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Curriculum Night Mrs. Shuman’s Class Irwin Academic Center

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1 Curriculum Night Mrs. Shuman’s Class Irwin Academic Center
September 19, 2013

2 Tonight’s Agenda: Themes (Teamwork & 21st century skills)
Class Schedule (also available online) Curriculum Homework Assessments Camp Kanuga Contacting Me Questions

3 Reading Math Social Studies Science Writing
Critical Thinking Problem Solving Social Studies Technology Communication Teamwork Leadership Collaboration Science Writing Analytical Thinking

4 Higher Level Thinking Skills (and Rigor) addressed this year:
The bulk of our time (and efforts) this year will be spent here – getting the kids to analyze & evaluation information and from these analyses and evaluations create meaningful products. TD certified children typically have a vast array of knowledge and thorough understanding of many concepts

5 Question Matrix Question Matrix
Event Situation Choice Person Reason Means Present What is? Where / When is? Which is? Who is? Why is? How is? Past What did? Where / When did? Which did? Who did? Why did? How did? Possibility What can? Where / When can? Which can? Who can? Why can? How can? Probability What would? Where / When would? Which would? Who would? Why would? How would? Prediction What will? Where / When will? Which will? Who will? Why will? How will? Imagination What might? Where / When might? Which might? Who might? Why might? How might? Source: Wiederhold (1995) Source: Wiederhold (1995)

6 day 1 day2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 8:45 - 9:15 Morning Work 9:30-10:30 Math 10:30-11:00 workshop workshp 11: :35 Mrs. Hindes Literacy integration lit integration lit interation literacy integration (Mrs. Hindes) 12: :55 reading 12:55-1:25 lunch lunch 1:25-1:55 recess genius time (no recess, PE day 1:55-2:20 genius time 2:20-3:05 spanish art technology pe music media 3:05-400 science recess /read aloud team HIndes PE

7 Curriculum we’ll be using this year:
Literacy Novel Studies (3-4 days/week); Imagine IT (used to supplement/integrate SS & Science); Jr. Great Books (higher level thinking); Science & SS content readings Math Scott Foresmen & Investigations (more hands-on) supplemented with problem solving and Math Olympiad curriculum for those students who enjoy challenges in math Hands-on; lots of experiments to teach/ reinforce concepts. Concepts focused on this year: weather & erosion, Ecosystems & plant/ animal interdependence; forces & motion; simple machines; matter and energy, genetics, body systems Science Social Studies Focuses on: geography (maps, globes, landforms, etc.); U.S. history, politics, and government; ethnicity & heritage Curriculum will NOT be taught in “isolation”; science experiments will include mathematical measurements; students will read AND write about topics related to Social Studies content; art, music, drama will be incorporated into instruction Integration of Curriculum

8 Homework: Math sheet – every night! (Posted daily on my website)
Homework will mirror skills being taught in class Is essential to reinforce skills being discussed in class Immediate feedback is a must for ensuring your child grasps math skills (particularly since math builds upon itself) Reading – Monday –Thursday night + “pick one”: (Fr, Sa, Su): Please be sure you are signing your child’s reading record online Vocabulary: Currently the vocabulary is being pulled from Novel Studies and Science topics Vocabulary curriculum has yet to be decided Book Report: One per month on a recently read book (which has been read to completion) Students will fill out online form and submit before the end of the month Sept/October book report will be on a Science or Math Non-Fiction text

9 Assessments: Weekly: Math Vocabulary (will count as a writing grade)
Reading (on the novel we are reading in class) Semi-regular basis (at least once every two weeks): Science quizzes & tests Social studies quizzes & tests

10 Camp Kanuga: Dates: March 26-28, 2014 (please “save” the dates) Cost:
Expected to be ~$ per child, ~$ per chaperone (we will need as many chaperones as possible if your schedule permits) Camp Information: /

11 Contacting Me: E-mail:
I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to check it during the day, but will do my best to respond to pressing concerns within 24 hours. School –

12 Thank you for helping to get this year off to a great start!
Mrs. Shuman

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