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CPL Class Information Review

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1 CPL Class Information Review
This is a general overview of information, facts and laws. Please review the applicable laws Consult an attorney before acting on the information below Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

2 Laws and legal Updates - Your responsibility License
The CPL license is valid for a maximum of 5 years The license expires on your birthday of the 5th year. You are notified of the expiration date by the state of Michigan 3-6 months before license expires. You can use any handgun to qualify for the range portion of the CPL course. After receiving your can CPL you can carry any handgun without qualifying with an instructor. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

3 Laws and legal Updates - Your responsibility License
There is no minimum amount of handguns that you can carry concealed. There is no mandated recurrent training required by law during the duration of your license, just the requirement to maintain you knowledge and skills. You will only be as good as you want to be! Is that good enough to save your life Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

4 Laws and legal Updates - Your responsibility License Renewal
Renewal requires the CPL holder to complete a 3 hours of "required" training and one hour at the range within the preceding 6 months prior to re- applying for their CPL “Required” meaning up-to-date regarding all applicable laws and CPL carry requirements. Shooting skills should be at the new applicant level. “Renewal study” does not mandate CPL instructor training Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

5 Laws and legal Updates - Your responsibility
You are required to know how to find and stay current on all applicable laws You are required to know the laws of other states where you intend to carry your handgun You are not notified of changes to the law You are required to know and demonstrate safe operation of your concealed carry handgun (read the manual) You are required to maintain the CPL class shooting skills Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

6 Laws and legal Updates - Your responsibility
You can carry a handgun on most forms of transportation as long as that does not violate other laws. Refer to TSA for rules regarding public transportation. You do not need a CPL to carry concealed on your property or lands possessed by you. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

7 Training Requirement 8 hour NRA Personal Protection in the Home class
5 hours classroom 3 hours range Live fire is required to complete range portion 98 rounds required Certificate Statement – The applicant has completed The Michigan Concealed Pistol Training Course. This course complies with section 5j of 1927 PA 372. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

8 State CPL training requirements
Instructor Requirement NRA Instructor Attorney or other recognized qualifications to teach legal portion of class Applicant Requirement Resident of Michigan for 6 months 21 years old No felony or listed misdemeanor convictions Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

9 Definitions CCW/CPL   Both of these abbreviations are often used to refer to the Michigan Concealed Pistol License. (The license required to carry a concealed handgun).  CPL is the Michigan Concealed Pistol License CCW refers to concealed carry weapons laws Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

10 Definitions Under the Michigan CPL laws a handgun is the only “weapon” you can carry concealed. Preemption The state controls CPL laws - local government cannot have more restrictive or different laws. Reciprocity Another state allows a Michigan resident to carry a handgun in that state according to that states laws.    Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

11 handgun Possession 18 years old to own a handgun
18 but not 21 can purchase from a private party only 21 to purchase from a FFL dealer 21 to purchase handgun ammunition Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

12 Handgun purchase and Registration
All purchase, sales or transfers must be done in the state of Michigan by a residents of Michigan that can legally sell and purchase the handgun Handguns acquired out of state must be transferred from out of state into the state of Michigan through a (FFL) Federally Licensed Gun Dealer. Gun dealer transfer fees usually apply Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

13 Handgun Purchase Permits and Background checks
All handgun purchase require a purchase permit or background check A CPL is a purchase permit Point of sale purchase P.O.S - Handguns can be purchased from a gun dealer without acquiring a purchase permit from your local P.D. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

14 Handgun Purchase Permits and Background checks
Do not need to acquire a purchase permit from a police department Background checks are done by FFL gun dealer at Point of sale. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

15 Handgun Purchases from a private party (Person to Person)
Purchaser 18 years old but not 21 must get purchase permit from local P.D. Person 21 with a CPL can use CPL as a purchase permit. Person 21 without a CPL must get a purchase permit from their local P.D Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

16 Handgun Transfers Handguns purchased / acquired out of state must be shipped across state lines by federally licensed gun dealers ( dealer to dealer ) Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

17 Registration All handguns must be registered
Registration is a 3 step process Complete a 3 part Pistol Sales Record at P.O.S Purchaser register handgun with your local P.D 3 ways to complete registration process with P.D Mail in form Certified mail Hand Carry and get receipt Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

