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Searches for Beyond the Standard Model Higgs
Richard Kass on behalf of the ATLAS & CMS Collaborations Outline Introduction Indirect/Invisible searches Searches using dibosons (γγ/ZZ/WW) Searches with τ’s Searches with b-jets (bb) Charged Higgs → cs Summary R. Kass
Introduction --> Children’s guide to the LHC physics program:
1) Find a Higgs particle (a spin 0 scalar) Properties of 125 GeV particle consistent with SM Higgs: spin parity BFs/couplings cross section width PRD 89 (2014) PRD 90 (2014) --> Englert & Higgs arXiv: submitted to Phys.Rev.D arXiv: submitted to EPJC 2) Find another Higgs particle This is where the fun begins….. R. Kass
Introduction A major part of the LHC physics program is to
discover physics processes not included in the SM. Many models beyond the Standard Model (BSM) include an extended Higgs sector. Minimal Supersymmetry (MSSM) 5 Higgs particles, two Higgs doublets: 2 neutral scalars (CP even), h, H 2 charged scalars, H+, H- 1 neutral pseudo-scalar (CP odd), A Two free parameters at tree-level: mA & tanβ (VEV ratio of doublets) Higgs couplings: up-type fermions: ~1/tanβ, down-type fermions ~tanβ Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetry (NMSSM) 7 Higgs particles mass constraints mh≤mA≤mH mH±2=mA2+mW2 R. Kass
Introduction HUGE number of BSMs to consider:
Minimal Composite Higgs Model (MCHM) Higgs = pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson => explains scalar naturalness Single additional electroweak singlet simplest extension, two CP-even Higgs bosons Two Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM) additional doublet h0, H0 (CP-even), A0 (CP-odd), H± => fixes hierarchy problem 4 types based on coupling structure (Type-II = MSSM) Higgs Triplets h0, H0 (CP-even), A0 (CP-odd), H±, H±± => explains neutrino masses/mixings Next-to-Minimal SUSY (NMSSM) MSSM + complex singlet(S): =>generates MSSM μ-term through S spontaneous symmetry breaking Higgs & Dark Matter Dark Matter couples primarily to the Higgs => “invisible” decays R. Kass
Constraints from Higgs(125) measurements
ATLAS-CONF Use SM Higgs coupling measurements from γγ, ZZ, WW, bb, ττ Type II 2HDM Exclusions in plane of m(A) vs tanβ in a simplified MSSM model (no new decay mode other than SM's) tanβ= VEV ratio of doublets α=h & H mixing angle Also, exclusion plots for Type I, III, IV models Consistent with SM-like alignment, cos(β –α)~0 R. Kass
Invisible Higgs Decays
ATLAS: Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, (2014) CMS: Eur. J. C74 (2014) 2980 Invisible decays predicted in several models: neutralinos (SUSY) , graviscalars (extra D’s) Invisible decay of Higgs via ZH (ATLAS, CMS) or VBF (CMS) Signature is m(ll) close to Z mass, no jets, ll-system balances missing ET Good agreement between data & SM bkgd predictions Brinv < 95% CL for m=125 GeV SM Higgs R. Kass
Invisible Higgs Decays to Dark Matter
ATLAS: Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, (2014) CMS: Eur. J. C74 (2014) 2980 Higgs portal to Dark Matter Hidden sector with DM particles Could contribute to Γinv if mass <mh/2 Convert Brinv to DM-nucleon cross section assuming ΓSM total Higgs width Consider vector, scalar, fermion DM models Limits up to mh/2 R. Kass
H → γγ Direct Search Search for a narrow width resonance
arXiv: [hep-ex] CMS-PAG-HIG Search for a narrow width resonance Signature is two isolated photons with large pT fit m(γγ) with various widths (e.g. 10% of m, ΓSM ,etc) No CMS excess at this mass No evidence for an additional signal R. Kass
H → ZZ → 4ll Direct Search ATLAS-CONF CMS: Phys. Rev D Look for a heavy Higgs boson with SM (narrow) width Signature is two opposite sign same-flavor lepton leptons have large pT 3 categories (VBF/VH/ggF-like) fit m(llll) A heavy Higgs with SM width is excluded up to ~800 GeV R. Kass
H → WW → μνeν Direct Search
ATLAS-CONF CMS-HIG Look for a heavy Higgs boson with SM or narrow width Signature is two opposite-sign high-pT leptons with different flavors, large missing ET, high m(ll), b-jet veto Cut & template based, fit MT (W) A Higgs with SM width is excluded from 260 to 642 GeV R. Kass
H→ WW → μνeν ATLAS-CONF-2013-027 Type I Type II α=h & H mixing angle
tanβ= 1 tanβ= 20 R. Kass
MSSM h/H/A → ττ Search for narrow width neutral Higgs
Signature is decay to two τ’s Use 3 τ final states, (lep-had, had-had, lep-lep) Set limits on tanβ vs m(A) for several MSSM scenarios: max, mod+, mod- ATLAS: arXiv: CMS: Submitted to JHEP (arXiv: ) max constant mh=red constant mH=blue R. Kass
