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Chapter 25 The 1980s.

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1 Chapter 25 The 1980s

2 4 Goals of Conservative Less fed. Gov interference in people’s lives
More freedom to state govt’s, business and people Reduce entitlement programs (food stamps, welfare) Promote family values and patriotic ideals Strengthen National Defense Lower taxes for people and businesses

3 Conservative Coalition: Who?
Business leaders Middle class voters Christian Groups Democrats that didn’t identify with their party anymore

4 2 major conservative groups
The New Right Phyllis Schlafly: vocal leader Formed to oppose liberal changes brought about in the 1960s by the gov. Moral Majority Jerry Falwell: vocal Leader Formed to promote Christian ideals and values Raised a lot of money to support politicians with the same beliefs through the televangelism

5 1980 Election Demo: Carter Republicans: Reagan Not very popular
Poor economy, Iran Hostage Crisis Republicans: Reagan Actor Good speaker (GE) Gov. of CA Had run in 76 Conservative policy


7 Results Reagan wins in lands Senate was mostly Republican
44 of 50 states Senate was mostly Republican What does this mean? He has clean mandate to do what he wants when he takes office

8 Section 2: Reagan Oldest pres to be elected In office 2 terms
Almost assassinated in one year by John Hinckley Jr. Popular through both terms Likeable and charming George Bush Sr. VP for both terms

9 Economy Recession during first 2 years
A lot of the same reasons for economic problems as when Carter was pres High energy cost, High unemployment, etc

10 Reagan’s plan Reaganomics 3 major policies it depended on
Cutting the budget of entitlement programs Impacted lower class big time Food stamps, welfare, job training Don’t touch middle class stuff Soc Security, Medicare, military pensions

11 Increasing spending on National Defense
Def. budget doubled Started numerous high tech programs Most ambitious: Star Wars Missile Defense system Projected cost Trillions of $ Eventually scaled down a lot

12 Supply Side Lower taxes to help start a cycle Trickle Down
Bank would loan $ to Business Business would use$ to improve operations Improved operations would improve supply Increased supply would lower prices Lower prices allow for people to buy, but still save

13 Did it work? Yes Lowered unemployment Lowered rates for loans
Lowered taxes Booming stock market Except 1987 Crash No: Rich got richer Business sometimes kept money for self Poor impacted by cuts in entitlement programs National debt doubled during his first term Not enough tax money collected to pay for programs


15 Supreme Court 5 consv. Justices appt by Reagan and Bush
1st female ever: Sandra Day O’Connor Less affirmative action, less legal abortion, etc

16 Deregulation Having the Fed Govt. allow businesses more freedom to make decisions and encouraging competition Positive: Saves the Govt. money Saves consumers Negatives May not always be in the publics best interest Cutting the power of the Env. Protection agency more pollution Depletion of Natural resources

17 1984 Election Demo: Mondale Ferraro Repub: Reagan and Bush
Win 48 states


19 1988 Election Dem: Dukakis Rep: Bush Wins 41 states


21 Section 3: Social Issues in the 80s and 90s
AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Virus that destroys immune system Spread rapidly initially Awareness and prevention program started to slow it down Still no cure Drugs used to slow down)

22 Abortion Abortion Still legal 1st 3 months Still Controversial
Pro-Life: people that oppose abortions Babies can’t speak for themselves Pro Choice Women should be in control of own bodies If abortions become illegal, more women will die from illegal abortions Specifics vary from state to state

23 War on Drugs Drugs Public started to become openly concerned
Solutions offered Legalize and tax? More treatment facilities for addicts Solutions used by gov: Just Say No campaigns In the media, in schools, etc Drug use declined some throughout the decade


25 Education Govt. stated to become openly concerned by this
A Nation at Risk Report that said US ed system was behind foreign countries What to do? More homework Longer days Longer years Higher pay for teachers More required core classes Were recs followed? Mostly no Why? Costs tax money Parents and students resist

26 Deteriorating Cities Mainly due to white flight Results:
High unemployment Crumbling Public buildings No tax $ for public services Trash collection, Maintenance, etc Higher rates of crime and drug abuse

27 Women’s issues More politically involved in the 80s and 90s
1st female VP candidate (Ferraro) Higher numbers in Congress and Cabinet Salary becoming more equal (75 cents/dollar) Higher poverty rates for female heads of households Less alimony and child support rewarded than past Workplaces begin accommodating women Maternity leaves, child care, flexible schedule, etc The govt. cuts funding for these programs though Women erasing the pay gap:

28 African American Issues
More politically involved in 80s and 90s Higher voter turnout in elections Mayors of major cities and members of Congress 1st Black gov. : Wilder VG 1990 1st serious Black Pres candidate: Jackson 1984 Decrease in affirmative action programs SC rules many as reverse discrimination

