “low-cost” graphics terminals input devices such as data tablets (1964) display processors capable of real-time manipulation of images (1968)

34 Technological Advance: Interactive Graphics
More suitable medium than paper - picture worth a thousand words Start of Direct Manipulation Computers used for visualizing and manipulating data


36 Bert Sutherland on TX-2

37 MIT Lincoln Lab, Lexington, MA
Lincoln TX-2 MIT Lincoln Lab, Lexington, MA

38 MIT Lincoln Lab, Lexington, MA
Lincoln TX-2 MIT Lincoln Lab, Lexington, MA

39 First VR Head Display The Sword of Damocles

40 Henri Gouraud: Gouraud shading technique
In Utah Alan Kay: Smalltalk Henri Gouraud: Gouraud shading technique Frank Crow: anti-aliasing methods 1968 University of Utah, Full professor Smalltalk has influenced the wider world of computer programming in four main areas. It inspired the syntax and semantics of other computer programming languages. Secondly, it was a prototype for a model of computation known as message passing. Thirdly, its WIMP GUI inspired the windowing environments of personal computers in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries first Macintosh desktop look almost identical to the MVC windows of Smalltalk-80. Finally, the integrated development environment was the model for a generation of visual programming tools that look like Smalltalk's code browsers and debuggers. Python and Ruby have reimplemented some Smalltalk ideas in an environment similar to that of AWK or Perl.

41 In Utah Edwin Catmull: John Warnock: Adobe Jim Clark: Silicon Graphics
co-founder of Pixar President of Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios. John Warnock: Adobe Jim Clark: Silicon Graphics Fletcher Jones Professor at CalTech , Sun

42 Bert Sutherland Sun Microsystems Laboratories
Systems Science Laboratory at Xerox PARC Computer Science Division of Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc: ARPANET Claude Shannon

43 The Ubiquitous ASR 33 Teletype
ASR: Automatic Send / Receive Save programs on punched paper tape The first direct human-computer interface experience for many in the 1960s About 10 characters per second bps

44 The Ubiquitous Glass Teletype
24 x 80 characters Up to 19,200 bps (Wow - was big stuff!) Construction: Monitor + detachable keyboard Display: x80 or 14x132 character cells, optional 24x132 Character matrix: x9 with descenders Screen size: " diagonal (8" x 4.5" active display) Character set: Complete US ASCII (128 codes) Keys: keys in ANSI X typewriter layout Auxiliary keypad: keys (digits, arrows, function keys) Visual indicators: LEDs Interface: RS-232/V.24, optional 20mA Current Loop Flow control: Xon/Xoff Communication Speeds: 75,110,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200 bps Dimensions: "x18"14.25" (monitor), 3.5"x18"x8" (keyboard) Minimum table depth: " Weight: pounds Source:

45 Technological Advance / Paradigm Shift: Time Sharing
(Mid 1960s) Command line - teletypes, then “glass teletypes” Computers still too expensive for individuals timesharing increased accessibility interactive systems, not jobs text processing, editing , shared file system * There was an unrecognized need for HCI in the design of programming languages Need for HCI* Need to add a picture of a teletype and glass teletype

46 Innovator: Douglas Englebart
Landmark system/demo: Hierarchical hypertext, multimedia, mouse, high-res display, windows, shared files, electronic messaging, CSCW, teleconferencing, ... Invented the mouse

47 The First Mouse (1964) Over the next 6 years, he created a team, acquired funding, and started implementing his vision. Along the way, he and his group invented the mouse, but as we will see this is only a small part of the complete project.

48 AFIP Fall Joint Conference, 1968
Document Processing modern word processing outline processing hypermedia Input / Output the mouse and one-handed corded keyboard high resolution displays multiple windows specially designed furniture Shared work shared files and personal annotations electronic messaging shared displays with multiple pointers audio/video conferencing ideas of an Internet User testing, training This phase of his work peaked in 1968, where he took a huge risk by deciding to present his ideas and the developing NLS system in a live demonstration at the AFIP Fall Joint Computer Conference. Many concepts in today's interfaces were first introduced in the NLS system and its presentation Document Processing modern word processing outline processing hypermedia

49 About Doug Engelbart Graduate of Berkeley (EE '55)
"bi-stable gaseous plasma digital devices" Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Augmentation Research Center 1962 Paper "Conceptual Model for Augmenting Human Intellect" Complexity of problems increasing Need better ways of solving problems Picture of Engelbart from Picture from

50 Augmenting Human Intellect
Advantages of chorded keyboards? Disadvantages? Jason Hong / James Landay, UC Berkeley,

51 Augmenting Human Intellect
“At SRI in the 1960s we did some experimenting with a foot mouse. I found that it was workable, but my control wasn't very fine and my leg tended to cramp from the unusual posture and task.”

52 Augmenting Human Intellect
Early 3-button mouse Chorded Keyboard

53 Augmenting Human Intellect
First mouse First hypertext First word processing First 2D editing and windows First document version control First groupware (shared screen teleconferencing) First context-sensitive help First distributed client-server Many, many more!

