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Published byŌἈβαδδών Βουγιουκλάκης Modified over 6 years ago
Advances in Unit Testing: Theory and Practice
Tao Xie Nikolai Tillmann2 Pratap Lakshman 2 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2 Microsoft Tools for Software Engineers/Developer Division Materials:
What is a Unit Test? A unit test is a small program with assertions.
[TestMethod] public void Add(HashSet s,int x, int y) { Assume.IsTrue(!s.IsMember(x)); int oldCount = s.GetSize(); s.Add(x); Assert.AreEqual(set.Count, oldCount + 1); } Many developers write such unit tests by hand. This involves determining a meaningful sequence of method calls, selecting exemplary argument values (the test inputs), stating assertions. What does exist today that is close? … You have seen how to pull out a value, let’s be a little bit more extreme… Different partitions possible
Unit Testing: Benefits
Design and specification by example Code coverage and regression testing confidence in correctness preserving behavior Short feedback loop unit tests exercise little code failures are easy to debug Documentation
Unit Testing: Measuring Quality
Coverage: Are all parts of the program exercised? statements basic blocks explicit/implicit branches … Assertions: Does the program do the right thing? test oracle Experience: Just high coverage or large number of assertions is no good quality indicator. Only both together are!
Advantages of tests as specs
Concrete, easy to understand Don’t need new language Easy to see if program meets the spec Making tests forces you to talk to customer and learn the problem Making tests forces you to think about design of system (classes, methods, etc.)
Disadvantages of tests as specs
Too specific Hard to test that something can’t happen Can’t withdraw more money than you have in the system Can’t break into the system Can’t cause a very long transaction that hangs the system Tends to be verbose
Parameterized Unit Test
A parameterized unit test is a small program that takes some inputs and states assumptions and assertions. Parameterized Unit Test
Parameterized Unit Testing
Parameterized Unit Tests serve as specifications can be leveraged by (automatic) test input generators fit in development environment, evolve with the code Parameterized Unit Test
Test Generation Process
xUnit Attributes Pex Attributes Generated // FooTest.cs [TestClass, PexClass] partial class FooTest { [PexMethod] void Test(Foo foo) {…} // FooTest.Test.cs partial class FooTest { [TestMethod] void Test_1() { this.Test(new Foo(1)); } { this.Test(new Foo(2)); } … } Partial Class Pex Parameterized Unit Test Hand-written User writes parameterized tests Lives inside a test class Generated unit tests Pex not required for re-execution xUnit unit tests
PUTs separate concerns
PUTs separate two concerns: (1) The specification of external behavior (i.e., assertions) (2) The selection of internal test inputs (i.e., coverage) In many cases, a test generation tool (e.g., Pex) can construct a small test suite with high coverage !
PUTs are algebraic specs
A PUT can be read as a universally quantified, conditional axiom. int name, int data. name ≠ null ⋀ data ≠ null ⇒ equals( ReadResource(name, WriteResource(name, data)), data)
Parameterized Unit Tests in JUnit
import org.junit.*; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.*; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class ParamTest { public int sum, a, b; public ParamTest (int sum, int a, int b) { this.sum = sum; this.a = a; this.b = b; } @Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> parameters() { return Arrays.asList (new Object [][] {{0, 0, 0}, {2, 1, 1}}); } @Test public void additionTest() { assertEquals(sum, a+b); } Introduction to Software Testing (Ch 1) © Ammann & Offutt
JUnit Theories These Are Unit Tests With Actual Parameters
So Far, We’ve Only Seen Parameterless Test Methods Contract Model: Assume, Act, Assert Assumptions (Preconditions) Limit Values Appropriately Action Performs Activity Under Scrutiny Assertions (Postconditions) Check Result @Theory public void removeThenAddDoesNotChangeSet( Set<String> set, String string) { // Parameters! assumeTrue(set.contains(string)) ; // Assume Set<String> copy = new HashSet<String>(set); // Act copy.remove(string); copy.add(string); assertTrue (set.equals(copy)); // Assert // // System.out.println(“Instantiated test: “ + set + “, “ + string); } Introduction to Software Testing (Ch 1) © Ammann & Offutt
Question: Where Does Data Come From?
