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GE 6075 Professional ethics in engineering

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1 GE 6075 Professional ethics in engineering
UNIT I Morals, values and Ethics – Integrity – Work ethic – Service learning – Civic virtue – Respect for others – Living peacefully – Caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage – Valuing time – Cooperation – Commitment – Empathy – Self-confidence – Character – Spirituality – Introduction to Yoga and meditation for professional excellence and stress management.

2 caring Is knowing, feeling, and acting in the interest of others
To take care of person is to help to grow –Milton meyeroff To be concerned about and to facilitate the growth and actualization of other-Harrier heath

3 Points of Milton mayeroff in caring
The goal of caring is to help the other actualize himself Caring is an extension of one’s self- apart from his power to satisfy the parent’s needs Devotion and constancy are essential elements of caring: essential to care, integral part of friendship. Caring for another helps the other to care for and about other: to help other grow

4 Help in a way that the cared or can go on to help himself: to take care on himself, becoming responsive to his own need to care to become responsible for his own life Learning and living a life of caring involves all other values: Disclosing relationships to other significant concepts like trust, honesty and humility(humbleness

5 Caring involves desire, motivation, inclination(preference)
Genuinely caring can be a magical experience Caring is the heart of ethics:

6 Sharing: Noble act of mankind and high virtue
Part of human nature and life Money, food, material, books, knowledge, time, thoughts, happiness, sorrow, and work Saying thanks- No need – beyond our capacity Gives peace of mind, feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction Man-selfish by nature-keep everything for himself

7 honesty Expressing true feeling
Emotional intelligence-ability to decide best interest to be emotionally honest Better individually and as a society if we would be more honest

8 How society discourages honesty?

9 Few more thoughts on emotional honesty
Dishonest requires more energy than emotional honesty Emotionally dishonest- lose out on the value of natural feelings, against the forces of evolution(growth) rather than harmony(accord)

10 courage Is not absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear-ambrose redmoon Resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not absence of fear-mark twain

11 Salient feature: moral courage Vs physical courage: Quality of mind – encounter danger and difficulties without fear or fainting heart Balance between defect of cowardice and the excess of rashness Like other core values , courage can be promoted, encouraged and taught through teaching example and practice

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