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Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Support Center

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Presentation on theme: "Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Support Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Support Center
Public-private partnership as a new ideology of development of the world community Irina Zapatrina, Chairman of the Board, Doctor of economic science

2 What do we mean by ‘public-private’ partnership?

3 The essence of the PARTNERSHIP
Private enterprise: Finance, experience, knowledge, technologies Local government: Territorial interests State: rules, strategy Public interests Understanding Respect Assistance JOINT IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECTS: - advantages - risks

4 The point of creating an international association of PPP centers
The development of the partnership in the general sense of the word (economic, social, educational, and in terms of the world outlook): exchange of experience, widening of knowledge, strengthening of work potential harmonization of methodology and legislation, and the approach to implementation of PPP projects increasing of social responsibility and corporate culture of the partnership’s subjects. creation of a favorable environment for implementation of projects with participation of the private sector.

5 Our expectations from the activity of the Association as a playground for discussion, exchange of experiences, combined analytic development and projects. 1 Discussions (conferences, round tables, work groups) 2 Data base (centers, projects, private partners, analysts) 3 Website (efficient information exchange, distance learning) 4 Magazine (analytical articles, experience, detail-realization of projects) 5 Library (popular science and educational publications, methods, survey of legislation)

6 Membership in the Association
Qualification and experience Reputation Financial Dues General understanding of goals and tasks of the operation Participation in implementation of tasks of the Association

7 the Center Threatening technical state of infrastructure
Negative perception of private operators participation by the population Absence of experience of attraction of credit facilities at the world markets of capital Absence of funds for modernization of infrastructure in the state and local budgets Threatening technical state of infrastructure the Center

8 Institutional potential
Avoidance of political influence and populism Long period of formation and implementation of PPP projects

9 Imperfection of legislation, absence of proven models and mechanisms
Cautious attitude to participation in PPP of serious private operators Negative attitude of the society to presence of private sector in infrastructure Imperfection of legislation, absence of proven models and mechanisms Bureaucratic difficulties in projects implementation. Corruption

10 Search for optimal variants of cooperation
Deep professional elaboration of projects Creation of competitive conditions for attraction of the private sector Ensuring of transparency and publicity Trainings, clarifications, spreading of positive experience

11 Modernization of infrastructure, ensuring of proper level of life support of the population
Private operator Science, civil society State, Local government

12 Strategic Council Supervisory Board Executive Founder

13 1 2 3 4 Scientific-methodological support
Development of normative base 2 Trainings, increasing of qualification Public dialog 3 Formation and support of PPP projects 4 Attraction of credit resources for pool of infrastructure projects

14 Elaboration and expertise of draft acts - SCIENCE
Support of draft acts, ministries, local government, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Approval of legislative acts, state programs, budget

15 Local level Central Global Training seminars
Learning the experience, analyses of opportunities of implementation Training of participants of PPP Training seminars Joint work on implementation of PPP project Conferences, Round tables Public discussions

16 Choice of optimal mechanism of PPP
Preparation of competitive conditions Conduction of competition with attraction of wide circle of participants Conclusion of agreement Support of project implementation

17 PPP Center IFI Cabinet of Ministers Central PIG Local government
Utilities Communal enterprise Local government Agency of development Local government Agency of development Central PIG PPP Center IFI Cabinet of Ministers

18 Expected results Introduction of progressive experience, new technologies Attracting financial resources (own and borrowed) Overcoming fragmentation of communal property enterprises, increased efficiency Withdrawal from populism with respect to security of living conditions. Formation of lobbyist reform. Increase of the level of professionalism in the management of enterprises dealing with living conditions. Fast and adequate reaction to the society’s needs, technological, social, and ecological calls.

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