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Cell Theory 14.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Theory 14.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Theory 14.2

2 Read pages 66-69 and compare Scientific Law vs
Read pages and compare Scientific Law vs. Scientific Theory Page 88 Scientific Law Both are the Same Scientific Theory

3 Theory or Law???? The Flat Earth theory states that the Earth’s shape is a plane or disk.

4 Theory or Law???? The theory of gravity states that two bodies attract each other with a force that is related to their mass and the distance between them.

5 Theory or Law??? The theory of spontaneous generation states that living things come from non-living things.

6 Video about Scientists
Dates Scientist Discovery What is the significance of the discovery? Anton van Leeuwenhoek Robert Brown Robert Hooke Matthias Schleiden Theodor Schwann Rudolf Virchow

7 Evidence Card Sort You and your partners will sort the evidence cards based on the three components of Cell Theory: All living things are made up of cells Cells are the basic unit of life Cells come from pre-existing cells

8 Explain What evidence supports each component of the cell theory?
In 1663, after Robert Hooke looked at the cork cells, was there enough evidence to support the cell theory? Why or why not? How did Robert Hooke’s observation turn into a scientific theory? Is the cell theory a strong theory? Why or why not? What evidence could make the cell theory stronger? What evidence would discount the cell theory? What is the significance of the microscope in providing evidence for the cell theory? What makes something a scientific theory? How is a scientific theory different from a non-theory?

9 One Stay, others stray The person with the next closest birthday stays, you are the spokesperson for the group. You will stay with the cards to answer questions. Other members of group rotate to each of the groups. Look over the organization of the evidence. Ask the spokesperson to clarify any questions that you might have about the choices made for placement of the evidence. Continue until you have returned to your original location.


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