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Presentation on theme: "Retirement PLAN FEATURES"— Presentation transcript:

1 Retirement PLAN FEATURES
Advisor Firm Logo Here Retirement PLAN FEATURES Client logo placeholder Introduce speakers—provide brief background to indicate their expertise and why they are presenting—use CFAs if possible TERMS OF USE By using this presentation, you understand and agree to the following: You understand that T. Rowe Price does not undertake to give investment advice in a fiduciary capacity by making available this presentation and that T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. and/or its affiliates (“T. Rowe Price”) may receive revenue from products and services made available by T. Rowe Price, including investment management, servicing, or other fees related to making available and/or servicing certain investments on its recordkeeping platform. To the extent you modify this presentation you will not attribute this presentation to T. Rowe Price through co-branding or otherwise. To the extent you provide investment recommendations to clients or prospective clients, you will not attribute any such recommendation(s) to T. Rowe Price. You are responsible for satisfying all applicable regulatory standards relating to this communication’s use by your firm, including all applicable content, approval, recordkeeping, and filing requirements. Please insert your data/content where indicated and delete these terms of use and various instructions throughout the PPT before using. Add Rep Name Here

2 TERMS OF USE By using this presentation, you understand and agree to the following: You understand that T. Rowe Price does not undertake to give investment advice in a fiduciary capacity by making available this presentation and that T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. and/or its affiliates (“T. Rowe Price”) may receive revenue from products and services made available by T. Rowe Price, including investment management, servicing, or other fees related to making available and/or servicing certain investments on its recordkeeping platform. To the extent you modify this presentation you will not attribute this presentation to T. Rowe Price through co-branding or otherwise. To the extent you provide investment recommendations to clients or prospective clients, you will not attribute any such recommendation(s) to T. Rowe Price. You are responsible for satisfying all applicable regulatory standards relating to this communication’s use by your firm, including all applicable content, approval, recordkeeping, and filing requirements. Please insert your data/content where indicated and delete these terms of use and various instructions throughout the PPT before using.

3 This presentation has been prepared by [Add Firm Name Here] for general education and informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, tax, or investment advice. This material does not provide fiduciary recommendations concerning investments or investment management; it is not individualized to the needs of any specific benefit plan or retirement investor, nor is it directed to any recipient in connection with a specific investment or investment management decision. Any tax-related discussion contained in this presentation, including any attachments, is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding any tax penalties or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to any other party any transaction or matter addressed herein. Please consult your independent legal counsel and/or professional tax advisor regarding any legal or tax issues raised in this presentation. [static slide—will not change] Rep Talking Points: Read disclaimer, which informs group of what can and can't be discussed during the session

4 Plan Features Plan Eligibility Contribution Limits Contribution Types
You are eligible to participate in the plan [plan-specific detail] Plan Eligibility Contribution Limits Contribution Types Company Contributions [Plan-specific slide—Participant money in] Rep Talking Points: Reviews plan-specific eligibility requirements Vesting Schedule

5 Plan Features Plan Eligibility Contribution Limits Contribution Types
You can contribute: Between [xx%] and [xx%] of your pay to your plan Up to the IRS limit: $18,500 for 2018 Up to an additional $6,000 if you will be age 50 or over by the end of the year and contribute the maximum allowed by your plan for a total of $24,500 Plan Eligibility Contribution Limits Contribution Types Company Contributions [Plan-specific slide—Participant money in] Rep Talking Points: Review plan-specific participant contribution limits Review IRS contribution limits for applicable year Emphasize that participant can contribute up to the LESSER of the plan percentage limit or the IRS contribution limit Vesting Schedule

6 Plan Features Plan Eligibility Contribution Limits Contribution Types
You can make before-tax [and/or Roth and/or after-tax] contributions to the plan Plan Eligibility Contribution Limits Contribution Types Company Contributions [Plan-specific slide—Participant money in] Rep Talking Points: Review plan-specific participant contribution options (pretax, Roth, and/or after-tax) Vesting Schedule

