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Westernization, and Southernization

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1 Westernization, and Southernization
Jacob Wiencek David Moore

2 General Definitions Westernization- influence of West (i.e. Europe) on the rest of the world Southernization- hegemony of south Asia on the world

3 What is Southernization?
Marketing of exotic spices to the Europeans Development of math, of which are the concept of zero New trade routes, primarily to Europe Marketing southern crops, like sugar, cotton, and new technologies used to grow them

4 What is Westernization?
Process of western Europe's influence, on itself, and especially the world Is more prominent nowadays Started in west Europe and rapidly expanded in the past centuries Evident in that many customs, technologies and governing concepts have widely influence third-world govenments

5 Comparisons & differences
Southernization and Westernization are analogous. Analogous means -they are comparable in certain respects typically in a way that makes clearer the nature of the things compared. They are really not all that different in respect of what they were, rather what they did and the aftereffect is….

6 C&d Sothernization: Was under way by the 5th century ad, and started to decline off somewhere in between the 1600’s ad-1700’s ad Considered to lay the foundations of westernization Decline was result of the west's rapid “catch up” and innovations on technology

7 C&D Westernization: Resulted largely from colonization
Has greatly influenced and continues to do so in America, parts of africa, and asia Has heavily influenced politics, government and society, while southernization was mainly academical, and inventive

8 C&d Southernization focused more on education and technological advancements Westernazation was more on economic and political development; resulted in modern constitutions, and republics

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