Answer: All Combinations of Values Annotations Where Assume Clause is True Four (of Nine) Combinations in This Particular Case Note: @DataPoint Format is an Array. @DataPoints public static String[] string = {"ant", "bat", "cat"}; public static Set[] sets = { new HashSet(Arrays.asList("ant", "bat")), new HashSet(Arrays.asList(“bat", “cat", “dog“, “elk”)), new HashSet(Arrays.asList(“Snap”, “Crackle”, “Pop")) }; Introduction to Software Testing (Ch 1) © Ammann & Offutt
JUnit Theories Need BoilerPlate
import org.junit.*; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.junit.Assume.*; import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint; import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoints; import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories; import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory; import java.util.*; @RunWith(Theories.class) public class SetTheoryTest { … // See Earlier Slides } Introduction to Software Testing (Ch 1) © Ammann & Offutt
(Automated) Test Generation
Human Expensive, incomplete, … Brute Force Pairwise, predefined data, etc… Tool Automation!!
State-of-the-Art/Practice Test Generation Tools
Running Symbolic PathFinder ... … ====================================================== results no errors detected ====================================================== statistics elapsed time: :00:02 states: new=4, visited=0, backtracked=4, end=2 search: maxDepth=3, constraints=0 choice generators: thread=1, data=2 heap: gc=3, new=271, free=22 instructions: max memory: MB loaded code: classes=71, methods=884 …
Pex is Part of Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Edition!
As new feature of “IntelliTest”
Pex4Fun – Turning Pex Online
1,767,012 clicked 'Ask Pex!'
Code Hunt Programming Game
130,000 users as of March 2015 after 1 year launch
What are Behind Pex NOT Random: …
Cheap, Fast “It passed a thousand tests” feeling … But Dynamic Symbolic Execution: e.g., Pex, CUTE,EXE White box Constraint Solving
Behind the Scene of Pex Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE)
aka. Concolic Testing [Godefroid et al. 05][Sen et al. 05][Tillmann et al. 08] Instrument code to explore feasible paths
Dynamic Symbolic Execution
Choose next path Code to generate inputs for: Solve Execute&Monitor void CoverMe(int[] a) { if (a == null) return; if (a.Length > 0) if (a[0] == ) throw new Exception("bug"); } Constraints to solve a!=null a!=null && a.Length>0 a.Length>0 && a[0]== Data null {} {0} {123…} Observed constraints a==null a!=null && !(a.Length>0) a.Length>0 && a[0]!= a[0]== Negated condition a==null F T a.Length>0 F T Done: There is no path left. a[0]==123… F T
Explosion of Search Space
There are decision procedures for individual path conditions, but… Number of potential paths grows exponentially with number of branches Reachable code not known initially Without guidance, same loop might be unfolded forever Fitnex search strategy [Xie et al. DSN 09]
Successful Case of MSR Testing Tool: Pex & Relatives
Pex (released on May 2008) Shipped with Visual Studio 15 as IntelliTest 30,388 download# (20 months, Feb 08-Oct 09) 22,466 download# (10 months, Apr 13-Jan 14): Code Digger Active user community: 1,436 forum posts during ~3 years (Oct 08- Nov 11) Moles (released on Sept 2009) Shipped with Visual Studio 12 as Fakes “Provide Microsoft Fakes w/ all Visual Studio editions” got 1,457 community votes A Journey of Bringing Automated Unit Test Generation to Practice
Lesson 1. Started as (Evolved) Dream
Moles/Fakes Parameterized Unit Tests Supported by Pex Code Digger void TestAdd(ArrayList a, object o) { Assume.IsTrue(a!=null); int i = a.Count; a.Add(o); Assert.IsTrue(a[i] == o); } Pex4Fun/Code Hunt Surrounding (Moles/Fakes) Simplifying (Code Digger) Retargeting (Pex4Fun/Code Hunt)
Lesson 2. Chicken and Egg Tool Adoption by (Mass) Target Users
Macro Perspective Tool Adoption by (Mass) Target Users Tool Shipping with Visual Studio Micro Perspective Developer/manager: “Who is using your tool?” Pex team: “Do you want to be the first?” Developer/manager: “I love your tool but no.”
Lesson 3. Human Factors – Generated Data Consumed by Human
Developer: “Code digger generates a lot of “\0” strings as input. I can’t find a way to create such a string via my own C# code. Could any one show me a C# snippet? I meant zero terminated string.” Pex team: “In C#, a \0 in a string does not mean zero-termination. It’s just yet another character in the string (a very simple character where all bits are zero), and you can create as Pex shows the value: “\0”.” Developer: “Your tool generated “\0”” Pex team: “What did you expect?” Developer: “Marc.”