7 See the appendix for slide variations.
Plan Features See the appendix for slide variations. Company Contribution: [Describe the company match here] Plan Eligibility Contribution Limits [Contribution type] Years of service [xx%] [xx years] [further plan-specific detail on contribution type] Contribution Types Company Contributions [Plan-specific slide—Company contribution] Rep Talking Points: Review company contributions and eligibility Vesting Schedule

8 See the appendix for slide variations.
Plan Features See the appendix for slide variations. Company Match: Plan Eligibility Vested percentage Years of service [xx%] [xx years] Contribution Limits Contribution Types You are always 100% vested in the salary deferral portion of your account Company Contributions [Plan-specific slide—Company contribution] Rep Talking Points: Review vesting schedule, emphasizing that participants are always 100% vested for their contributions Vesting Schedule

Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts [xx] Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review stock investment options at a high level Direct participants to more information on the investment lineup Age-Based Investments

Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts [xx] Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review bond investment options at a high level Direct participants to more information on the investment lineup Age-Based Investments

Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts [xx] Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review money market or stable value investment options at a high level Direct participants to more information on the investment lineup Age-Based Investments

Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts [xx] Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review age-based investment options at a high level Direct participants to more information on the investment lineup Age-Based Investments

13 FURTHER DETAIL AT [website address]
PLAN FEATURES: INVESTMENT OPTIONS [xx] Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts Fill in website address where participants can obtain additional information FURTHER DETAIL AT [website address] [xx] Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Current list of investment options Performance information Morningstar fund fact sheets [xx] Add/delete based on what participant can find at the website listed above Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review investment options at a high level Direct participants to more information on the investment lineup [xx] Age-Based Investments All investments involve risk, including possible loss of principal.

14 See the appendix for slide variations.
Plan Features See the appendix for slide variations. Under specific circumstances, you have access to your vested account balance Withdrawals Loans Beneficiaries [Plan-specific slide—Participant money out] Rep Talking Points: Review high-level withdrawal rules

15 See the appendix for slide variations.
Plan Features See the appendix for slide variations. You have the option to borrow from your vested account balance Withdrawals Loans Beneficiaries [Plan-specific slide—Participant money out] Rep Talking Points: Review loan provisions

16 See the appendix for slide variations.
Plan Features See the appendix for slide variations. In the event of your death, your designated beneficiaries will inherit your account Withdrawals Loans Beneficiaries [Plan-specific slide—Participant money out] Rep Talking Points: Review beneficiary rules, including how participants elect beneficiaries

Please add in any graphics you think are appropriate, like images of participant websites or account summaries: Quickly view and access accounts and balances Perform transactions Check in on your progress toward retirement Research investments Log in wherever you are, whatever your device (if that is true) [static slide—will not change] Rep Talking Points: Introduce the website as a resource for monitoring account and calls out key features Tie key features back to points made in the presentation, for example: Set-up auto-services via “transactions” Learn more about investment options via “investments” Highlight responsiveness of site and promotes mobile adoption NOTE: Add additional features and benefits of website as appropriate

18 Save enough for retirement. IT’S YOUR FUTURE we’re here to help.
[static slide—will not change] Rep Talking Points: Emphasize that the more they educate themselves about the plan, the better they can prepare and determine their retirement readiness

19 Save enough for retirement IT’S YOUR FUTURE. we’re here to help.
[static slide—will not change] Rep Talking Points: Explain that they should start saving now to plan for retirement

20 Save enough for retirement. IT’S YOUR FUTURE. We’RE HERE TO help
[static slide—will not change] Rep Talking Points: Encourage participants to reach out with questions

