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Important ERP software Oracle Business Applications

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1 Important ERP software Oracle Business Applications
9/19/2018 Enterprise Resource Planning

2 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Business Issue Oracle Capability Centralize Product Information Oracle CADView-3D to provide secure visualization and mark-up capabilities for 2-D and 3-D models, streamlining collaboration and information sharing. Enterprise Resource Planning

3 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Oracle Collaboration Suite provides a suite of enterprise-class document management, messaging and collaboration applications that enable organizations to increase user productivity and service levels while reducing total cost of ownership Enterprise Resource Planning

4 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Increase visiblity and control over projects Project Management provides project planning, tracking, budgeting and forecasting capabilities across the entire product lifecycle. Project Collaboration allows project team members to efficiently track, report on and publish project status to all project stakeholders. Enterprise Resource Planning

5 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Source at Best Value Oracle Sourcing negotiation of supplier contracts with effective online collaboration to develop requirements, identify potential sources of supply and manage complex negotiations. Enterprise Resource Planning

6 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Manage customer requirements Oracle Configurator manages configuration rules for complex products and services, helping validate a customer's choice of options and guiding them through the selling process.  Enterprise Resource Planning

7 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Customer Relationship Management CRM you know more about your customers, products and results using real time information across your business. driving profitable customer relationships, Enterprise Resource Planning

8 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Portal platform secures information access, online collaboration, and process automation Increase productivity through efficient access to relevant content and applications Share information and collaborate more effectively with customers, partners, and suppliers using a secure infrastructure Streamline business processes and reduce costs Companies Improve Productivity with OracleAS Portal   (2 min.)Customers use OracleAS Portal to access information and applications. Enterprise Resource Planning

9 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Oracle Security Consolidation maximizes security and reduces costs. : Allows multiple communities of users to securely share consolidated data Integrated user provisioning access management across the enterprise Single signon Enterprise Resource Planning

10 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Oracle Application Server is a single plate-form it provides application-to-application, business-to-business, business process management, data integration, and Web services integration. you can connect disparate information sources to seamlessly exchange data, streamline business processes, and collaborate with your partners. Enterprise Resource Planning

11 Important ERP software Oracle business applications
9/19/2018 Business Intelligence Oracle provides a complete and cost-effective solution to address the full spectrum of business intelligence requirements: data quality, data analysis, and information access. Enterprise-role based views of business Enterprise Resource Planning

12 Important ERP software SAP
9/19/2018 Important ERP software SAP Enterprise Resource Planning

13 Important ERP software SAP
9/19/2018 New efficiencies in integrated end-to-end business processes – Enable complete, fully integrated business processes for financials, human capital management, operations management, and corporate services – while optimizing related IT investments and increasing business benefits. Enterprise Resource Planning

14 Important ERP software SAP
9/19/2018 Business agility – Work in real time to make faster decisions and respond more quickly to market opportunities. Enterprise Resource Planning

15 Important ERP software SAP
9/19/2018 Advanced software platform enabling lower total cost of ownership – Reduce integration complexity, and minimize the need for custom development with the power of SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Resource Planning

16 Important ERP software SAP
9/19/2018 Incremental, deploy-as-you-go functionality – Improve cash flow and reduce costly borrowing by implementing key capabilities as you need them, according to your business requirements. Enterprise Resource Planning

17 Important ERP software SAP
9/19/2018 Faster return on investment – Eliminate the cost of purchasing and integrating third-party software add-ons, shorten time to benefit by implementing defined projects in short, manageable time frames. Enterprise Resource Planning

18 Important ERP software SAP
9/19/2018 Local depth and global reach – Address local requirements and legal obligations for International Accounting Standards (IAS), language support, payroll, and human capital management. Enhance productivity, improve cost control, and provide rigorous corporate governance with complete visibility across the enterprise. Enterprise Resource Planning

19 Important ERP software SAP
9/19/2018 mySAP Business Intelligence mySAP Customer Relationship Mgmt. mySAP Enterprise Portal mySAP ERP mySAP Financials mySAP Human Resources   mySAP Marketplace mySAP Mobile Business mySAP Product Lifecycle Mgmt. mySAP Supplier Relationship Mgmt. mySAP Supply Chain Mgmt.   Enterprise Resource Planning