MSSM h/H/A → ττ mod+ mod- mod- mod+ ATLAS: arXiv:1409.6064
CMS: Submitted to JHEP (arXiv: ) mod+ mod- mod+ mod- R. Kass
Model independent h/H/A → ττ
ATLAS: arXiv: CMS: Submitted to JHEP (arXiv: ) gluon fusion b associated R. Kass
Search for H± → τ± v ATLAS-CONF CMS PAS-HIG 13026 m < mt m > mt m > mt Search for a charged Higgs that decays 100% into τv For m<mt and tanβ>1 B(τv)~1, For m>mt τv cleaner than tb final state Signature is a hadronically decayed τ, no electron, no muon, large missing ET, ≥ 4 (3) jets for mass GeV ( GeV), ≥ 1 b-jet Cut based analysis, fit mT limits on BR(t → bH±) xBR(H± →τv ) limits on σxBR(H± →τv ) m >200 GeV m < mt m > mt R. Kass
Lepton Flavor Violating Higgs Decays
CMS-PAS-HIG Decays possible in 2HDM and Randall-Sundrum models Search for H(125)➞μτ where τ decays to electron or hadron(s) μτ have opposite charge Similar signature as h/H/A ➞ττ analysis, but different kinematics Search is done in jet multiplicity bins (0, 1, 2 (VBF) jets) Yukawas couplings: Y use ΓSM=4.1 MeV & m=125 GeV Upper limit of BR(H➞μτ) of 95% CL Best fit yields BR(H➞μτ) = (0.89 ± 0.39)% ~2.5σ (compatible with 0) Best limits on flavour-violating τμ Yukawa couplings Generating recent theory buzz: arXiv: (Heeck, Holthausen, Rodejohann, Shimizu) arXiv: (Aristizabal Sierra, Vicente) R. Kass
X → hh → bbγγ ATLAS: arXiv: CMS-PAS-HIG Search for a heavy neutral resonance (X) with narrow width Signature is 2 isolated high pT photons, two b-jets Cut based analysis, set window around 125 GeV for each h Set upper limits on gg → X → hh production 95% CL UL on the x-section of non-resonant Higgs pair production <2.2 pb R. Kass
X → hh → bbbb Search for a heavy neutral resonance (X)
ATLAS-CONF CMS-PAS-HIG Search for a heavy neutral resonance (X) Signature is 4 b-jets from two boosted dijets Cut based fit on m(bbbb) Set limits on gg → X → hh → bbbb R. Kass
Search for H± Cascade Set limits on cross section as a function
ATLAS: Phys. Rev. D 89, (2014) H0 → WH+ → WWh0 → WWbb Search for a charged Higgs in a cascade of a W pair and a bb-pair Signature is one high pT lepton, large missing ET, ≥ 4 jets, ≥ 2 b-jets Fit using boosted decision-tree distribution Set limits on cross section as a function of both H± and H0 mass Observed 95% CL limits Limits on σ(gg→ H0 )obs/ σ(gg→ H0 )2HDM-II R. Kass
Search for Charged H → cs
ATLAS: Eur. Phys. J. C, 73 6 (2013) 2465 CMS: CMS-PAS-HIG Search for a charged Higgs that decays 100% into cs (cs dominant for tan β <1) Signature is one high pT lepton, large missing ET, ≥ 4 jets, ≥ 2 b-jets, two light jets mjj close to mH ±, mH ±< mt Kinematic fit constraining tt system Set limits on BR(t → bH±) R. Kass
Summary Looking forward to analyzing 13 TeV data
Long list of searches for BSM Higgs bosons (or resonances) Indirect searches using SM Higgs couplings SM Higgs invisible decays MSSM h/H/A → ττ (90 – 1000 GeV) 2HDM H → WW → μ νe ν (135 – 300 GeV) Resonance X → hh → bbγγ (220 – 500 GeV) Resonance X → hh → bb bb (500 – 1500 GeV) Heavy H → γγ (65 – 600 GeV) Heavy H → WW → μ νe ν (260 – 1000 GeV) Heavy H → ZZ → 4l (200 – 900 GeV) Charged H → cs from tt production ( GeV) Charged H → τ v in tt or t-associated production ( GeV) 2HDM H cascade ( GeV) BR(H(125)➞μτ)<1.5 % No evidence for a Higgs with mass > 125 GeV More results Looking forward to analyzing 13 TeV data R. Kass
Extra Slides R. Kass
ATLAS & CMS Optimized to look for Higgs & BSM physics
Both detectors have good momentum, energy, and vertex resolution Identify muons, electrons, photons Reconstruct b-jets , taus flexible triggers Hermetic detectors: can look for missing energy signatures Optimized to look for Higgs & BSM physics R. Kass
SM Higgs Predictions R. Kass
2HDM Scorecard 5 Higgs particles, two Higgs doublets:
2 neutral scalars, h, H (CP-even) 2 charged scalars, H+, H- 1 neutral pseudo-scalar, A (CP-odd) Separate VEVs for each doublet: v12 + v22=(246 GeV)2 tanβ = v2/v1 Parameters: mh, mH, mA, mH±, tanβ, α (mixing angle of h & H) Suppress FCNCs MSSM R. Kass
Higgs Couplings- interpretation
H→ WW → μνeν ATLAS-CONF-2013-027
Search for a neutral, narrow width heavy Higgs When analyzing the data include both h and H in the fit Contour plots for MH vs cos(α) with α the mixing angle of h and H Signature is 2 different flavor high pT leptons, large missing ET 0 jets for ggF, 2 jets for VBF Use ANN NeuroBayes® R. Kass
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