29 Latino Issues Fastest growing pop in 80s and 90s Most from Mexico
Most settled in SW US More politically involved Higher voter turnout Congress and Govs Important issue Bilingual Ed Wanted to keep their language and heritage Some people oppose this Slower to assimilate into US society Would divide the country

30 Native American issues
Native American Student Organization Govt. cuts funding dramatically in the 80s and 90s Need $ for reservation programs Begin opening casinos Help some, but does not solve problems

31 Asian American 2nd fastest growing minority during 80s and 90s
Low crime rate, low dropout rate, low divorce rate Compared to other races

32 Gay Issues Community fighting to be treated equally in 80s and 90s
Mostly successful by 2000 State and National Laws vary

33 The Collapse of the Soviet Union
Why did it happen? The Economy sucked High Oil Prices Needed to spend $ on Defense to compete with the US Wealthy Western Countries wouldn’t continue to loan the Communists $

34 Leadership change Russia gets new leader: Gorbachev
Glastnost: Openness Perestroika: Restructuring Becoming more Democratic

35 How did it happen? Drastic reduction in active neutral aresenals of US and SU Begins with INF Treaty Reduced weapons by 2/3 in 10 yrs

36 Drastic reduction of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe by 1980s
Formerly called satellite nations Far less troops More freedom to govern themselves Most choose democracy 1989 Wall comes down in E Germ Yugoslavia: Country splits in 2 Split along ethnic and religious lines

37 Soviet Union splits 14 areas declare their own independence 11 of the areas agree to join Russia and collectively work together for some purposes Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Most areas are slowly transitioning towards Democracy

38 Section 4: The Collapse of the Soviet Union
Why did it happen? The Economy bombed High Oil Prices Needed to spend $ on Defense to compete with the US Wealthy Western Countries wouldn’t continue to loan the Communists $

39 Leadership change Russia gets new leader: Gorbachev Glasnost: Openness
Perestroika: Restructuring Becoming more Democratic

40 How did it happen? Drastic reduction in active neutral arsenals of US and SU Begins with INF Treaty Reduced weapons by 2/3 in 10 yrs

41 Drastic reduction of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe by 1980s
Formerly called satellite nations Far less troops available to police them More freedom to govern themselves Most choose democracy 1989 Wall comes down in E Germ Yugoslavia: Country splits in 2 Split along ethnic and religious lines

42 14 areas declare their own independence
Soviet Union splits 14 areas declare their own independence 11 of the areas agree to join Russia and collectively work together for some purposes Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Most areas are slowly transitioning towards Democracy

43 Less Rigid Communism in China
China opens up more trade with US and others Starts with Nixon Improves with Reagan More freedom for businesses: 3 basic economics ?S themselves: What to produce How to produce Who to produce for Could also decide prices Economy did not translate to complete freedom Tiananmen Square

44 Latin America and US 1980s US needed to make sure govs. of countries friendly to US Nicaragua US helps a dictatorship under Somoza family stay in power for 40 years Friendly with US Treated citizens poorly Led to revolution

45 Nicaragua Civil war in the 1970s with a rebel group called Sandinistas
Carter helped them get power Provided them with millions to help with human rights Also got aid from Commies

46 Sandinistas vs. Contras
Regan helps Contras Wanted to stop Commies Money and Military support (CIA) even though Boland Amendment forbid

47 Grenada 1983 US invades to stop Communism Army installs new gov
Bit of a morale boost for US 18 US dead

48 Panama 1989 US sends soldiers to capture Noriega
Had been getting money from US But got too involved with drug trade, and we wanted an end to it 40 years prison: Drug trafficking

49 US – Middle East Not good relations in 80s Problem 1: US and Israel
Problem 2: US support of Shah

50 US-Iran Teflon Khomeini: overthrows Shah Mad at US for helping Shah
Encourages hijacking and hostage taking US convinces allies not to trade with Iran White house sells weapons to Iranian rebels and sends money to Nic. Makes secret deals to free hostages Iran Contra scandal No one with any real power is held responsible Teflon

51 Iraq 1980-1989 war with Iran US needs SA for oil and is an ally
1 trillion $ in damages US supported Iraq more than Iran In debt because of war Invades Kuwait 1990 Needs oil and money Threatens to invade Saudi Arabia next US needs SA for oil and is an ally

52 Operation Desert Storm
UN offensive US heavily involved 100,000 Iraqi deaths 400 US and UN Hussein surrenders in 6 weeks: Victory for US Iraqi people suffer Trade embargo had limited supplies into the country Many civilians die of disease and malnutrition Anti American sentiment is common

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