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Bio 9C: Monday, Title: What are cells?

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Presentation on theme: "Bio 9C: Monday, Title: What are cells?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio 9C: Monday, 9.21.09 Title: What are cells?
Homework: Pass Classification Reflection Cell Theory Introductory Homework: Read Section 7.1 in your Dragonfly textbook (pgs ) Answer Questions 1, 2, 4, and 5 on pg Put answers in your notebook. Due Wednesday Do Now: On the next slide: Write down at least 3 observations about what you see in the picture (extended Do Now) Objectives for Class: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

2 Write down at least 3 observations about what you see in this picture:
Extended Do Now Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Write down at least 3 observations about what you see in this picture:

3 PHA Biology 9 Moretti and Dickson
What are Cells? PHA Biology 9 Moretti and Dickson

4 Find ONE SIMILARITY among all of these pictures:
Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

5 Cell membrane (barrier)
What makes a cell? Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells All cells have… Cell membrane (barrier) DNA (genetic info) Cytoplasm (fluid)

6 1. All living things are made of cells.
What makes cells important and where do they come from? (aka- the Cell Theory) Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 1. All living things are made of cells. Single celled Organisms Multicellular Organisms

7 2. Cells give an organism its Structure
What makes cells important and where do they come from? (aka- the Cell Theory) Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 2. Cells give an organism its Structure Cells are where an organism’s Functions to stay alive happen Even the most complex organisms are made of a bunch of different types of cells working together.

8 What makes cells important and where do they come from
What makes cells important and where do they come from? (aka- the Cell Theory) Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 3. New cells come from pre-existing cells. One cell divides into two identical daughter cells by the process of mitosis.

9 Comparing Cell Types Cell 1 Cell 2
Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells What is 1 similarity and 1 difference between these two cells? Cell 1 Cell 2

10 Two main cell types: PROKARYOTES and EUKARYOTES
Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Prokaryotes “before kernel” No nucleus – but still have genetic material Smaller and simpler (always single-celled) Only some have internal membranes But… they still carry out all of life’s activities (growth, reproduction, respiration, digestion, response to environment…some can even move) Examples: Bacteria, organisms in Archaea

11 Two main cell types: PROKARYOTES and EUKARYOTES
Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Eukaryotes – “true kernel” Nucleus – DNA in a separate compartment Larger and more complex Contain dozens of internal structures and membranes Multicellular = Many different cell types specialized for different jobs Examples: Single-Celled (Protists) or Multicellular (Plants, Animals, Fungi)

12 Two main cell types: PROKARYOTES and EUKARYOTES
Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells White Blood Cell w/ Cocci (bacteria) Epithelial Cells w/ Bacilli (bacteria)

13 Bio 9C: Wednesday, 9.23.09 Title: Using a Compound Microscope
Double Block Homework: (Pass Classification Reflection forward if you didn’t yesterday) Eukaryotic Cell Diagrams Assignment For the cell organelle assigned you for the Cell Organelle Cocktail Party you must: Write one sentence explaining what your organelles job is inside the cell Write one sentence comparing your organelle to something completely different Do Now: Use pg in the textbook to identify the major components of a compound microscope (Extended Do Now – 5 min) Objectives for Class: Identify the major parts of a compound microscope Prepare a wet-mount slide Use microscope adjustments to focus the microscope and bring images into view

14 Identifying the components of a Compound Microscope
Class Objective: Identify the major parts of a compound microscope

15 Using a Compound Microscope
Class Objectives: Identify the major parts of a compound microscope Prepare a wet-mount slide Use microscope adjustments to focus the microscope and bring images into view Microscope Tutorial Follow the instructions to complete the microscope tutorial. Do not move on to the next step until Mr. Moretti has checked your slides and has determined that you have identified the appropriate objects with your microscope.

16 Complete Eukaryotic Cell Diagram
Class Objectives: Identify the components that ALL cells have Explain why cells are important to All living things Explain where the heck cells come from Distinguish between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Identify the major organelles in a Eukaryotic Cell Complete Eukaryotic Cell Diagram

17 Bio 9C: Friday, 9.25.09 Title: The Organelle Cocktail Party
Do Now: Find your organelle “buddy” and sit down so that you are facing each other (one inside the circle, one outside) Make a Name Tag for your organelle name Homework: Take out last night’s HW Pre-Lab: Cells Under Microscope Lab Objectives for Class: Identify the major organelles in a Eukaryotic Cell Explain the functions of the major organelles in a Eukaryotic Cell

18 Cell Organelle Cocktail Party
Class Objectives: Identify the major organelles in a Eukaryotic Cell Explain the functions of the major organelles in a Eukaryotic Cell Cell Organelle Cocktail Party Organelle Cocktail Party Rules: With your organelle buddy: Discuss your answer from the HW and agree on a job description that is 6 words or less! (3 min) When you meet another organelle: Introduce yourselves and shake hands Find out each other’s jobs (1 min.) Find a connection between the two of you – how do your jobs relate? (1.5 min.) Record information in the Organelle Chart. Inner circle rotates one seat to the right.

19 Bio 9C: Monday, 9.28.09 Title: A day in the life of a cell
Homework: Typed Short Essay (to be handed in): Describe how the organelles in a cell work together to make and use proteins. Include at least 5 different organelles in your essay. Due Wednesday, Do Now: Look back at the graphic organizer from the “Cocktail Party”, which organelles did you have the closest connection to? Which were the less obvious connections? Objectives for Class: Identify the organelles in a Eukaryotic Cell Explain how at least 5 cell organelles work together to make and use proteins in your body

20 Cytoplasm RNA Nucleus E.R. ATP Ribosome Protein
A Day in the Life of The Cell Protein Ribosome RNA Released into blood stream and used as hormone or other bodily structure Golgi Apparatus (Modifies and shapes the protein) Protein being formed at Ribosome Nucleus Cytoplasm Protein could go to membrane to be released into blood stream DNA (Holds genetic information) RNA (Copies genetic from DNA and carries it to the Ribosome to make proteins) Vesicles (“bubbles” that transport proteins) (transports and packages proteins) E.R. Lysosome ::Blood Stream:: Cell Membrane CO2 + H2O ATP (Energy for the cell to use) Ribosomes Mitochondria Cell Respiration Glucose + O2

21 Bio 9C: Wednesday, 9.28.09 Title: Cells Under a Microscope Lab
Double Block Homework: Cell Microscope Lab Analysis Questions Continue studying for Quiz on Friday Do Now: Complete Cell Microscope Lab Pre-Lab (extended Do Now – 10 Min) Objectives for Class: Identify the visible organelles in a Eukaryotic Cell Prepare a wet-mount slide Use microscope adjustments to focus the microscope and bring images into view Compare and contrast plant and animal cell structures

22 Cell Microscope Lab Cell Microscope Lab Complete Pre-Lab
Class Objectives: Identify visible organelles in a Eukaryotic Cell Prepare a wet-mount slide Use microscope adjustments to focus the microscope and bring images into view Compare and contrast plant and animal cell structures Cell Microscope Lab Complete Pre-Lab Review Materials Review Lab Job Descriptions Complete Human Cheek Cell Procedures Complete Plant Cell Procedures Continue to Extra Credit Slides and/or Analysis and Conclusion Section

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