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Tuesday-Wednesday, Feb. 2-3

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1 Tuesday-Wednesday, Feb. 2-3
Naturalism and “To Build a Fire”

2 TRENDs Review  ROMANTICISIM – Poe, C.S. Lewis[ Narnia

3 Quick notes on “naturalism”

4 Naturalism Trend Heredity Chance
Focused on truthfully portraying the lives of ordinary people Believed a man’s life experiences were determined by: FATE [ predetermined by a greater power ] the Environment Heredity Chance Characters’ lives shaped by forces they neither understand nor control Characters “endure” - shows man’s importance and reason for existing even in the face of certain death

5 …The Wisdom of Jack London…

6 A Famous American Writer, a Famous American Short Story

7 Who is this man?

8 Worked on a sealing schooner
He was temporarily raised by a freed slave Was an OYSTER pirate… yup! Did time in prison for being a vagrant Worked on a sealing schooner Born: 1876 Died: 1916 Went north to mine gold at age 21 Began writing and selling fiction Mother attempted suicide Went to but dropped out of Berkeley Univ. due to no money

9 Time Frame: 1876-1916 Died at age 40….?!?!?
American author, journalist, and social activist. Pioneer in commercial magazine fiction One of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity and a large fortune from his fiction alone. Known for writing “To Build a Fire,” The Call of the Wild, White Fang, the Sea-Wolf and other Klondike tales.


11 Jack London – Bio Read-aloud
Please see p. 554 6 Volunteer readers *Background for Understanding” on the Gold Rush*


13 The Gold Rush of the late 1890s


15 100,000+ prospectors Only 30, , 000 arrived Most spent $1000 to get there [ $27,000 in today’s cash!]

16 “To Build a Fire, “ By Jack London– Watch!

17 ” Finish the story…. First pub.: 1902 2nd pub.: 1908
First pub.: 1902 2nd pub.: 1908 ” Finish the story….

18 Audio Book Version
43 minutes Audio Book Version

19 …The Wisdom of Jack London…

20 Quick Write- Day 1 Make two predictions: What will happen to the man, and why? What will happen to the dog, and why?

21 Small Group Work- 25 min. Be ready to share your piece
Small groups BY ROWS: read over your assigned section and... Locate 2 examples of “naturalism” and two examples of figurative language. FIRST: Write them out on your group sheet. Use “ “ and a citation: Example: “ “ (London 464). NEXT: After each example/quote, explain why your group felt it is an example of writing in the naturalism trend in 1-3 sentences. LAST: Find two examples of figurative language, copy them, identify them, and explain how they impact the reader’s understanding of the story.

22 In-class, Individual Writing Assignment Choose ONE write about:
Choice A: Identify three mistakes the man made and explain how these mistakes, when combined, caused his death. OR Choice B: London takes an unusual approach by not naming characters [ “the man, Old- timer,” the dog]. Explain why you think he did it and how it impacts a reader of this tale.

23 Time Permitting:

24 Registration Information Day
Thursday, Feb. 4 Registration Information Day

25 Quiz on “To Build a Fire” & Lit Circle Check-out Day
Friday, Feb. 5 Quiz on “To Build a Fire” & Lit Circle Check-out Day

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