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O365 Active-Usage Insights & Customer Growth Resources

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1 O365 Active-Usage Insights & Customer Growth Resources

2 Usage creates value for customers
Customer Success When customers achieve their desired outcomes through interaction with Partners and Microsoft Increasing Market Share Preventing their Losses Establishing themselves as Innovation leader Customer’s Customer Positive impact Resolving low Performance and productivity … ROI Realization Desired Business Outcome Process Success Technical Success People Success

3 Customer usage creates value for Partners
A 5% Increase in customer retention can increase profits by 25% Source: Bain & Company It COSTS 7X More To acquire a NEW customer than RETAIN an Existing One! Source: Bain & Company

4 Introducing Office 365 Adoption Stages
Correlating adoption stages vs. churn Optimized Diversified Customers with 40%+ usage on 3+ workloads Core Customers with 20%+ usage on multiple workloads Initialized Customers with 20%+ usage on only one workload Customers with less than 20% usage on one or more workloads New Dormant Customers with less than 3 months of tenure Customers with 0 to 1%¹ active users across all workloads

5 Onboarding Program | My Insights Dashboard
Go to: The Microsoft My Insights dashboard is designed to provide you a 360-degree view of your membership and cloud activities transacted with Microsoft. The new My Insights dashboard leverages Microsoft Power BI technology and combines previous two reports, Partner Summary Report and Cloud Services Dashboard, and consolidates all the data in one single report. You will be able to track your competency progress, review your benefit consumption, and monitor your cloud subscriptions and consumption within this dashboard.

6 Cloud Product Performance: Office 365 tab
First section provides high-level summary that can be used by partners for an overall business health check Total associated subscriptions, active entitlements & customers Associations can be filtered to select the most relevant type: Partner of Record, Transacting partner, etc. Summary of total qualified v/s active entitlements by each Office workload Historical timeline summary of Office 365 active entitlements, by workload. Provides ‘Export to Excel’ capability

7 Office 365 page (2 of 2) Second section provides more detailed information on the following aspects: Timelines view of: customers categorized by their Office 365 usage using the Adoption stages concept Customer categorization provided at both a Tenant level i.e. TPID and a Customer level Active Entitlement and Qualified Entitlement information provided for each Tenant by workload and by SKU

8 Office adoption stage – details view
Enhanced Export to Excel capability provides ability to extract detailed information, including: All tenant-level information by Adoption stages, and by month to compare tenant progress over time SKU and workload detail for each tenant, including active and qualified entitlements for each Partners recommended to run CRM reports to reach out to ‘high risk’ customers, associated with Dormant & Initialized adoptions buckets

9 Recommended actions – by adoption stages
Measurement Recommended actions Resources Dormant 0-1% active users across all workloads Move high-risk customers to a steady state by identifying intent, showcasing value and onboarding them to their primary workload of interest. Adoption & Change Management IP for Partner Envision Define change scope and objectives Identify & prioritize scenarios & personas Develop detailed success plans Onboard Implementation guidance and schedule Stakeholder engagement delivery Communications delivery Training delivery Drive Value Measurement delivery Reinforcement delivery Initialized < 20% usage on all workloads Progress stuck customers by helping them complete adoption of their primary workload of interest. Core Only 1 workload with 20%+ usage Expand standalone workload customers by helping them onboard their next priority workload(s). Diversified Multiple workloads with 20%+ usage Advance customer by helping them deepen their use of existing workloads and onboard new workloads. Help identify new business scenarios, use cases, and audiences. Optimized 40%+ usage on multiple workloads Leverage the customer momentum to Upsell higher SKUs such as Business Premium, E3 & E5

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