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Ancient North American Native American Cultures

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1 Ancient North American Native American Cultures

2 Ancient North America This picture was taken in Moundsville, WV. What do you think it is? There were thousands of these across the US, can you think of some reasons why there are so few left?

3 Objectives: TSWBAT identify culture regions of ancient North America

4 Large civilizations developed where large scale agriculture was possible

5 Pre-Columbian America
At the same time that mighty civilizations were developing in Mesoamerica and Peru, complex cultures existed north of Mexico. Archaeologists have found evidence of several early farming cultures in the lands that became the United States

6 Two Categories Desert Farmers Mound Builders Lived in the west
Lived in the east

7 Desert Farmers

8 Mogollons flourished from 200AD to 1450AD
Lived in the “oasisamerica” region of the southwest

9 Mogollons Grew corn and beans

10 Mogollons Stone and shell beads Used tobacco pipes

11 Mogollons Created a system of dams and ditches to irrigate fields

12 Mogollons Gilla Cliff Dwellings

13 Mogollons Known for their pottery

14 Hohokam Between 300BC and AD1450
centered along the Salt, Gila, Verde, and Santa Cruz Rivers in the low, hot Sonoran desert of southern Arizona

15 Hohokams Built canals and irrigated the desert Trail on old canal

16 Hohokams Miles of canals

17 Hohokams Trade goods showed strong Mesoamerican influence

18 Hohokams Tropical birds as pets Used rubber balls
Had mirrors and elaborate jewelry

19 Casa Grande No one is sure why they disappeared

20 Anasazi Lived between 100 AD and 1300AD
Inhabited the Four Corners region

21 Anasazi Grew corn, beans and squash

22 Anasazi Built apartment buildings out of wood and adobe


24 Built Kivas


26 Mound Builders

27 Mound Builders Lived along the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers
Built thousands of earthen mounds





32 Adena 600BC-100BC Ohio Valley

33 Adenas Stone pipes Grew tobacco Seashell bracelets Copper
Showed they traded

34 Hopewell 200BC-400AD

35 Hopewell Rich burial sites contained obsidian (a black rock) from the Black Hills, and the Rockies, mica from the Appalachians and even alligator skulls from Florida and grizzly bear teeth from the far west.

36 Mississippian 700AD-1100AD


38 Mississippians They grew corn, beans, squash, and pumpkins
They also fished, gathered wild plants and hunted deer, raccoons, and wild turkeys

39 Activity…. Then type 2

40 Type 2 Identify two reasons why the groups we talked about today would be considered “culture” groups instead of civilizations.

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