21 Add your logo, telephone number,
/website [variable slide] Rep Talking Points: Provide participants with contact information Leave this slide on the screen for attendees to write down contact information [INSERT YOUR FIRM'S PROSPECTUS OFFER ON THIS PAGE. Here is an example:] Call [1-XXX-XXX-XXXX] to request a fact sheet, a prospectus, or, if available, a summary prospectus; each includes investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses, and other information that you should read and consider carefully before investing. CB0BW /18

22 TO PLAN SPONSORS This presentation should only be used as a visual presentation for client meetings. This program should not be altered, printed, distributed, or posted for employees to access. TO WEB MEETING ATTENDEES This web meeting may be recorded and posted for other employees to access. For security reasons, please do not speak or any personal information during this meeting. For example, you should not give your address, Social Security number, or account information during this web meeting.

23 LINKED SLIDES These slides remain at the back of the presentation and can be linked from within the presentation (via gears) if the rep feels it’s necessary to support their talking points

24 AUTO-ENROLL Automatically enrolls eligible employees into employer’s retirement plan. You must give specific instructions to be excluded (opt out) during a specific grace period. You are enrolled with a default deferral percentage and investment option. You can change your contribution amount and investment at any time. [static slide—will not change] Rep Talking Points: Review auto-enroll details including When Opt out Default investment and deferral

25 AUTO-REBALANCING Automatically rebalances your account to your selected investment allocation strategy. Lets you select quarterly, semiannual, or annual rebalancing. Helps you stay in line with your risk tolerance and helps reduce long- term account volatility. [static slide—will not change] Rep Talking Points: Review features of auto-rebalance service How to set up Where to turn on/off Timing Diversification cannot assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market.

26 AUTO-INCREASE Automatically increases your payroll deduction each year. You choose the amount of the increase and the month you want it to occur. [static slide—will not change] Rep Talking Points: Review features of auto-increase service Verbally disclose if plan is opt out or opt in How to set up Where to turn on/off Timing

Appendix starts here— Use the following slides as requested in the form. Once all edits and slide replacements have been made, delete any pages (including this page) that are not used. SLIDE VARIATIONS FOR DIFFERENT PLAN FEATURES

28 Plan Features [Employer Contribution Type]: Plan Eligibility Vested percentage Years of service [xx%] [xx years] Vesting Schedule: Other Company Contributions (in addition to match) Contribution Limits Contribution Types You are always 100% vested in the salary deferral portion of your account Company Contributions [Plan-specific slide—Company contributions] Rep Talking Points: Review vesting schedule for other company contribution types (beyond company match) Vesting Schedule

29 Plan Features List Plan Specifics: Withdrawal Options Withdrawals
Under these specific circumstances, you have access to your vested account balance: Termination of service Retirement Age 59½ Death Disability Financial hardship Withdrawals List Plan Specifics: Withdrawal Options Loans Beneficiaries [Plan-specific slide—Participant money out] Rep Talking Points: Review specific withdrawal options (removing from the slide any that are not applicable)

30 Plan Features List Plan Specifics: Loan Provisions Withdrawals Loans
You have the option to borrow from your vested account balance Minimum: [$XX] Maximum: 50% vested account balance, up to $50,000* Interest: [prime + 1%] [Up to X years for general loans; up to X years for primary residence loans] Fee for each loan Up to [XX loan(s)] at a time Withdrawals List Plan Specifics: Loan Provisions Loans Beneficiaries [Plan-specific slide—Participant money out] Rep Talking Points: Review plan-specific loan provisions, including: Minimum and maximum amounts Interest rate and how it is paid into the account Loan terms for general and primary residence loans Loan fee Maximum number of loans (total and for each type, if applicable) *Reduced by the highest outstanding loan balance during the prior 12 months.