18 The CPL license and application
The term CCW and CPL are used interchangeably to identify the license to carry a handgun. The purchase of a handgun and the CPL application process are two different procedures that are independent of each other. The purchase of a handgun is processed by your local police department. The concealed pistol license is processed by your county clerk. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

19 The CPL license and application
Must be 21 years old No felonies No misdemeanors listed under the 3 or 8 year category The CPL license is valid for up to 5 years The CPL license expires on your birthday of the 5th year The CPL training certificate does not expire Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

20 The CPL license and application
You are notified of the expiration of your license 3 to 6 months before expiration. You must apply for the license in your county of residence You Process the application with your county clerk Your finger prints taken by the sheriff dept or local police Your CPL application process takes about 4 weeks You are not required to change address attached to your CPL or notify police when moving within the state. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

21 Weapons - Other Countries
All forms of weapons are prohibited in Canada and Mexico Firearms Pepper Spray Knives that designed to be a weapon Dagger, bayonet switch blade etc. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

22 Possession – Safe Storage
You may be criminally and civilly liable for any harm caused by a person less than 18 years of age who lawfully gains unsupervised access to your firearm if unlawfully stored. As such, a trigger lock, gun case or other device designed to prevent unauthorized access to a firearm is strongly recommended. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

23 Possession The owner of a handgun can “loan” a handgun to a person that has a valid CPL. The CPL holder can possess / carry the handgun without the owners presence. The owner of a handgun can let another person without a CPL “use” the handgun with the owner present. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

24 Possession The minimum legal blood alcohol level under Michigan CPL law is .02 – Do not consume alcohol or drugs A CPL is not required for you to carry a handgun concealed on your property or lands possessed by you. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

25 Possession Two documents must be on you at all times when carrying a handgun. 1. Drivers license or state ID card 2. Concealed pistol license The CPL license allows you to carry a handgun concealed (CPL) on your person or in a vehicle You can carry more than one handgun Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

26 Proper Conduct During Encounters with Police
You are required to notify police officer immediately upon contact – driver responsibility Tell the officer you have a handgun in the vehicle Notification Procedure Options I have a handgun and a CPL I have a CPL and no handgun I do not have a handgun and do not have my CPL with me. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

27 Qualification You can qualify for the CPL class with any caliber of handgun. You are not required to qualify for the CPL class with the handgun you will carry. The CPL is attached to you - not a specific handgun, therefore you are not required by law to re-qualify or demonstrate proficiency with a CPL instructor to carry other handguns purchased after you qualify for the CPL. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

28 Gun free zones - 9 on the back of you CPL
1. Schools 2. Public or private day care center, public or private child caring agency, or public or private child placing agency. 3. Sports arena or stadium. 4. A tavern where the primary source of income is the sale of alcoholic liquor by the glass consumed on the premises. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

29 Gun free zones 5. Any property or facility owned or operated by a church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or other place of worship, unless the presiding official allows concealed weapons. 6. An entertainment facility that the individual knows or should know has a seating capacity of 2,500 or more. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

30 Gun Free Zones 7. A hospital
8. A dormitory or classroom of a community college, college, or university 9. A Casino Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

31 Gun free zones Premises" does not include the parking areas of the places listed above in 1 through 9. A pistol is subject to immediate seizure if the CCW permit holder is carrying a pistol in a "pistol free" area. The following penalties may also be imposed: "Weapons are not permitted in any courtroom, office, or other space used for official court business or by judicial employees unless the chief judge or other person designated by the chief judge has given prior approval consistent with the court's written policy." Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

32 Other Gun free zones US Post offices are gun free zones not listed on license Federal property could be a gun free zone Private property can be posted by the owner as a gun free zone. EXA stores and places we do business. Places of employment Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

33 Exceptions to gun free zones
Parking lots of gun free zones Carry in a restaurant not a tavern Owner Employee approved by owner Private investigator Police employment rules Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

34 Places most likely to see a no gun sign
Places that are private property and not on the back of your license These are places most likely posted because of what they do----- Movie theater (2500 or more) Banks Restaurant (serve alcohol) Jewelry Store. Any places we go to shop and do business - look for signs Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

35 Concealed Carry Concealed carry rules applies to the person and vehicle and means to carry or place the handgun so as not to seen or identified as a handgun. A concealed pistol permit is required if the handgun is "accessible" to the driver of the vehicle. To place in a “inaccessible” location means in a trunk or in a locked container. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

