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The Brain.

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1 The Brain

2 Your Brain Lace fingers together
Your brain is the most complex organism in the universe 3 pounds It is the only organism which can study and assess itself.

3 Your Brain 100 billion neurons (brain cells) which transmit (move) information. Length of your brain’s nerve fibers =94,000 miles. Left hand= Left Hemisphere Right hand= Right Hemisphere

4 Prefrontal Cortex Wiggle your pinky fingers
This section controls: reasoning, planning, decision making We could call the Prefrontal Cortex the brain’s boss. Does not fully mature until early 20s

5 Activations Class-Yes activates the Prefrontal cortex
Rules with motions- all sections of the brain

6 Motor Cortex Wiggle your middle fingers on both hands
This section is the motor cortex This section of the brain has the most reliable memory area. Riding a bike Proposing

7 Visual Cortex Wiggle your thumbs , notice how much larger these fingers are in comparison to the others. This is the visual cortex at the rear of your brain This section occupies such a large area that some scientist call the brain the “seeing brain” Everything you have ever seen is stored in your brain right now.

8 Visual Cortex The Visual Cortex is one of the most reliable storage centers for memory in the brain. Have you ever recognized someone’s face but you cannot remember their name? This is because how people look is stored in your Visual Cortex.

9 Your Brain’s Left Hemisphere
Back of left hand towards the front= Broca’s area This area is crucial when speaking Back of left hand towards the back = Wernickle’s area This area is important in hearing and understanding language.

10 Working together Reading aloud from a textbook
Visual cortex- seeing the words Wernickle’s area- processing the words Broca’s area- allowing you to speak the words Motor Cortex- allowing your lips, tongue and vocal cords to move If you stop reading and begin to eat a banana, you have just used your prefrontal cortex.

11 Limbic System Pull hands apart, the base of your hand is the limbic system. This is the center of your emotions. This area is activated when you like or do not like something. Take a bite of something and spit it out. Yuck! Well you used your limbic and prefrontal cortex.

12 How do you learn? Attatched to each neuron( like the branches of a tree trunk) are dendrites. Dendrites – you grow these every time you learn something new. The more you learn about something the more connections you make with neurons and dendrites.

13 Your brain You do not have one area in your brain dedicated to memory. Memory is stored throughout. If you truly want to learn something there must be repetition for the information to be stored in several parts of your brain. Ex: Watching a dance video to learn moves

14 Short term and long term memory
Short term= 3-7 items Ex: phone number, repeat it several times until it is stored in short term Ex: An address, write it down because it contains more than seven items. Short term is called short term because it does not last forever.

15 Memory Short term memory: loses information in 15-18 seconds.
This is why when a teacher asks you a long question you sometimes cannot remember what the question was about.

16 Long term memory Unlimited storage
If you repeat something enough times it will be stored in long term memory, but this requires repetition.

17 Classroom rules 1-5 Class Yes Video

18 Classroom areas

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