20 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 Important ERP software PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Planning

21 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 In every industry, leaders are meeting business challenges and gaining competitive advantage by moving their business processes online, connecting customers, partners, suppliers, and employees directly to business processes. Intermediaries are eliminated. Productivity is increased. Costs are dramatically lowered. PeopleSoft calls this the Real-Time Enterprise. Enterprise Resource Planning

22 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 There are three keys to moving to turning your organization into a Real-Time Enterprise: Move business processes to the internet. Connect participants directly to business processes in real time. Enterprise Resource Planning

23 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 The Three Main Implications of a Real-Time Enterprise Find out how the Real-Time Enterprise means an emphasis on business processes before business software a higher level of integration, an enterprise that's always on. Enterprise Resource Planning

24 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 Pure-Internet Architecture® Enables the Real- Time Enterprise PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture and embedded analytics enable companies to share information and react quickly to business changes. Enterprise Resource Planning

25 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 Pure Internet Architecture®,available only from PeopleSoft V8, HTML applications reside on a server, rather than on thousands of client PCs— so you have instant access anytime, anywhere. Enterprise Resource Planning

26 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 PeopleSoft AppConnect brings it all together. This suite of solutions integrates PeopleSoft and non-PeopleSoft applications at all levels, connecting your business operations in real time. Enterprise Resource Planning

27 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 This translates into anywhere access to information, seamless business processes, organization-wide analytics for better business decisions more quickly and at a lower cost. Enterprise Resource Planning

28 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 Embedded analytics deliver real-time information and reporting. An integration framework that supports internet standards—including web services and XML— provides easier and faster integration with multi- vendor and internally developed applications. Enterprise Resource Planning

29 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 PeopleSoft's robust HTML-based applications meet even power users' most rigorous business demands. Enterprise Resource Planning

30 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 Enterprise Resource Planning

31 Important ERP software PeopleSoft
9/19/2018 PeopleSoft security protects all application transmissions from the server to the web browser and works with third-party authentication technologies. PeopleSoft also provides single sign-on capabilities, Enterprise Resource Planning

32 ERP Peoplesoft 9/19/2018 PeopleSoft's applications are scalable to the size of your business, and platform independence and browser independence ensure you'll have no performance issues with any modern browser. Enterprise Resource Planning

33 Questions ? 9/19/2018 Enterprise Resource Planning

34 Case 1: Wolf Peak International: Kegagalan Dan Keberhasilan Dalam Perangkat Lunak Pelaksana Untuk Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah 9/19/2018 Wolf Peak International adalah sebuah perusahaan kecil yang mendesain dan memproduksi kacamata untuk keselamatan, olahraga, mengemudi, dan industri fashion. Perusahaan mangatasi kemampuan QuickBooks untuk menangani fungsi akuntansi. Perusahaan menghabiskan banyak uang untuk menerapkan sistem akuntansi yang baru, tapi tidak ada yang tahu bagaimana untuk mengekstrak data keuangan atau operasional yang digunakan untuk membuat keputusan bisnis yang penting. Perusahaan berhasil menerapkan SAP Business One untuk menggantikan sistem akuntansi gagal. Enterprise Resource Planning

35 Pertanyaan Studi Kasus
9/19/2018 Masalah apa yang terjadi ketika Wolf Peak meng-upgrad dari QuickBooks ke paket perangkat lunak akuntansi baru? Bagaimana bisa masalah ini telah dihindari? Kenapa SAP Business One terbukti menjadi pilihan yang lebih baik untuk pengelolaan Wolf Peak’s daripada software accounting yang baru? Berikan beberapa contoh untuk mengilustrasikan jawaban Anda. Haruskan sebagian besar UKM menggunakan seperangkat software bisnis terpadu seperti SAP Business One bukan akuntansi khusus dan paket software bisnis lainnya? Mengapa atau mengapa tidak? Enterprise Resource Planning

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