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Ainhoa Magrach, Asier R. Larrinaga, Luis Santamaria

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1 Ainhoa Magrach, Asier R. Larrinaga, Luis Santamaria
Changes in Patch Features May Exacerbate or Compensate for the Effect of Habitat Loss on Forest Bird Populations Ainhoa Magrach, Asier R. Larrinaga, Luis Santamaria

2 Chiloe Islands Chile has many islands Second largest island on Chile
Temperature and humid climate Evergreen trees with understory of vines, epiphytes and bamboos Darwin listed Chiloe as island covered with one great forest but not anymore Reduction of forests by 41% after 1999

3 Why Study – Habitat fragmentation
“A state of discontinuity in the spatial distribution of resources and conditions that affects occupancy, reproduction, or survival in a particular set of species” Direct and indirect consequences Complex mechanism consisting of: Patch area – area of the patch Isolation – distance between the patches Patch shape – major contributor of habitat Fragmentation Edge effects – effect of side by side contrast of different habitats Internal characteristics of patches – tree size and epiphyte abundance

4 Elaenia Chucao Hummingbird Rayadito Blackbird Thrush

5 Methods Studied species 80% of total avifauna of Chilean forest
Seed dispersal and pollination: Study system Chucao – understory bird, limited dispersal. Do not go into open habitat Elaenia – migrant, main seed disperser Hummingbird – main pollinator and most abundant. Found in surrounded matrix and all over the forest Rayadito – large tree user. Dispersal decreases when patches not connected by forest Blackbird – near the edges Thrush – frugivores, forest and bush areas Bird survey : Surveys in 22 forest fragments at least 2 hec Cue – count point surveys Eat forest patch divided into 8 census points. List birds seen or heard in 10 minutes Epiphyte surveys: Angiosperm epiphytes on all the census points Produces fleshy fruits that birds eat Landscape and patch metrics Statistical analyses


7 Results Point – level bird densities Changes at landscape scale
Patch – level bird densities Abundance for four species except thrush and blackbird determined by patch isolation Patch shape had major effects on chucao, hummingbird and elaenia Habitat characteristics only affected chucao Patch area did not affect any species Point – level bird densities Hummingbird density increased from edge to center elaenia density increased with epiphyte abundance Changes at landscape scale Reduction of forest lead to smaller, isolated and less irregular patches Negative effect on elaenia population No effect on chucao population Positive effect on hummingbird population Patch shape and isolation major factors that determine the bird densities in austral rainforests Internal features of patches only affected hummingbirds and chucao Effect of deforestation ranged from negative, balanced to positive

8 Chucao densities declined with increasing patch elongation and isolation Elaenia densities higher in more irregularly- shaped patches and in less isolated ones hummingbird density increased with decreasing patch elongation

9 No effect on population
Distributed all over the Study sites Abundance In clusters Decreased population Due to changes in landscape Increased population Bird moved to patches Where it was not earlier

10 Citation Magrach A, Larrinaga AR, Santamarıa L (2011) Changes in Patch Features May Exacerbate or Compensate for the Effect of Habitat Loss on Forest Bird Populations.

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