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Have out your Stems List 1. Check your new grades on Academy Central!

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Presentation on theme: "Have out your Stems List 1. Check your new grades on Academy Central!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Have out your Stems List 1. Check your new grades on Academy Central!
Happy Monday! Find your NEW SEAT. Have out your Stems List Check your new grades on Academy Central!

2 “Miss Hinch” Quiz

3 Quiz Answers: 6-10. YES 1. Murder (stabbed him with a sword)
2. Her long pointy chin 3. Pencil or newspaper 4. Hatpin/pin 5. Jessie Dark/detective 6-10. YES

4 Staying Awake in Services
Freshman Tip Staying Awake in Services

5 Do you have your name in your book?


7 PURITANISM View of God: loving, powerful, just
View of Man: sinful, helpless Basis: Bible Writing Goals: glorify God, instruct

8 NEOCLASSICISM View of God: benevolent clock-winder
View of Man: rational, improving Basis: man’s reason Writing Goals: glorify man; persuade

9 ROMANTICISM View of God: force in nature View of Man: naturally good Basis: emotions Writing Goals: to entertain; art

10 REALISM/NATURALISM View of God: indifferent View of Man: rational animal Basis: fact, science Writing Goals: expose, record

View of God: “dead”; inactive View of Man: slave to fate, trapped animal Basis: disbelief Writing Goals: express self, escape

12 Introduction to Conflict
What is Conflict? 1. Struggle! 2. Origin— Garden of Eden 3. Good literature always has conflict.

13 Introduction to Conflict
3 Types: 1. man vs. a power greater than himself 2. man vs. man 3. man vs. himself Every good story goes beyond conflict and provides RESOLUTION—The conflict is resolved (or brought to an end) in some way.

14 Introduction to Conflict
Different Types of Literature: 1. escape literature a. to entertain example—Treasure Island b. man vs. man c. used to teach a moral point

15 Introduction to Conflict
2. interpretive literature a. to make readers think, to teach, to make a statement example—“Through the Tunnel” b. man vs. greater power

16 Introduction to Conflict
Types of Characters: 1. protagonist: central character 2. antagonist: opposing force

17 Introduction to Conflict
?’s to ask: 1. Who is the protagonist? 2. Who or what is the antagonist? 3. Is there more than one antagonist? 4. If so, which one becomes the dominant? 5. How is the conflict between them resolved?

18 Stem List #1

19 Inter

20 Between

21 Semi

22 Half

23 Mal

24 Bad

25 Anti

26 Against

27 Com

28 Together

29 Un

30 Not

31 Dis

32 Away

33 Post

34 After

35 De

36 Down

37 Ante

38 Before

39 Super

40 Over

41 Non

42 Not

43 Extra

44 Beyond

45 Con

46 Together

47 Sub

48 Under

49 Pre

50 Before

51 Bi

52 Two

53 Equi

54 Equal

55 Syn

56 Together

57 Intra

58 Within

59 Mis

60 Bad

61 Circum

62 Around

63 Intro

64 Into

65 Sym

66 Together

67 *****Every 5 points is a letter grade!*****
Grammar Test *****Every 5 points is a letter grade!*****

68 Happy Tuesday! Have out a pen and a grading pen.
Check your new grades on Academy Central!

69 by Henry Sydnor Harrison
"Miss Hinch" pp. 4-18 by Henry Sydnor Harrison

70 dark, very cold, sleeting
Setting New York City early 1900s dark, very cold, sleeting after 12:00 a.m.

71 man vs. man (Hinch vs. Jessie Dark)
Conflict man vs. man (Hinch vs. Jessie Dark)

72 man vs. man— you vs. Harrison (the author)
Conflict man vs. man— you vs. Harrison (the author)

73 Old Woman domestic servant white hair wrinkles stooped glasses

74 Episcopal Minister man short stocky puffy face beard cane/club foot


76 people on the tube John Catherwood— man Miss Hinch killed
Minor Characters people on the tube John Catherwood— man Miss Hinch killed

77 supporter of Jessie Dark young couple —Miss Hinch has a pointed chin.
Minor Characters old man with cane— supporter of Jessie Dark young couple —Miss Hinch has a pointed chin.

78 The old woman gives the wrong address for Mrs. Catherwood.
Clue #1: The old woman gives the wrong address for Mrs. Catherwood.

79 The clergyman is the first to suggest getting off the subway.
Clue #2: The clergyman is the first to suggest getting off the subway.

80 The clergyman is suspicious when he re-examines the newspaper.
Clue #3: The clergyman is suspicious when he re-examines the newspaper.

81 The old woman suggests that they talk with the ticket chopper.
Clue #4: The old woman suggests that they talk with the ticket chopper.

82 The old woman hesitates to go into a well-lit diner.
Clue #5: The old woman hesitates to go into a well-lit diner.

83 Clue #6: The old woman is the only one to actually handle the menu in the diner.

84 Foreshadowing “No matter how diabolical this woman’s skill is, her sin will assuredly find her out.”

85 Galatians 6:7-8 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

86 Resolution—Jessie Dark’s hat pin rips off Miss Hinch’s disguise

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