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Slide one visually depicts the hopeless condition of a human body without its head. Such describes the chaotic state of denominationalism and, too often,

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Presentation on theme: "Slide one visually depicts the hopeless condition of a human body without its head. Such describes the chaotic state of denominationalism and, too often,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide one visually depicts the hopeless condition of a human body without its head. Such describes the chaotic state of denominationalism and, too often, the Lord’s church (Eph. 1: 22, 23, 5: 23).

2 Jesus is the Head Over the Church
Headship implies authority and control (Eph. 1: 20-23). Authority expressed through word (I Cor. 4: 6).

3 Jesus is the Head Over the Church
The nature of the church (John 18: 36, cp. Rom. 14: 17). Slide three addresses the spiritual nature of Jesus’ church, over which He is the head.

4 Jesus is the Head Over the Church
The law of entry and exclusion (Gal. 3: 26, 27; 2 Thes. 3: 6).

5 Jesus is the Head Over the Church
The work has been determined by the head (I Tim. 3: 15).

6 Jesus is the Head Over the Church
The public worship stipulated by the head (Acts 20: 7; Eph. 5: 19; Acts 4: 31; 2 Tim. 4: 1-5; I Cor. 16: 1, 2).

7 Jesus is the Head Over the Church
“And he is the head of the body, the church; who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Col. 1: 18). Close by accenting the many important truths and consequences of Jesus’ headship.

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