54 Augmentation not Automation
"I tell people: look, you can spend all you want on building smart agents and smart tools…" "I'd bet that if you then give those to twenty people with no special training, and if you let me take twenty people and really condition and train them especially to learn how to harness the tools…" "The people with the training will always outdo the people for whom the computers were supposed to do the work." Not AI, co-evolution of people and tools

55 Augmenting Human Intellect
Example: Roman Numerals vs Arabic What is XCI + III? Now what is XCI x III? What is 91 * 3? New kinds of artifacts, languages, methodologies, and training can enable us to do things we couldn't do before or simplify what we already do

56 Computers as Toolkits Multipurpose toolkits Abstracting out common tasks (tools) Reusable elements At the disposal of humans

57 Paradigm Shifter: Alan Kay
“Personal Computing” Dynabook: Notebook sized computer loaded with multimedia and can store everything Desktop interface metaphor

58 Paradigm Shifter: Ted Nelson
Computers can help people, not just business Coined term “hypertext”

59 Personal Computers 1974 IBM 5100 1981 Datamaster 1981 IBM XT/AT
Text and command-based Sold lots Performed lots of tasks the general public wanted done A good basic toolkit 1978 VisiCalc

60 Personal Computing System is more powerful if it’s easier to use
Small, powerful machines dedicated to individual Importance of networks and time-sharing Kay’s Dynabook, IBM PC Time names “The Computer” Man of the Year, 1982 (

61 WIMP Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers
Timesharing=multiusers; now we need multitasking WIMP interface allows you to do several things simultaneously Has become the familiar GUI interface Xerox Alto, Star; early Apples

62 PCs with GUIs Xerox PARC - mid 1970’s Alto
Alto computer, a personal workstation local processor, bit-mapped display, mouse modern graphical interfaces text and drawing editing, electronic mail windows, menus, scroll bars, mouse selection, etc local area networks (Ethernet) for personal workstations could make use of shared resources

63 Commercial machines: Xerox Star - 1981
First commercial PC designed for “business professionals” desktop metaphor, pointing, WYSIWYG, consistency and simplicity

64 Xerox Star-1981 First commercial personal computer designed for “business professionals” First comprehensive GUI used many ideas developed at Xerox PARC familiar user’s conceptual model (simulated desktop) promoted recognizing/pointing rather than remembering/typing property sheets to specify appearance/behaviour of objects what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) small set of generic commands that could be used throughout the system high degree of consistency and simplicity modeless interaction limited amount of user tailorability

65 Xerox Star (continued)
First system based upon usability engineering inspired design extensive paper prototyping and usage analysis usability testing with potential users iterative refinement of interface Commercial failure cost ($15,000); IBM had just announced a less expensive machine limited functionality e.g., no spreadsheet closed architecture, 3rd party vendors could not add applications perceived as slow but really fast! slavish adherence to direct manipulation

66 Apple Lisa - ‘82 Based on ideas of Star
More personal rather than office tool Still $$$ Failure (why?) Too slow, too expensive, MacIntosh came out at better price point as well as IBM PC

67 Apple Macintosh - ‘84 “Old ideas” but well done!
Aggressive pricing - $2500 Not trailblazer, smart copier Good interface guidelines 3rd party applications High quality graphics and laser printer

68 Commercial Machines: Apple Macintosh (1984)
Succeeded because: aggressive pricing ($2500) did not need to trailblaze learnt from mistakes of Lisa and corrected them; ideas now “mature” market now ready for them developer’s toolkit encouraged 3rd party non-Apple software interface guidelines encouraged consistency between applications domination in desktop publishing because of affordable laser printer and excellent graphics

69 Direct Manipulation ‘82 Shneiderman describes appeal of graphically-based interaction object visibility incremental action and rapid feedback reversibility encourages exploration replace language with action syntactic correctness of all actions WYSIWYG, Apple Mac

70 Other events: MIT Architecture Machine Group ACM SIGCHI (1982)
Nicholas Negroponte ( ) many innovative inventions, including wall sized displays use of video disks use of artificial intelligence in interfaces (idea of agents) speech recognition merged with pointing speech production multimedia hypertext .... ACM SIGCHI (1982) special interest group on computer-human interaction conferences draw between people HCI Journals Int J Man Machine Studies (1969) many others since 1982

71 HCI importance result of:
cheaper/available computers/workstations meant people more important than machines excellent interface ideas modeled after human needs instead of system needs (user centered design) evolution of ideas into products through several generations pioneer systems developed innovative designs, but often commercially unviable settler systems incorporated (many years later) well-researched designs people no longer willing to accept products with poor interfaces

72 Metaphor All use is problem-solving or learning to some extent
Relating computing to real-world activity is effective learning mechanism File management on office desktop Financial analysis as spreadsheets

73 Speech, Language? Actions do not always speak louder than words
Interface as mediator or agent Language paradigm How good does it need to be? “Tricks”, vocabulary, domains How “human” do we want it to be?

74 Hypertext Think of information not as linear flow but as interconnected nodes Nelson’s hypertext Bush’s MEMEX Non-linear browsing WWW ‘93 Hypermedia

75 The Interconnected Web
The Network is the Computer e.g.



78 ? Thanks

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