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Presentation on theme: "FINAL PRESENTATION AND PAPER"— Presentation transcript:

Avimanyu Datta, Ph.D.,

2 Contents for Presentation
Executive Summary Milestones Organization and Industry Analysis Industry Analysis: Porter’s five forces Distinctive Competencies of the firm Resources and Capabilities Organization Structure Current Challenges: What are some of the current challenges with the company? Are they related to products, processes, services, mergers, industry etc. Recommendations: How do you Propose the problems be solved? What are your future directions?

3 PowerPoint Vs. paper Categories Final paper Presentation Slide
Delivery 1. Executive Summary Overall Summary 1page (5 Points) 2 Slides on the overall agenda and summary of the Presentation (5 points) How you deliver it 2. Milestones 2-6 pages on major milestones (10 points) 2-4 slides on major milestones (5 points) 3. Organization Industry Analysis Distinctive competencies. Org Structure Industry Analysis: Porter’s five forces Distinctive Competencies of the firm Value Chain Activities Resources and Capabilities Organization Structure 2-5 pages (15 Points) 2-4 slides

4 PowerPoint Vs. paper Categories Final paper Presentation Slide
Delivery 4. Current Challenges What are some of the current challenges with the company? Are they related to products, processes, services, mergers, industry etc (10 points) 2-4 slides on Current Challenges (5 points) How you deliver it (5 points) 5. Looking ahead 3 pages on future Recommendations directions. (10 Points) 2-4 Slides Reco (5points) 6. Organization/ references/ Cover Sheet/ TOC 10 points N/A

5 Dos and Don’ts : Paper Cite when you use the Internet, the cases and everything. References at the end (References should follow AMR style). See paper Zara and George (2002) If you take a figure, a table from a source, cite it. All figures and tables must be named and numbered. Due date: Check Schedule in the Syllabus, 5:00PM Central. Don’t be late.

6 Dos and Don’ts : Paper Full names of members and the course number on cover page Relevant title (not Pepsico project or Denmark) Page number on every page Table of Contents in the beginning

7 Dos and Don’ts : Paper Read carefully for typos, sentence construction problems etc. Some comparison with close industry rivals Every group member to check before final submission Bind or properly staple

8 Don’ts : Paper General recommendations […the company should keep on doing what it is currently doing …the company should do what it can do best …the business model should be changed … the company should increase innovation or efficiency …the company should expand overseas] Use of may be in recommendations Illegible printing

9 Dos and Don’ts : PowerPoint
Take Questions from Audience Don’t read from notes Each member must be present

10 Dos and Don’ts : PowerPoint Content
Slides should reflect the content of the project report Slides should appear in proper sequence Use charts / tables to reduce # of slides Choose appropriate color scheme and Font Slides should not be busy (i.e. contain excess information)

11 Dos and Don’ts : PowerPoint Organization
Decide beforehand who is going to say what Divide time accordingly Each members should know his/her part well Know your slides well Don’t spend too much time on one topic (e.g., company history) Include charts / tables / video as necessary Rehearse at least one time

12 Dos and Don’ts : PowerPoint Delivery
Introduce yourselves Show that you are enthused Do not just read from the hand-held cards / console monitor Don’t turn back too many times to see the slides Maintain eye-contact with the audience

13 Change of Dates of Presentations
If you want to Swap a slot, you need to talk to the other group, before talking to me. If you want to use a free slot, please feel free to contact me.

14 Professional Courtesy
As a respect to your colleagues, I urge all of you to be present during the presentation even if your group is not presenting.

15 Peer Evaluations: 50 Points
50 points are reserved for peer Evaluations. Check Schedule in the Syllabus for Due date. Need Hard Copy

16 Questions/ Comments?


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