31 Plan Features No Loan Option: Slide 1 of 2 Withdrawals Beneficiaries
Under specific circumstances, you have access to your vested account balance Withdrawals No Loan Option: Slide 1 of 2 Beneficiaries [Plan-specific slide—Participant money out] Rep Talking Points: Review specific withdrawal options (removing from the slide any that are not applicable)

32 Plan Features No Loan Option: Slide 2 of 2 Withdrawals Beneficiaries
In the event of your death, your designated beneficiaries will inherit your account Withdrawals No Loan Option: Slide 2 of 2 Beneficiaries [Plan-specific slide—Participant money out] Rep Talking Points: Review beneficiary rules, including how participants elect beneficiaries

33 FURTHER DETAIL AT website address
PLAN FEATURES: INVESTMENT OPTIONS [xx] Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts Fill in website address where participants can obtain additional information FURTHER DETAIL AT website address [xx] Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts [xx] Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts Current list of investment options Performance information Morningstar fund fact sheets Add/delete based on what participant can find at the website listed above [xx] Age-Based Investments [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review self-directed brokerage investment option at a high level Direct participants to more information on the investment lineup Self-Directed Brokerage

34 FURTHER DETAIL AT website address
PLAN FEATURES: INVESTMENT OPTIONS [xx] Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts Fill in website address where participants can obtain additional information FURTHER DETAIL AT website address [xx] Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts [xx] Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts Current list of investment options Performance information Morningstar fund fact sheets Add/delete based on what participant can find at the website listed above [xx] Age-Based Investments [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review diversified portfolio investment options at a high level Direct participants to more information on the investment lineup [xx] Diversified Portfolios

35 FURTHER DETAIL AT website address
PLAN FEATURES: INVESTMENT OPTIONS [xx] Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts Fill in website address where participants can obtain additional information FURTHER DETAIL AT website address [xx] Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts No Company Stock Option (Slide Never Used for Small Company Plans) [xx] Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts Current list of investment options Performance information Morningstar fund fact sheets Add/delete based on what participant can find at the website listed above [xx] Age-Based Investments [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review company stock and self-directed brokerage investment options at a high level Direct participants to more information on the investment lineup Company Stock Self-Directed Brokerage service 2015-AX-10879

[Fund or Trust Option] Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts Fund/Trust List Option: Slide 1 of 5 Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review stock investment options at a high level Discuss the specific stock options in the investment lineup Age-Based Investments

[Fund or Trust Option] Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts Fund/Trust List Option: Slide 2 of 5 Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review bond investment options at a high level Discuss the specific bond options in the investment lineup Age-Based Investments

[Fund or Trust Option] Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts If a Money Market Fund is listed, the required MMF disclosure must be included on this page and tied/linked directly to the related money market fund. Fund/Trust List Option: Slide 3 of 5 Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Money markets can be funds or trusts, stable value investments can also be funds or trusts, adjust name on left accordingly. Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review money market or stable value investment options at a high level Discuss the specific cash options in the investment lineup Age-Based Investments You could lose money by investing in the Fund. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. An investment in the Fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The Fund's sponsor has no legal obligation to provide financial support to the Fund, and you should not expect that the sponsor will provide financial support to the Fund at any time.

[Fund or Trust Option] Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts Fund/Trust List Option: Slide 4 of 5 Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review age-based investment options at a high level Discuss the specific age-based options in the investment lineup Age-Based Investments

The principal value of target date investments is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date, which is the approximate date when investors plan to retire. These investments typically invest in a broad range of underlying investments that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. In addition, the objectives of target date investments typically change over time to become more conservative. Stock Mutual Funds/Trusts Fund/Trust List Option: Slide 5 of 5 Bond Mutual Funds/Trusts Money Market Funds/ Stable Value Trusts [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review the required disclosure if the plan has age-based investment options Age-Based Investments

41 COMPANY STOCK Invest directly in your company Only invests in [Company Stock Name], with minimal cash holdings Allows you to share in your company’s profits or losses Nondiversified investment Company Stock Option (Slide Never Used for Small Company Plans) [Plan-specific slide] Rep Talking Points: Review company stock investment option, including the pros and cons

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