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A Pollen Key for Quaternary Paleontology

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1 A Pollen Key for Quaternary Paleontology

2 Amaranthus - Spherical - Periporate - Exine: Scabrate to Psilate
Favors warmer climates Amaranthus, pigweed, is a genus of herbs.

3 Ambrosia Spherical Exine: Echinate (short spines)
- Favors warm, temperate climates Ragweeds (Ambrosia), also called bitterweeds and bloodweeds, are a genus of flowering plants from the sunflower family (Asteraceae)

4 Eriogonum Prolate Colporate Exine: Reticulate Favors colder climates
Eriogonum is the genus known as Wild Buckwheat.

5 Sarcobatus Spherical Periporate (fewer porates than amaranthus)
Exine: Psilate Favors warmer and dryer climates Greasewood (Sarcobatus) is a genus from desert areas of western North America

6 Juniperus - Spherical to Elliptical - no obvious aperture (inaperatuate) - Exine: Gemmate - Typically looks like “Pac Man” in fossil form - Favors warmer climates Junipers are coniferous plants in the genus Juniperus of the cypress family.

7 Quercus - Prolate - tricolpate - Exine: Verrucate - Favors warmer climates
Quercus is the genus for oak trees

8 Picea Vesiculate - Reticulum Bladders The cap exine is a verrucate
texture - Favors cold climates A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea, a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen coniferous trees in the Family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate or boreal regions.

9 Pinus Bisaccate Sculptural Element? Has a pronounced lateral
line giving the impression of a cap sitting on top of the body portion Favors moderate climates (transitional) Pines are coniferous trees in the genus Pinus, in the family Pinaceae

10 Artemisia Tricolporate Broad-based, low pointed spines
Favors moderate climates (transitional) Artemisia is a large, diverse genus of plants belonging to the daisy family Asteraceae. It consists of herbs and shrubs that grow in temperate climates, usually in dry or semi-dry habitats.

11 Poaceae Spherical Monoporate (looks like a microscopic cantaloupe)
Poaceae (Graminae) Poaceae (Graminae) This family includes food crops, turf Poaceae (Graminae) Poaceae (Graminae) Poaceae Spherical Monoporate (looks like a microscopic cantaloupe) Exine: Scabrate to Psilate A hardy family of plants that favors moderate climates (transitional) Poaceae or Gramineae is a family of flowering plants, usually called grasses. Grass species also occur in many other habitats, including wetlands, forests and tundra. They inculde wheat, corn, and rice.

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