Lesson 3. Human Factors – Generated Name Consumed by Human
Developer: “Your tool generated a test called Foo001. I don’t like it.” Pex team: “What did you expect?” Developer:“Foo_Should_Fail_When_Bar_Is_Negative.”
Lesson 3. Human Factors – Generated Results Consumed by Human
Object Creation messages suppressed (related to Covana by Xiao et al. [ICSE’11]) Exception Tree View Exploration Tree View Exploration Results View
Lesson 4. Best vs. Worst Cases
public bool TestLoop(int x, int[] y) { if (x == 90) { for (int i = 0; i < y.Length; i++) if (y[i] == 15) x++; if (x == 110) return true; } return false; Fitnex by Xie et al. [DSN’09] Key observations: with respect to the coverage target not all paths are equally promising for branch-node flipping not all branch nodes are equally promising to flip To avoid local optimal or biases, the fitness-guided strategy is integrated with Pex’s fairness search strategies Our solution: Prefer to flip branch nodes on the most promising paths Prefer to flip the most promising branch nodes on paths Fitness function to measure “promising” extents
Lesson 5. Tool Users’ Stereotypical Mindset or Habits
“Simply one mouse click and then everything would work just perfectly” Often need environment isolation w/ Moles/Fakes or factory methods, … “One mouse click, a test generation tool would detect all or most kinds of faults in the code under test” Developer: “Your tool only finds null references.” Pex team: “Did you write any assertions?” Developer: “Assertion???” “I do not need test generation; I already practice unit testing (and/or TDD). Test generation does not fit into the TDD process”
Lesson 6. Practitioners’ Voice
Gathered feedback from target tool users Directly, e.g., via MSDN Pex forum, tech support, outreach to MS engineers and .NET user groups Indirectly, e.g., via interactions with MS Visual Studio team (a tool vendor to its huge user base) Motivations of Moles Refactoring testability issue faced resistance in practice Observation at Agile 2008: high attention on mock objects and tool supports
Lesson 7. Collaboration w/ Academia
Win-win collaboration model Win (Ind Lab): longer-term research innovation, man power, research impacts, … Win (Univ): powerful infrastructure, relevant/important problems in practice, both research and industry impacts, … Industry-located Collaborations Faculty visits, e.g., Fitnex, Pex4Fun Student internships, e.g., FloPSy, DyGen, state cov Academia-located Collaborations
Lesson 7. Collaboration w/ Academia
Academia-located Collaborations Immediate indirect impacts, e.g., Reggae [ASE’09s] Rex MSeqGen [FSE’09] DyGen Guided Cov [ICSM’10] state coverage Long-term indirect impacts, e.g., DySy by Csallner et al. [ICSE’08] Seeker [OOPSLA’11] Covana [ICSE’11]
Summary of Lessons Learned
Pex practice impacts Moles/Fakes, Code Digger, Pex4Fun/Code Hunt Lessons in transferring tools Started as (Evolved) Dream Chicken and Egg Human Factors Best vs. Worst Cases Tool Users’ Stereotypical Mindset or Habits Practitioners’ Voice Collaboration w/ Academia
Experience Reports on Successful Tool Transfer
Nikolai Tillmann, Jonathan de Halleux, and Tao Xie. Transferring an Automated Test Generation Tool to Practice: From Pex to Fakes and Code Digger. In Proceedings of ASE 2014, Experience Papers. Jian-Guang Lou, Qingwei Lin, Rui Ding, Qiang Fu, Dongmei Zhang, and Tao Xie. Software Analytics for Incident Management of Online Services: An Experience Report. In Proceedings ASE 2013, Experience Paper. Dongmei Zhang, Shi Han, Yingnong Dang, Jian-Guang Lou, Haidong Zhang, and Tao Xie. Software Analytics in Practice. IEEE Software, Special Issue on the Many Faces of Software Analytics, Yingnong Dang, Dongmei Zhang, Song Ge, Chengyun Chu, Yingjun Qiu, and Tao Xie. XIAO: Tuning Code Clones at Hands of Engineers in Practice. In Proceedings of ACSAC
Parameterized Unit Tests Supported by Pex/Pex4Fun
using System; using Microsoft.Pex.Framework; using Microsoft.Pex.Framework.Settings; [PexClass] public class Set { [PexMethod] public static void testMemberAfterInsertNotEqual(Set s, int i, int j) { PexAssume.IsTrue(s != null); PexAssume.IsTrue(i != j); bool exist = s.member(i); s.insert(j); PexAssert.IsTrue(exist); } ….