36 Transporting a handgun
The handgun is not accessible – meaning The handgun is gun a “gun box” and lock on gun / box . No ammunition in handgun or box Place in trunk if available Ammunition can be transported in another container/place Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

37 Other weapons - Taser Tasers can be possessed and carried by a Michigan resident that has a current CPL and completes the required legal process. Law effective date August 6, 2012. A CPL is required to have a Tazer Price $ plus Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

38 Other Weapon- Pepper Spray
Pepper spray can be possessed / carried by a Michigan resident 18 years old. Pepper spray does not require a license or additional training. The user does not have to have a CPL. Price $15.00 plus Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

39 Most Likely Violations
Failure to notify - An individual licensed to carry a concealed pistol who is stopped by a police officer (traffic stop or otherwise) shall immediately disclose to the police officer that he or she is carrying a concealed pistol either on their person or in their motor vehicle. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

40 Most Likely Violations
Alcohol - An individual licensed to carry a concealed pistol shall not possess a concealed pistol on their person or motor vehicle while they have any bodily alcohol content (.02 bodily alcohol content [BAC] or above) or a controlled substance.* Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

41 Most Likely Violations
Transporting vs carrying handgun - not using the correct procedure under a given set of circumstances. Transporting a means the handgun is in a suitable container, unloaded, no ammunition in the container or handgun. The container is locked and stored in a inaccessible location relative to the driver of the vehicle. (based on the vehicle design) Concealed Carry - Carrying means to have a handgun on your person or in your vehicle that cannot be identified as a handgun Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

42 Most Likely Violations
Illegal purchase of a handgun - Do not know the proper procedure regarding the purchase of a handgun acquired within the state of Michigan or out state. Illegal ownership - Do not know the rules and procedure of acquiring and registering a handgun. Illegal or misuse of the handgun in a self defense situation. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

43 Most Likely Violations
Do not know the gun free zones Do not know the rules of using a firearm in self defense Cannot make a reasonable shot/don’t decision Not skilled in the use of the self defense handgun "Don’t make your first attempt at self defense become an experiment that failed. " Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

44 Legal weapon does not come under CPL laws can carry open or concealed
Pepper Spray – does not come under CPL laws can carry open or concealed Is classified as a weapon under Michigan weapons laws. Do not need a license to purchase or carry Can carry in many places that do not allow handguns Must be 18 to possess a pepper spray Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

45 Legal weapon TASER Must have a CPL Training Registration Processing
Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

46 Deadly Force Type of threat present - Fear of life
Possibility of threat - Imminent Result of threat ---- Death Serious injury Rape The handgun is used to protect people only! Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

47 Non Deadly Force - weapon
pepper spray – 18 years old to possess Taser 21 years old Must have a CPL Training and registration requirements Taser and pepper spray are used to protect people and property when "physical force" may be necessary. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

48 Self Defense Act of October 1, 2006
A package of 6 laws that deal with the laws of self defense for the citizens of Michigan. AN ACT to clarify the rights and duties of self- defense and the defense of others. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

49 Self Defense Act of October 1, 2006
Summary overview PA 309 creates the Self Defense Act and specifies that it is not a crime to use force or deadly force to defend oneself if that person is not breaking any laws when defensive force was used. PA 310 puts the burden of proof on the prosecutor to show that a person acted unlawfully in the application of force, rather than the person using the force having to prove they acted law­fully. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

50 Self Defense Act of October 1, 2006
PA 311, outlines rebuttal presumptions for justified use of self-defense. The bill makes it clear that there is no “duty to retreat” if a person is in a place where they have a legal right to be. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

51 Self Defense Act of October 1, 2006
PA 311 Allows for the award of court and attorney fees in civil cases where it was deter­mined a person acted in accordance with the Self Defense Act and where civil immunities apply. PA 312 Expands the definition of “dwelling” to include a person’s garage, barn, backyard, etc. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

52 Self Defense Act of October 1, 2006
PA 313 Gives civil immunities to persons acting in accordance with the Self Defense Act, preventing criminals and their families from suing law-abiding citizens Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

