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Outcomes Measurement in Health

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1 Outcomes Measurement in Health
Pathfinder Workshop 19 September 2001

2 Outcomes A change in health status that can be attributed to a particular action or intervention Focus upon individual outcomes: Mortality Morbidity Focus upon population level outcomes – combined measures Long history in health (PHOT since 1993)

3 Individual Outcomes - Mortality
Female Male

4 Cardiovascular Outcomes

5 Asthma Outcomes

6 Individual Outcomes May be attributable
Possible to build into managerial processes Possibly easier in secondary care Have ethnic / cultural differences

7 CI 1: 30 day in-hospital perioperative mortality by method of admission (casemix adjusted)
Copyright: CHKS Ltd. Not to be used without permission

8 Model of causation Determinants Risk Exposures Diseases & Injuries
Health Outcomes

9 Population level outcomes
Desire to measure outcomes at the whole population level Life expectancy Integrated health measures

10 Example: Life expectancy by small area deprivation

11 Life Expectancy at Birth

12 Health Outcomes Quantity of Life – prematurity of mortality
Quality of Life – physical, mental, social Combined measures – HALE, DALY

13 Combined Measures DALY – health gap measure – represents the loss of one year of healthy life HALE – Healthy life expectancy QUALY – Used in CUA to compare different health states

14 Example: Disease DALYs

15 Example: Risk Factor DALYs

16 Comparing DALYs

17 Lessons learned Outcomes are accepted in health – but has taken time!
Huge effort & databases etc Much work is now clinically driven Tied to initiatives such as patient focused care etc Other initiatives such as clinical governance etc

18 Lessons learned Attributability may be difficult Cultural issues
Issues in population level outcomes Cross country comparisons are difficult

19 Taking Outcomes Forward
DHBs given accountability to achieve health gain for their populations in 13 areas Guidance issued by MoH in Toolkits MoH also looking at outcomes – attribution at a national level Continuing work with WHO

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