Interface for IntSet Class IntSet { public IntSet() {…}; public void insert(int e) { … } public Bool member(int e) { … } public void remove(int e) { … } } sort IntSet imports Int, Bool signatures new : -> IntSet insert : IntSet × Int -> IntSet member : IntSet × Int -> Bool remove : IntSet × Int -> IntSet
(Buggy) Implementation for IntSet
Class IntSet { public IntSet() {…}; public void insert(int e) { … } public Bool member(int e) { … } public void remove(int e) { … } } See the Set.cs that can be downloaded from Let’s copy it to And Click “Ask Pex”
Parameterized Unit Tests Supported by Pex/Pex4Fun
using System; using Microsoft.Pex.Framework; using Microsoft.Pex.Framework.Settings; [PexClass] public class Set { [PexMethod] public static void testMemberAfterInsertNotEqual(Set s, int i, int j) { PexAssume.IsTrue(s != null); PexAssume.IsTrue(i != j); bool existOld = s.member(i); s.insert(j); bool exist = s.member(i); PexAssert.IsTrue(existOld == exist); } …. Pex4Fun supports only one PexMethod at a time; you can write multiple PexMethods but comment out other lines of “[PexMethod]” except one
Axioms for IntSet variables i, j : Int; s : IntSet Axioms: member(new(), i) = false member(insert(s, j), i) = if i = j then true else member(s, i) Is this complete? How do we know?
Guidelines for Completeness
Classify methods: constructors: return IntSet inspectors: take IntSet as argument, returning some other value. Identify key constructors, capable of constructing all possible object states e.g., insert, new. Identify others as auxiliary, e.g., remove is a destructive constructor Completeness requires (at least): every inspector/auxiliary constructor is defined by one equation for each key constructor.
Add More Axioms remove(new(), i) = new()
remove(insert(s, j), i) = if i = j then remove(s, i) else insert(remove(s, i), j) Are we done yet? The completeness criterion (an equation defining member and remove for each of the new and insert constructors) is satisfied.
Guidelines for Completeness
But does this really specify sets? Do the following properties hold? Order of insertion is irrelevant. insert(insert(s, i), j) = insert(insert(s, j), i) Multiple insertion is irrelevant. insert(insert(s, i), i) = insert(s, i)
Interface (Implementation) for UIntStack
Class UIntStack { public UIntStack() {…}; public void Push(int k) { … } public void Pop() { … } public int Top() { … } public bool IsEmpty() { … } public int MaxSize() { … } public bool IsMember(int k) { … } public bool Equals(UIntStack s) { … } public int GetNumberOfElements() { … } public bool IsFull() { … } } See the UIntStack.cs that can be downloaded from
Take-Home Exercise: Write Parameterized Unit Tests (PUTs)
Let’s copy it to And Click “Ask Pex” Class UIntStack { public UIntStack() {…}; public void Push(int k) { … } public void Pop() { … } public int Top() { … } public bool IsEmpty() { … } public int MaxSize() { … } public bool IsMember(int k) { … } public bool Equals(UIntStack s) { … } public int GetNumberOfElements() { … } public bool IsFull() { … } } Reminder: you have to comment earlier written “[PexMethod]” before you try Pex on your current PUT (Pex4Fun can handle only one PUT at a time) See the UIntStack.cs that can be downloaded from
Recall: Parameterized Unit Tests Supported by Pex/Pex4Fun
using System; using Microsoft.Pex.Framework; using Microsoft.Pex.Framework.Settings; [PexClass] public class Set { [PexMethod] public static void testMemberAfterInsertNotEqual(Set s, int i, int j) { PexAssume.IsTrue(s != null); PexAssume.IsTrue(i != j); bool existOld = s.member(i); s.insert(j); bool exist = s.member(i); PexAssert.IsTrue(existOld == exist); } ….
Force Pex/Pex4Fun to Display All Explored Test Inputs/Paths
using System; using Microsoft.Pex.Framework; using Microsoft.Pex.Framework.Settings; [PexClass] public class Set { [PexMethod(TestEmissionFilter=PexTestEmissionFilter.All)] public static void testMemberAfterInsertNotEqual(Set s, int i, int j) { PexAssume.IsTrue(s != null); PexAssume.IsTrue(i != j); bool exist = s.member(i); s.insert(j); PexAssert.IsTrue(exist); } ….
