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TOK - Theory of Knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "TOK - Theory of Knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOK - Theory of Knowledge.

2 What is TOK? The TOK course “challenges students and their teachers to reflect critically on diverse ways of knowing and areas of knowledge and to consider the role knowledge plays in a global society. It encourages students to become aware of themselves as thinkers to become aware of the complexity of knowledge and to recognize the need to act responsibility in an increasingly interconnected world.”

3 Key Questions. How do I, or how do we, know that a given assertion is true, a belief is reasonable, or a given judgment is well grounded? How do we know what we know?

4 Relationship of TOK within the IB.
TOK is at the core of the IB programme. It sits alongside the extended essay and CAS. It is designed to develop a coherent approach to learning which transcends and unifies the academic areas an encourages appreciation of other cultural perspectives.

5 Theory of Knowledge – 7 key knowledge questions
Meaning: what does it mean? Evidence: what counts as evidence? Certainty: how certain is it? Perspective: how else can we look at it? Limitations: what are the limitations? Value: why does it matter? Connections: how similar/different is it to/from?

6 The TOK Diagram You are at the center of the diagram.
Your ways of knowing help you explore and interpret the world The areas of knowledge are the disciplines knowledge is classified.

7 Assessment Essays 1200-1600 words Presentation
Periodic Homework with reflections done regularly Class participation

8 You as the Knower Make a list of 5 things which you know and 5 things you would like to know

9 Now decide.. Which items on your first list do you know through
School? Experience? Observation? Practice? Reasoning? Religious means? Other means? Which items on your second list will you: Never know Probably never know Probably know at some point Definitely know at some point

10 Some topic areas A few of the topics covered in the TOK course.
What are the limits of our senses? Should emotion play a role in ethical decision-making? What is a historic fact? How do we know what constitutes good art?

11 Class Ground Rules for TOK
TOK lessons are different to other lessons – skills based (debating, argument, reasoning) rather than content. Mutual Respect is paramount Disagreement is normal Tolerance is vital Openness is crucial Not knowing and not understanding is ok Changing positions is fine Participation is crucial Rules for Debates is not win Communication is two way Negotiation is vital Curiosity is good

12 Lesson Style. Discussions Note taking Exercises Presentations Research
Role-play Music PowerPoint Student input is mandatory

13 Thank you for your time and concentration.
The TOK Department.

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