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Chapter 2: Free enterprise & other economic systems

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1 Chapter 2: Free enterprise & other economic systems

2 Three basic Economic Questions
What should be produced? How should these good & services be produced? Who consumes these goods & services? Interactive Chart Three basic Economic Questions

3 Three Basic Economic Questions
This illustration shows two different approaches to the question of how to combine the factors of production. Analyze Information Which approach is most efficient? Explain your answer.

4 Based on how society answers the 3 economic questions
Structure of methods and principles a society uses to produce and distribute goods and services Based on how society answers the 3 economic questions Economic System

5 Economic Goals of Society
Efficiency Freedom Security Equity Growth Conflicting Economic Goals

6 Little room for change/innovation Revolves around family unit
Relies on habit, custom, or ritual to answer the three basic economic questions Little room for change/innovation Revolves around family unit Work divided by gender Small, close communities Agricultural and hunting/gathering societies May not have money economy Low standard of living Traditional Economy

7 Market: arrangement that allows buyers and sellers to exchange things
Can’t be self-sufficient Specialization: concentration of the productive efforts of individuals and businesses on a limited number of activities Interactive Chart Free Markets

8 Characteristics of a free market:
Answer 3 economic questions by the voluntary exchanges in the market Individuals decide what is made, how much is made, and how people get it Businesses decide what to buy and sell Also called capitalist economy because capital of businesses is vital Free Markets

9 Households: person or group living in a home Provide labor for firms
Free Markets Households: person or group living in a home Provide labor for firms Provide capital by investing Consume goods and services Firms: businesses or organizations that use resources to produce services Use factors of production to produce goods and services Pay households for labor Factor Market: where firms buy land, hire workers, pay them in paychecks, borrow money in the form of investment, pay households returns on investments Product Market: When households buy stuff from firms 3D model

10 Elements of a Free Market Economy
The circular flow model shows the interaction between households and firms in a free market. Analyze Charts What is the primary item that changes hands in the monetary flow?

11 How Markets Self Regulate:
Adam Smith: “The Wealth of Nations” Economy made up of many transactions In the exchanges, buyers & sellers worry about their own self-interest (personal gain) Consumers have incentive (hope of reward or fear of penalty) to find the lowest price Firms have incentive to sell for the highest profit Firms have incentive to compete (struggle among producers for dollars of consumers) for business Invisible hand that regulates the marketplace is made of self interest and competition Benefits: Better prices Better product More variety Innovation Interactive Gallery Free Markets

12 How Markets Self-Regulate
In a free market, incentives of all sorts influence individuals to act in their own self-interest. Identify Central Ideas Use one of the examples from this diagram to explain how the incentive given leads to the response indicated.

13 Advantages of Free Markets
Economic Efficiency Self regulating Responds quickly Economic Freedom Work where we want Make what we want Consume what we want Economic Growth Competition encourages innovation Additional Goals Wide variety of goods & services Consumer sovereignty: consumers have power to decide what gets produced Advantages of Free Markets

14 Government bureaucracy Also called command economies
Centrally Planned Economy: The government, not the consumers and producers, answer the three basic economic questions Government bureaucracy Also called command economies Oppose private property, free market prices, compeition, consumer choice Centrally Planned

15 Communism: central government owns and controls all resources & means of production and makes all economic decisions Socialism: range of economic & political systems based on the belief that wealth should be evenly distributed through society

16 Centrally Planned Economies comparing chart
Disadvantages: Economic Efficiency Workers lack incentive to work faster/produce more b/c government controls pay Bureaucracy takes a long time to adjust to demands and conditions Economic freedom: Sacrifice individual freedom for societies goals Discourages competition Takes choices from producers/consumers Economic growth: No reward fro innovation Discourage change Economic equity: Government still play favorites Some with higher income have more access to high quality goods Ordinary people suffer shortages or poor quality products Additional Goals Guarantees jobs & income Good for jump starting certain industries Centrally Planned Economies comparing chart A woman shops in a mostly empty Soviet food store in 1990.

17 Degree to which government is involved varies from nation to nation
Mixed Economy: some market based elements and some government involvement Degree to which government is involved varies from nation to nation Laissez Faire: doctrine that says government GENERALLY should not get involved in the economy Defense, highways, public education Private Property: property can be owned by individuals or companies and not the government or people as a whole Eminent Domain limits Intellectual Property: books, songs, movies that have been created Mixed Economies

18 How much are you willing to pay in taxes?
Mixed Economies Find the balance: What will you give up? How much are you willing to pay in taxes? What would you be willing to pay for? Unemployment Military Education Roads & bridges New stadiums

19 Mixed economies Interactive Chart
Government in the Factor Market: Act like firms by buying land, labor and capital US 3 million employees over $150 billion a year in labor Government in Product Market: Act like households in that they buy stuff from firms Also act like firm b/c people buy goods and services from the government Mixed economies Interactive Chart

20 Transfer payment: transferring money it collects to people and businesses as part of the factor market Mixed Economies

21 Mixed Economies Interactive Chart
Mixed Economies today: Continuum of government involvement Some a lot of government, little free Others little government, very free Some transitioning: moving from one system to another (China) Must privatize: selling enterprises operated by governments to individuals and allowing them to compete Difficult Mixed Economies Interactive Chart

22 Mixed economy founded in free enterprise system
Individual & corporate ownership Private investments Government Roles: Keep order Provide vital services Promote general welfare Protect private property Minimal regulation Overall Freedom: Very high Few limits Chose our work, where to live Chose to enter business Chose what business to enter Chose how to operate Open to foreign investment The US Economy