53 General Provisions of the Act
A person may use deadly force with no duty to retreat if as per (PA 309) 1.They are not engaged in a crime 2.They are in a place they have a legal right to be 3.They honestly and reasonably believe deadly force is necessary 4.The deadly force is used to prevent imminent death, great bodily harm, or sexual assault of the person another Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

54 General Provisions of the Act
A person may use force other than deadly force if (PA 309): 1.They are not engaged in a crime 2.They are in a place they have a legal right to be 3.They honestly and reasonably believe force is necessary 4.The force is used to prevent imminent unlawful force against the person or another. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

55 Life Threatening Events Where the perpetrator is the threat and a weapon as we would know one is not required to be present. 1. In the process of breaking and entering a dwelling or business 2. In the process of committing a home invasion 3. Has committed a breaking and entering or home invasion and is still present in the dwelling or business 4. Is attempting to unlawfully remove a person from a dwelling, business, or vehicle against his or her will. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

56 Your rights 5th amendment The right against self incrimination
The right to an attorney Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

57 Home Safety and Self Defense
based on the concept of: Prevention: Prevent a person from breaking into or entering your home with proper landscaping and security devices. Escape: If an intruder is in your home, escape from your home if you have the opportunity to do so safely Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

58 Home Safety and Self Defense
Retreat: If an intruder is in your home retreat to a safe area or room where you can protect you and your family, call the police, secure your area, do not engage the intruder unless absolutely necessary. Stay on the phone with the dispatcher, you can help the police catch the intruder and stay safe at the same time. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

59 Home Safety and Self Defense
If you must shoot to protect yourself, be sure you have properly identified the target as the intruder. Do not shoot through doors, walls or other objects at the suspected intruder Because there is no duty to retreat does not give you the right to shoot the intruder just because he is in your home. Your justification is always self- defense. Target identification must be visual. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

60 Home Safety and Self Defense
Do not have handgun in hand when police arrive (unless you need to protect yourself) You are not required to say anything but identify yourself If you must say something say “I was in fear of my life and I shot to protect myself’ You may be arrested based on evidence at the scene. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

61 Home Safety and Self Defense
You may be taken into police custody for questioning. Your handgun will be confiscated Do not make or sign any statements unless your attorney is present Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

Call Police Follow the directions of the police Do not leave the scene/ run (except to get help or move to safety) Flight equals guilt Render Assistance? (Use extreme caution if attempting to approach attacker) Protect the scene - Do not change anything Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

63 The NRA 3 Always Rules 1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction 2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot 3. Always keep the firearm unloaded until ready to use Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

64 Handgun safety 1. The NRA's elements of a good shooting position are
Consistency, balance, support, natural aiming area and comfort. 2. The NRA fundamentals of marksmanship are aiming, breath control, hold control, trigger control and follow- through. 3. A double action trigger pull is considered safer when confronting another person because a double action trigger pull greatly reduces the chance of an accidental discharge. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

65 Handgun safety 4. The best ammunition for self defense is Hollow Points  5. How can you tell if you can use +p or +p+ ammunition in your handgun? You can find it in your handgun operating handbook, ask a reliable gun dealer ,or you can call the gun manufacturer. 6. Good firearms safety practices should be followed Anytime you are handling or shooting a firearm. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

66 Handgun Safety 7. The two most important shooting fundamentals are sight alignment and trigger control. 8. When a cartridge fails to fire immediately, you should keeps the pistol pointed in a safe direction and, after waiting at least 15 seconds (as a precaution in case of a hang fire), open the action and remove the cartridge. 9. When gripping the pistol, you should use the same grip each time that you hold the pistol. Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

67 Handgun safety 10. Double-action is the type of action in which the trigger performs two tasks: cocking and releasing the hammer. 11. Before cleaning a pistol, be sure that the pistol is unloaded, the action is open and no ammunition is present.  12. When a cartridge fails to fire after the primer has been struck by the firing pin that is a misfire Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

68 Handgun safety 13. When using the sights to aiming a pistol, the eye can focus on one object at a time; therefore you should focus on the front sight so that it appears clear and sharp. 14. Correct sight alignment requires that you align the front sight with the rear sight 15. The four cardinal rules of firearms safety are 1. All guns are always considered to be loaded 2. Point the Muzzle in a safe direction 3. Keep your finger off the trigger guard and outside the trigger guard until on target 4. Be sure of your target and backstop Handgun Training Specialists 9/19/2018

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