Factory Method: Help Pex Generate Desirable Object States
In class, we show the factory method as below automatically synthesized by Pex after a user clicks “1 Object Creation” issue and then click “Accept/Edit Factory Method”. But it is not good enough to generate various types of object states. [PexFactoryMethod(typeof(UIntStack))] public static UIntStack Create(int k_i) { UIntStack uIntStack = new UIntStack(); uIntStack.Push(k_i); return uIntStack; // TODO: Edit factory method of UIntStack // This method should be able to configure the object in all possible ways. // Add as many parameters as needed, // and assign their values to each field by using the API. }
Factory Method: Help Pex Generate Desirable Object States
Below is a manually edited/created good factory method to guide Pex to generate various types of object states. Note that Pex also generates argument values for the factory method. [PexFactoryMethod(typeof(UIntStack))] public static UIntStack CreateVariedSizeAnyElemsStack(int[] elems) { PexAssume.IsNotNull(elems); UIntStack s = new UIntStack(); PexAssume.IsTrue(elems.Length <= (s.MaxSize() + 1)); for (int i = 0; i < elems.Length; i++) s.Push(elems[i]); return s; }
One Sample PUT Below is a manually edited/created good factory method to guide Pex to generate various types of object states. Note that Pex also generates argument values for the factory method. [PexMethod] public void TestPush([PexAssumeUnderTest]UIntStack s, int i) { //UIntStack s = new UIntStack(); PexAssume.IsTrue(!s.IsMember(i)); int oldCount = s.GetNumberOfElements(); s.Push(i); PexAssert.IsTrue(s.Top() == i); PexAssert.IsTrue(s.GetNumberOfElements() == oldCount+1); PexAssert.IsFalse(s.IsEmpty()); }
Pex4Fun Not Supporting Factory Method - Workaround
If you try PUTs on Pex4Fun, which doesn’t support factory method, you can “embed” the factory method like the highlighted code portion below [PexMethod] public void TestPush(int[] elems, int i) { PexAssume.IsNotNull(elems); UIntStack s = new UIntStack(); PexAssume.IsTrue(elems.Length <= (s.MaxSize() + 1)); for (int i = 0; i < elems.Length; i++) s.Push(elems[i]); //UIntStack s = new UIntStack(); PexAssume.IsTrue(!s.IsMember(i)); int oldCount = s.GetNumberOfElements(); s.Push(i); PexAssert.IsTrue(s.Top() == i); PexAssert.IsTrue(s.GetNumberOfElements() == oldCount+1); PexAssert.IsFalse(s.IsEmpty()); }
Guideline of Writing PUT
Setup: basic set up for invoking the method under test Checkpoint: Run Pex to make sure that you don't miss any Pex assumptions (preconditions) for the PUT Assert: add assertions for asserting behavior of the method under test, involving Adding Pex assertions Adding Pex assumptions for helping assert Adding method sequences for helping assert
Setup Select your method under test m Put its method call in your PUT
Create a parameter for your PUT as the class under test c (annotated it with [PexAssumeUnderTest]) Create other parameters for your PUT for parameters of m if any Add Pex assumptions for preconditions for all these parameters of PUT if any
Setup - Example [PexMethod]
public void TestPush([PexAssumeUnderTest]UIntStack s, int i) { s.Push(i); } You may write your factory method to help Pex in test generation If you get exceptions thrown if indicating program faults, fix them If indicating lack of PUT assumptions, add PUT assumptions If indicating insufficient factory method assumptions or inappropriate scenarios, add PUT assumptions or improve factory method.
Assert Think about how you can assert the behavior
Do you need to invoke other (observer) helper methods in your assertions (besides asserting return values)? Do you need to add assumptions so that your assertions can be valid? Do you need to add some method sequence before the method under test to set up desirable state and cache values to be used in the assertions?
