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Project Proposal Checklist for IC Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Project Proposal Checklist for IC Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Proposal Checklist for IC Meeting
No Items to Check Check 1 Select suitable project theme 2 Project custodian been obtained (with LOI & URS) 3 IPR for project – identified and categorised Submission of patent need to be properly planned Note : Timeline for IPR filing and registration (for Patent submission must be made at least 5 months before project close) 4 Project type and deliverables were clearly defined at earlier stage (Refer to the KPI Guidelines - on type of project ) (new item been included; based on new KPI guidelines) 5 End Product clearly defined 6 Problem Statement clearly defined 7 Project phases is clearly illustrated 8 Clear objective stated 9 Business case clearly indicated 10 Research Element – highlighted and compared with prior or on going research 11 Benchmark with available solution - on cost, and features (Operational / Financial / Technological benefit been highlighted) 12 Benchmark on technology / risk/ challengers with early adopter No Items to Check Check 13 Collaborators details highlighted 14 Support TMR&D strategic direction with relevant supporting info. 15 Requirement in terms of manpower, equipment and tools are clearly shown and tally to BP Details 16 Manpower loading shown and tally to BP 17 Project Cost summary tally with BP sheet 18 BP sheet submitted and verified 19 Budget breakdown tally with overall budget 20 Latest BP sheet used 21 Project risk & challenges indicated 22 Proposal has been reviewed and approved for PMC/PSC submission (by RMC)

2 IC XX/XXXX Project Code PROJECT TITLE Presenter: Research Theme:






8 To edit “Manpower Loading” chart: For TM R&D proposals:
06 MANPOWER REQUIREMENT A MANPOWER LOADING To edit “Manpower Loading” chart: For TM R&D proposals: Copy “Manpower Loading” chart from your project proposal BP Template For Non-TM R&D proposals: Please use your own manpower loading format B COMPETENCY BREAKDOWN To edit “Competency Breakdown” chart: Right click and click “Edit Data” Go to “Overall Input” tab Edit the figures Close the MS Excel

9 To edit the “Project Cost” chart: Right click and click “Edit Data”
07 BUDGET REQUIREMENT A PROJECT COST B OVERALL PROJECT DELIVERABLES To edit the “Project Cost” chart: Right click and click “Edit Data” Go to “Overall Input” tab Edit the figures Close the MS Excel POC of xxx 1 publication in IEEE proceedings and/or journal & 1 copyright/patent.

10 08 RISK ASSESSMENT RISK DESCRIPTION Description 1 Description 2
RISK ASSESSMENT AND RATING RISK DESCRIPTION Description 1 Description 2 RISK MITIGATION PLAN Mitigation 1 Mitigation 2 Risk #2 Risk #1 Almost Certain Likely Possible Unlikely Rare Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic (do not change axes, and color)

11 1 Project Objective 2 Project Type 3 Impact of the Project 09
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Project Objective 2 Project Type Type-1: Study Type-2: Proof of Function Type-3: Proof of Concept 3 Impact of the Project

12 Proposed Deliverables
09 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (cont’d) 4 Proposed Duration Start Date dd month yyyy End Date Duration xx months 5 Proposed Deliverables End Product IPR X Journal Papers X Patents 6 Proposed Budget Project Cost RMxx,xxx,xxx Project Value 7 Proposed Custodian …..division…..

13 Project Title RM X,XXX,XXX dd month yyyy
10 RECOMMENDATION The Innovation Council is recommended to approve: Project Title with Total Project Value of RM X,XXX,XXX and completion date of dd month yyyy



16 Checklist No Items to Check Check No Items to Check Check 1
Select suitable project theme 2 Project custodian been obtained (with LOI & URS) 3 IPR for project – identified and categorised Submission of patent need to be properly planned Note : Timeline for IPR filing and registration (for Patent submission must be made at least 5 months before project close) 4 Project type and deliverables were clearly defined at earlier stage (Refer to the KPI Guidelines - on type of project ) 5 End Product(s) clearly defined 6 Problem Statement clearly defined 7 Project phases is clearly illustrated 8 Clear objective stated 9 Business case clearly indicated 10 Research Element – highlighted and compared with prior or on going research 11 Benchmark with available solution - on cost, and features (Operational / Financial / Technological benefit been highlighted) 12 Benchmark on technology / risk/ challengers with early adopter No Items to Check Check 13 Collaborators details highlighted 14 Support TMR&D strategic direction with relevant supporting info. 15 Requirement in terms of manpower, equipment and tools are clearly shown and tally to BP Details 16 Manpower loading shown and tally to BP 17 Project Cost summary tally with BP sheet 18 BP sheet submitted and verified 19 Budget breakdown tally with overall budget 20 Latest BP sheet used 21 Project risk & challenges indicated 22 Proposal has been reviewed and approved for submission (for TMR&D research project: by Head of Research, Head of RSBM & CFO)

17 Research Roadmap

18 Material: Equipment Parts/Cables
No Item Description Cost (RM) Justification 1 2 3 4 5

19 Material: Other Material (Non Assets)
Item Description Cost (RM) Justification 1 2 3 4 5

20 Incidental: List of Other Rental & Lease
No Item Description Cost (RM) Justification 1 2 3 4 5

21 Incidental: List of Training / Seminar
No Description of Training / Seminar Cost (RM) No of Participants Justification 1 2 3 4 5

22 Incidental: List of Repair & Maintenance
No Item Description Cost (RM) Justification 1 2 3 4 5

23 Incidental: List of Licence / Other Fees
No Item Description Cost (RM) Justification 1 2 3 4 5

24 Incidental: List of Outsourcing / Technical Services
No Outsourcing / Technical Services Cost (RM) Justification 1 2 3 4 5

25 Incidental: List of Projects Assets
No Project Assets Category Description of Asset Cost (RM) Justification 1 Tool/Test Equipment Test Equipment 1 Test Equipment 2 2 IT Equipment Server 1 3 Office Machine & Aids 4 Furniture/Fitting

26 List of Researchers Involved
No TMR&D FTE Roles / Justification 1 Technical Lead 2 Project Manager 3 Researcher 1 4 Researcher 2 5 Technician 1

27 FAQs and Standard Answer for External Parties
What is Management Fee? Management Fee is defined as cost related to OPEX or TMR&D mgmt cost, in example HR & Finance. Cost is fixed at 15% from project cost & approved by Group Finance. What is Allocated Cost? Allocated cost is cost related to research Management, for example IPR mgmt, project mgmt, strategic mgmt team, head of labs, theme lead & custodian mgmt. Cost is fixed percentage & approved by Group Finance. What is SFOR? Standard Fixed Overhead Rate is part of Incidental Cost & calculation based on per head count in the project team. Example of SFOR are electricity cost, space, laptop, SAP license. What is SLR for salary? Standard Labor Rate for salary rate & human resource related such as EPF, Socso & medical as per defined at company level & approved by Group finance. Cost varies according to manpower band. What is miscellaneous cost? Other Incidental Cost such as IP Application Cost, agreement Stamping fee) as per standards defined at company level. How do we decide Band of researchers in the project? Decision on Band govern by competency & skillset level required to carry out project task. DO NOT SEND THE EXCEL BP TO CUSTODIAN OR EXTERNAL PARTIES. BP IS FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. INFORMATION SHOULD BE TRANSLATED INTO POWERPOINT SEPARATELY.

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