24 Benefits of Free Enterprise
Opportunity 27 million businesses 6 million by minorities “land of opportunity” Incentives Profit Low prices, high wages Personal satisfaction Avoiding penalties (taxes) Profit Motive Drives individuals and businesses to make decisions that improve their material well being Competition: Better price Technology/innovation Better product Better variety Open opportunity: principle that anyone can compete in marketplace Legal Equality: everyone has the same legal rights Private Property Rights: control your own possessions & use as wish Economic Freedom: Free contract: decide what agreements they want to enter into Voluntary Exchange: allows consumers and producers to decide what, when and how they buy & sell Benefits of Free Enterprise

25 Benefits of Free Enterprise
Role of Consumer in Free Enterprise System: Can tell firms what they want and how much to produce based on what they do and don’t buy Can communicate with interest groups Private organization that tries to persuade public officials to act in ways that benefit its members Role of the Entrepreneur: Fuel growth by combining factors of production in new ways Benefits of Free Enterprise

26 Benefits of Free Enterprise
Limited role of the Government: Information Public disclosure laws: give consumers important info about the products or services they offer Protect the health, safety, and well being Negative effect of regulation is higher taxes, more money to comply, can lead to less competition Benefits of Free Enterprise

27 Supporting Economic Growth
Macroeconomics: study of economic behavior and decision making in a nation’s whole economy Large scale Microeconomics: study of economic behavior and decision making in a smaller units, such as households and firms Small scale Supporting Economic Growth

28 Supporting Economic Growth Interactive Graph
GDP Measures Business Cycles: GDP: Gross Domestic Product The measure of a nations wealth The total value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year Business Cycle: alternating pattern of expansion and contraction Expansion Peak Contraction Trough GDP higher in expansion GDP lower in contraction Supporting Economic Growth Interactive Graph

29 Supporting Economic Growth
Encouraging Economic Strength Maximum Employment Healthy unemployment rate 4-6% Governments may encourage job growth if unemployment rises too fast A Growing Economy Higher standard of living Increasing GDP May see governments cut taxes or increase spending Stability Confidence for investors Price levels fairly fixed Secure Financial Markets Banks & stock market functioning well Government regulations to protect people Economic Citizenship Voting for people with economic policies in mind More say at state & local level with referendums Laws submitted directly to people on ballots Supporting Economic Growth


31 Supporting Economic Growth
Productivity & the Role of Technology Technological Progress Improved technology = higher productivity Helps economy function efficiently Increases GDP Gives US businesses an advantage over other countries Side effect: Obsolescence: older products & processes become out of date Encouraging Innovation Morrill Acts 1862 & 1890 created land grant colleges Texas A&M, MIT, long history of innovation Government research institutions like NASA Patents: inventors have exclusive rights to produce & sell new product for 20 years Copyrights: author, musician, etc. exclusive rights to public and sell his/her creative works American Work Ethic Commitment to the value of hard work Work hard & care about the quality of the work you do Supporting Economic Growth

32 Public Goods & externalities
Shared good or service for which it would be impractical or inefficient to make consumers pay for individually or to exclude those who don’t pay NASA, public parks, defense, roads & bridges, dams or flood services Many people can use them without reducing the benefits to any single consumer Financed by the public sector Public sector is transactions of the government Private sector is transactions with businesses Private sector has little incentive to produce public goods Public Goods & externalities

33 Cost & benefits: Infrastructure: basic facilities that are necessary for a society and economy to function efficiently and grow Transportation, electricity, internet, bridges, canals, dams, clean water, gas Should it be a public good? 1. Benefit to each individual is less than the cost that each would have to pay if they were to provide it privately. 2. Total benefits to society are greater than the total cost. Boils down to efficiency in producing goods & services

34 Public Goods & Externalities
Free Riders Problem with public goods Someone who would not be willing to pay for a certain good or service, but would get the benefit of it anyway if it were provided as a public good Consume what they don’t pay for If the government relied on voluntary contributions to fund public services, many would refuse, and many services would be eliminated

35 Public goods & externalities
Market Failures: Describes a specific situation in which the free market, operating on its own, does not distribute resources efficiently No profit for private sector That’s why it becomes a public good

36 Public goods & externalities interactive before and after
Unintended economic side effect of a good or service Could be good and give people unintended benefits (positive externality) Could be bad and have unforeseen costs to a person (negative externality) Government goals: sign of market failure because the costs or benefits are not assigned properly Government may take action to create positive externalities Government should limit negative externalities Economists want the government to allow market driven solutions to some problems (environmental) because many think the private sector can better reduce negative externalities Public goods & externalities interactive before and after

37 Public goods & externalities
Poverty Problem 15% of Americans live in poverty Higher for children Government programs take money from some and redistribute it to others Many say it violates principle of limited government intervention Free market is good at generating wealth, but it is unevenly spread Poverty threshold: income level below that which is needed to support families 2012 single adult with 1 child is $15, 825 2012 family of four, 2 adults, 2 kids, $23, 283 Government helps old, sick, poor and disabled with safety net programs Raise people’s standards of living to purchase needed goods and services Welfare system: a general term for government programs that help the poor Since 1930’s but revised under Johnson Attacked since 1980’s Unwilling & unable to get off of it Argues that it discourages productivity and actually increases or enables poverty 1996 changes in number of people and how long could recieve Public goods & externalities

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