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Washington State University

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1 Washington State University
WSU Research Update Dr. Christopher J. Keane Vice President for Research Professor of Physics Presented to WSU Faculty Senate February 8, 2018

2 Agenda Office of Research overview
Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A) (with input from Joan King) Grand Challenges Industrial engagement and academic freedom

3 Office of Research Organization Chart
9/19/2018 Office of Research Organization Chart Vice President for Research Dr. Christopher J. Keane Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Institutional Review Board Institutional Biosafety Committee Radiation Safety Committee Office of Research Affiliated Positions: Assistant to VP Terri Druffel John Roll, Associate Vice President for Health Sciences Research Director Administrative Services Mary Frei Communication & Outreach Specialist Karen Hunt Administrative Lisa Brown-Haas, Alicia Foth, Morgan Sandvick Grand Challenge Points of Contact Clean Technology M. Wolcott Research Advancement and Partnerships G. Dutta Research Support and Operations D. Nordquist Research Assurances M. Kluzik Campus Veterinarian N. Woodford Centers, Institutes, and Labs - Research/ Instrumentation Cores A Lazarus Commercialization S. Pappu Innovation and Research Engagement B. Kraft

4 9/19/2018 Executive Policy 2: Policy for Allocating Facilities and Administrative Cost Recovery Revenue

5 FY2017 Allocation of F&A - Summary
9/19/2018 FY2017 Allocation of F&A - Summary Total FY2017 Sponsored Program Expenditures: $195,141,350 “The 77%” Total FY17 F&A Expenditures: $32.7M “The 23%” $2.8M of the $2.9M goes direct to Units Provost Office: $2.9M Campuses/Colleges/Departments/CILs: $6.7M Grad School: $0.8M Libraries: $5.7M $2.0M of the $3.7M goes direct to Units TOTAL: Campuses/Colleges/Departments/CILs: $13.7M, plus indirect support from other Central Units Office of Research: $2.5M Benefits: $3.7M $2.2M goes to support the Units Finance & Admin.: $2.3M Utilities: $4.0M Campus Support: $1.9M Negotiated Organized Research Rate = 53% FY2017 % Return = $32.7M/$195.1M = 16.76% Actual Indirect Costs = $62.5M Set Asides: $2.2M

6 Total FY2017 Sponsored Program Expenditures: $195,141,350
9/19/2018 Not all F&A goes to the “4th Floor”! A lot of direct and indirect support for the academic areas is included here (hard lines and dash lines). Rates valid through 6/30/ Finance and Admin. is looking to extend this rate past this date. Organized Research rate is 53% Off Campus Organized Research Rate is 26% Other Sponsored Activities Rate is 36% Instruction Rate (we don’t see much of these) is 57.5% FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 5 Year Growth 5 Year Growth % F&A Expenditures $29,631,767 $28,986,462 $29,895,897 $30,732,908 $32,780,246 $3,148, % Total Cost Effective F&A Rate % % 14.82% 15.43% 16.07% 16.80% 2.28% % (This is F&A Expenses/Total Expenses – the NIH Model) Total FY2017 Sponsored Program Expenditures: $195,141,350

7 9/19/2018 WSU Grand Challenges define the University’s strategic research agenda and focus areas for large, transdisciplinary proposals Sustaining Health: The Uncompromising Pursuit of Healthier People and Communities Sustainable Resources for Society: Food, Energy, and Water Advancing an Educated, Informed, and Equitable Society Improving Quality of Life through Smart Systems Fundamental Research in Support of National Security

8 Functional Genomics Initiative Nutrition and genomics
9/19/2018 The Strategic Reallocation Program, launched in 2016, develops multidisciplinary research strengths in support of the Grand Challenges Functional Genomics Initiative Nutrition and genomics Addressing health disparities NARA annual mtg. 2015 NARA annual mtg. 2015 Stormwater detoxification Smart Cities A major student success program, managed by the Provost’s office, was also funded

9 Strategic Reallocation Program- Overview and Accomplishments
Projects Progress Accomplishments Health Equity Research Collaborative (HERC) 4 of the proposed 5 faculty positions filled Awarded 10 seed grants initiating interdisciplinary research projects with strong potential for extramural funding 4 Pending Proposals - $8.9M 1 Funded Award - $271K Green Stormwater 2 of the proposed 4 faculty positions filled; 2 in progress 6 Funded Awards - $1.4M Nutritional Genomics 1 of the proposed 4 faculty positions filled; new Ph.D. program added. Revamped the Ph.D. in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology; Human Metabolics Lab construction in progress Three seed grants given to WSU faculty; Nutritional phenotyping service center in operation. 3 Pending Proposals - $3.9M Functional Genomics Initiative 2 of the proposed 6 faculty positions filled; embryo manipulation unit added; cattle housing infrastructure work in progress. Received an NIH R21 grant led by Jon Oatley; several other proposals pending 6 Pending Proposals - $5M 1 Funded Award - $421K Smart Cities Year 1 funds used to support collaboration building with Urbanova through 3 research projects 2 Pending Proposals - $3.2M 2 Funded Awards - $209K Community Health Analytics Initiative (CHAI) Eliminated in July 2017 due to budget cuts; one faculty hire moved to Nutritional Genomics and the 2-yr joint appointment with PNNL position moved to SGAH November 2017: An additional $719K budget reduction, projects asked to freeze hiring in FY 2018 We appreciate Faculty Senate support in implementing a process for “interim approval” of Centers associated with these projects

10 Freedom of expression, including the freedom to publish and perform research, is a WSU core value*
Faculty Manual. Section IV.G.2.b: “.. The University, on behalf of its constituent colleges, schools, or departments, will not accept grants or enter into agreements for the support of instruction or research that confer upon an external party the power to censor, unduly delay, or exercise effective veto power over either the content of instruction or the publication of research. …” Exception: Can delay publications (typically days) for review by sponsor for proprietary or potentially patentable information *WSU Strategic Plan, p. 2

11 9/19/2018 Freedom of expression, including the freedom to publish and perform research, is a WSU core value* Provided a project adheres to all regulatory guidelines WSU does not constrain or limit a faculty members ability to conduct research- See section II of the Faculty Manual Funding for federal, industrial, and other research comes into WSU under agreements that define the scope of the research Research conducted under these agreements must fall within the scope of these agreements *WSU Strategic Plan, p. 2

12 Thank you for your attention!
9/19/2018 Thank you for your attention! Template K - curved line

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