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By: Anthony Henkes and Arron Buffington

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1 By: Anthony Henkes and Arron Buffington
Cool Rainforests By: Anthony Henkes and Arron Buffington

2 What is a rain forest? The rainforest is a place where it almost always rains. A lot of animals and plants live there. They cover 3.3 million square miles of our planet.

3 Location of Rain Forests
It is close to the middle of the earth the Equator. It is in South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North America. The rainforest is not in Europe or Antarctica.

4 Emergent Layer Trees grow into the emergent layer.
Harpy eagles, sloths, macaws, monkeys,and butterflies live there.

5 Canopy Layer Boas, macaws, tree frogs, and three toed sloths live in this layer. Algae grows on sloths. It is under the emergent layer and on top of the understory.

6 Baby Toucans

7 Understory Layer Understory plants live in shady places.
Macaws, butterflies, monkeys, toucans, ocelots, jaguars,and tree frogs live in the understory.

8 Birds of the rainforest

9 Forest Floor Not a lot of plants grow on the forest floor because not much light comes through. Butterflies, ocelots,and frogs live on the forest floor.

10 Deforestation The rain forest are being cut down for many things such as finding gold and silver, for wood, cattle grazing, and farming.

11 People of the Rain Forest
People of the rain forest use the the trees and do not hurt them. They use tree leaves to make houses.

12 Conclusion We had a lot of fun learning about the rain forest.
Please save the rain forests.

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