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Living Conditions of the Proletariat

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1 Living Conditions of the Proletariat

2 Factory Wages in Lancashire, 1830
Age of Worker Male Wages Female Wages under 11 2s 3d. 2s. 4d. 4s. 1d. 4s. 3d. 10s. 2d. 7s. 3d. 17s. 2d. 8s. 5d. 20s. 4d. 8s. 7d. 22s. 8d. 8s. 9d. 21s. 7d. 9s. 8d. 20s. 3d. 9s. 3d. 16s. 7d. 8s. 10d. 16s. 4d. 8s. 4d. 13s. 6d. 6s. 4d.

3 The Silent Highwayman - 1858
Problems of Pollution The Silent Highwayman

4 The New Industrial City

5 Early-19c London by Gustave Dore

6 Worker Housing in Manchester

7 Factory Workers at Home

8 Workers Housing in Newcastle Today

9 The Life of the New Urban Poor: A Dickensian Nightmare!

10 Private Charities: Soup Kitchens

11 Private Charities: The “Lady Bountifuls”

12 Protests / Reformers

13 The Neo-Luddites Today

14 Peterloo Massacre, 1819 British Soldiers Fire on British Workers: Let us die like men, and not be sold like slaves!

15 The Chartists Key Chartist settlements Centres of Chartism
        Chartist settlements          Centres of Chartism       Area of plug riots, 1842

16 The “Peoples’ Charter”
Drafted in 1838 by William Lovett. Radical campaign for Parliamentary reform of the inequalities created by the Reform Bill of 1832. Votes for all men. Equal electoral districts. Abolition of the requirement that Members of Parliament [MPs] be property owners. Payment for Members of Parliament. Annual general elections. The secret ballot.

17 The Socialists: Utopians & Marxists
People as a society would operate and own the means of production, not individuals. Their goal was a society that benefited everyone, not just a rich, well-connected few. Tried to build perfect communities [utopias].

18 Industrialization By 1850

19 Railroads on the Continent

20 Share in World Manufacturing Output: 1750-1900

21 Bibliographic Sources
“Images of the Industrial Revolution.” Mt. Holyoke College. “The Peel Web: A Web of English History.” By: Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY

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