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The Temple Pattern: Introduction Judaism

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1 The Temple Pattern: Introduction Judaism
World Foundations 101 The Temple Pattern: Introduction Judaism

2 Introduction: Course Themes
What are the course themes? Which one could be viewed as the “controlling” theme? In what way?

3 Introduction: Redemption
What is redemption? From what must we be redeemed? From an LDS perspective, what is the highest form of redemption? How is that redemption? What is an archetype? Where do we find the archetypal form for redemption?

4 Introduction: Temple Pattern
What is “the temple pattern”? By what other names might it be known? Do other cultures display this pattern? In what ways is the LDS temple pattern similar to that of other cultures? In what ways is it different? What is the role of “keys”? Why are they important? How are they possessed? Is it possible to discuss the temple pattern appropriately? How? “The Long Journey back to God” Keys are the permission to conduct salvific rituals, having authority to bind on earth and in heaven. They are required for the effective performance of those ordinances. As members of the LDS church, we believe that the keys for effective performance of certain required, salvific ordinances were given by Chrits to his apostles, but were lost from the earth when the last of the original apostles had died or been martyred early in the first century. We also believe, however, that these keys were returned through angelic ministration during the period of “The Restoration.” Those keys have been held continuously since then by the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

5 Introduction: The Long Journey
In what way is the temple pattern a long journey? To where? According to James Talmage, what are the three essential portions of the temple pattern? More specifically, how does the LDS temple ceremony demonstrate the long journey back to God? Talmage cites these three essential components of the temple ceremony/pattern: (1) Instruction, (2) Covenant-making, (3) Judgment and The Return to God’s Presence. The LDS temple is divided, sometimes in physical actuality, into (1) Creation, (2) The Garden, (3) The Fall, (4) The Long Journey, (5) Judgment and Triumphal Return.

6 Introduction: Temple Endowment
What is an endowment? “President Brigham Young gave this definition of the endowment: ‘Your endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the house of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels, being enabled to give them the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the holy Priesthood, and gain your eternal exaltation in spite of earth and hell’.” Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1941], p Qtd. in “Lesson 16: Temple Endowment,” Young Women Manual 3, Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1994, p How is this descriptive of The Long Journey back to God?

7 Judaism: Ancient Israel
Commercial break Besides ancient Jewish culture, what other cultures will we study this semester that demonstrate aspects of the temple pattern? How did the ancient Aaronic tabernacle and its associated rituals demonstrate the temple pattern? Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism The design, decoration, furnishing, clothing, order of rituals; moving from the less sacred (profane) to the sacred/holy to the most holy/Holy of Holies.

8 Judaism: Traditional Judaism
Modern Judaism descended from ancient Israelite Jewry through which “school”? Modern Judaism is called what, making reference to the Judaism passed through the Rabbis? The Pharisees

9 Judaism: Rabbinical Judaism
Rabbinical Judaism, from Pharisaism, emphasizes what aspect of the ancient Mosaic Law? What is the purpose of this emphasis? Into what three groups has Rabbinical Judaism formed? Because of these divisions and distinctions, to many of its adherents, Judaism is not a religious tradition as much as a racial, ethnic, or national identity. Accordingly, although Judaism doesn’t have a clearly defined and universally accepted creed, where might we find a succinct statement of widely held Jewish beliefs? What is a synagogue and how does it demonstrate the temple pattern? Clean and unclean To remind the people of their need for redemption, holiness, atonement to return to the presence of God. Unclean does not mean “evil.” Orthodox Jewry, stressing the rituals of worship; Reformed Jewry, a reaction to Orthodox Jewry, stressing ethical behavior; and Conservative Jewry, growing out of the tension between the former two groups, stressing the ability to change and adapt to the cultural times and places when and where Judaism is practiced. Moses Maimonides “Thirteen Principles of Faith.”

10 Closing issues for consideration
Are there any ways in which Judaism and our own Latter-day Saint culture are similar? Are we in any way like Pharisaism or Rabbinical Judaism? Is there anything we can learn from Judaism? Are there any ways in which we can engage in what might be called “holy envy”? Where would we be without Judaism?

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