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Histoire de France Louis XV- Louis XVI.

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1 Histoire de France Louis XV- Louis XVI

2 “Le Bien-Aimé” Great grandson of Louis XIV Very lazy - loved pleasure
Mainly concerned with society and womanizing Ruled by his mistresses: Madame de Pompadour then Madame DuBarry

3 Le Bien-Aimé Hands off approach to ruling precipitated downfall of his reign Is famous for saying “après moi, le déluge” Not in favor of helping Americans because of cost- the rest of France wanted it because of Ben Franklin’s popularity,

4 Le Bien Aimé The Age of Enlightenment Le Siècle des Lumières
Rousseau- promoted individual rights in Le Contrat Social Philosophical discussions in the Salons promoted by wealthy ladies The model of the American Revolution

5 Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette 1774-1792
L’Autrichienne - sobriquet given her by the French people She did not understand the role of Etiquette in court life - made it into a mockery Did not produce an heir for the first 7 years of marriage - harsh criticism from all sides

6 Marie-Antoinette Madame Deficit - spent outrageous sums on fashion and gambling Several scandals - L’affaire du collier set up to entrap the queen- an easy target

7 Political instability
Severe financial problems by 1788 The rich are taxed but refuse to pay Le compte rendu- Necker the finance minister quits and publishes the royal spending excesses

8 The Rise of the Tiers Etat
The estates general are convened - they have not been convened for 175 years! 300 nobles, 300 clergy, 600 commoners (lawyers, professionals, doctors) Each groups’ vote counted for 1 collective vote The third estate renames themselves the National Assembly (L’Assemblée Nationale)

9 Le 14 juillet 1789 The king having refused to listen to their decrees, they incite riots in Paris The Tiers Etat steals arms from L’Hôtel des Invalides and storms the Bastille Prison Danton (very important) leads people -they believe thousands are held prisoner -only 5-7 actually there. The king sends for his troops to contain Paris rioting People set up their own government in Paris

10 Marquis de Lafayette Leader of Paris National guard just returned from America helping the colonies - served as advisor to George Washington Sympathized with poor - but a royalist October 6, 1789 brought Louis XVI and family from Versailles to Paris

11 FYI 1,000 officers and 15,000 soldiers from the French Royal Armies were directly engaged in North America during the revolution. 2,113 French soldiers lost their lives for our independence At its height in 1776 the Continental Army had 46,891 soldiers, but only 13,292 when the French lent their troops France spent an estimated five billion dollars for our liberation

12 Political Chaos La Déclaration des droits de l’homme released in August 1789 Austria and Prussia fear France’s unrest and seek to invade Louis XVI forced to declare war on Austria Suspicion of help from Marie-Antoinette’s brother to support the royal family fuels charges of treachery against the French State

13 Royal Pains The king and queen under house arrest at the Tuilleries Palace in Paris They attempt flight in June 1791 They are caught at Varennes- identified in an inn when Louis XVI pays with a coin with his own profile on it! Louis XVI guillotined by a narrow vote -Jan 1793; Marie-Antoinette October 1793

14 Louis XVI

15 La Clergé, La Noblesse et la Monarchie au dos du paysan

16 Le Tiers-Etat se reveille

17 A Versailles, la famille royale menacée

18 Prise de la Bastille le 14 juillet 1789

19 La Terreur

20 Madame La Guillotine

21 Cancellation of rights of nobles and clergy

22 L’execution des nobles et des royalistes

23 Louis XVI à Varennes

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