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Geronimo space mice Space edition.

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Presentation on theme: "Geronimo space mice Space edition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geronimo space mice Space edition

2 Best Geronimo book EVER

3 Here’s how the story goes…

4 There was once a mouse named Geronimo. He was a space mouse
There was once a mouse named Geronimo. He was a space mouse. He had a weird , crazy family, but he was the black mouse of the family. He was not an early riser to start with.

5 After breakfast he always boarded an astrotaxi.
He always got space sick on top speed.

6 The story started out when Geronimo just got woke up by Assistatrix
The story started out when Geronimo just got woke up by Assistatrix . It told Geronimo ‘GET UP !!!!!!!!!!!!’ Geronimo screamed, ‘IM UP IM UP IM UP!!!’ He took a terrible shower… believe me you wouldn’t want to have that shower.

7 Assistratix opened the closet door and ordered, ‘ Geronimo, now you dress up in your uniform.’
Assistratix said that Grandfather William was coming. Why was Geronimo the last one to know what was going on these days ?

8 Geronimo went into the control room when suddenly something or someone pinched him.
It was Robotix. Robotix is a mischievous robot. He is autoregulated free floating and a little annoying. He is convinced that he knows everything and that he’s always right. He never admits his mistakes . And he always wants to have the last word. ‘What’s the problem?’ he asked. Well I am not going to spoil the story for you…find out for yourself by reading the book.

9 THE END Zack Portelli Year 5 Sunflowers

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