Targets for Asserting Return value of the method under test (MUT)
Argument object of MUT Receiver object properties being modified by MUT (if public fields, directly assertable) How to assert them? Think about the intended behavior! If you couldn't do so easily, follow the guidelines discussed next
Cached Public Property Value
A property value before invoking MUT may need to be cached and later used. Pattern 2.1/2.2: Assume, Arrange, Act, Assert [PexMethod] void AssumeActAssert(ArrayList list, object item) { PexAssume.IsNotNull(list); // assume var count = list.Count; // arrange list.Add(item); // act Assert.IsTrue(list.Count == count + 1); // assert }
Argument of MUT Argument value of MUT may be used
Pattern 2.3:Constructor Test [PexMethod] void Constructor(int capacity) { var list = new ArrayList(capacity); // create AssertInvariant(list); // assert invariant Assert.AreEqual(capacity, list.Capacity); // assert }
Reciever or Argument of Earlier Method
Receiver or argument value of a method before invoking MUT Pattern 2.4/5:Roundtrip [PexMethod] void ToStringParseRoundtrip(int value) { // two-way roundtrip string s = value.ToString(); int parsed = int.Parse(s); // assert Assert.AreEqual(value, parsed); } value s parsed
Observer Methods Invoking observer methods on the modified object state Pattern 2.6: State Relation [PexMethod] void InsertContains(string value) { var list = new List<string>(); list.Add(value); Assert.IsTrue(list.Contains(value)); } Each modified object property should be read by at least one observer method.
Observer Methods cont. Forcing observer methods to return specific values (e.g., true or false) can force you to add specific assumptions or scenarios [PexMethod] void PushIsFull([PexAssumeUnderTest]UIntStack s, int value) { PexAssume.IsTrue(s.GetSize() == (s.GetMaxSize()-1)); s.Push (value); Assert.IsTrue(s.IsFull ()); }
Alternative Computation
Invoking another method/method sequence to produce a value to be used Pattern 2.7: Commutative Diagram [PexMethod] void CommutativeDiagram1(int x, int y) { // compute result in one way string z1 = Multiply(x, y).ToString(); // compute result in another way string z2 = Multiply(x.ToString(), y.ToString()); // assert equality if we get here PexAssert.AreEqual(z1, z2); }
Divide and Conquer Split possible outcomes into cases (each with pre and post condition) Pattern 2.8: Cases [PexMethod] void BusinessRules(int age, Job job) { var salary = SalaryManager.ComputeSalary(age, job); PexAssert .Case(age < 30) .Implies(() => salary < 10000) .Case(job == Job.Manager && age > 35) .Implies(() => salary > 10000) .Case(job == Job.Manager && age < 20) .Implies(() => false); }
Class Invariant Checker
If class invariant checker (repOk) exists or you would be willing to write one, use it to assert Pattern 2.3:Constructor Test [PexMethod] void Constructor(int capacity) { var list = new ArrayList(capacity); // create AssertInvariant(list); // assert invariant Assert.AreEqual(capacity, list.Capacity); // assert }
Other Patterns Pattern 2.9: Allowed exceptions
[PexAllowedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] Pattern 2.10: Reachability [PexExpectedGoals] + throw new PexGoalException(); Pattern 2.11: Parameterized Stub No scenarios or assertions Pattern 2.12: Input Output Test void Add(int a, int b, out int result) { … } int Substract(int a, int b) { … } Pattern 2.13/14: Regression Tests bool Parse(string input) { … } PexStore.ValueForValidation("result", result);
Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Basic Idea: Write tests before code Refine code with new tests In more detail, TDD is a cycle of steps: Add a test, Run it and watch it fail, Change the code as little as possible such that the test should pass, Run the test again and see it succeed, Refactor the code if needed.
Note: TDD and specifications
TDD encourages writing specifications before code Exemplary specification Later, we will generalize TDD to Parameterized TDD Axiomatic specifications
Parameterized Test- Driven Development
Write/refine Contract as PUT Bug in PUT Write/refine Code of Implementation Bug in Code Fix-it (with Pex), Debug with generated tests failures Run Pex no failures Use Generated Tests for Regression
Coding Duels 1,767,012 clicked 'Ask Pex!'
Coding Duels Pex computes “semantic diff” in cloud
secret reference implementation vs. code written in browser You win when Pex finds no differences secret For more info, see our ICSE 2013 SEE paper:
Behind the Scene of Pex for Fun
behavior Secret Impl == Player Impl Player Implementation class Player { public static int Puzzle(int x) { return x; } Secret Implementation class Secret { public static int Puzzle(int x) { if (x <= 0) return 1; return x * Puzzle(x-1); } 1,594,092 1,594,092 class Test { public static void Driver(int x) { if (Secret.Puzzle(x) != Player.Puzzle(x)) throw new Exception(“Mismatch”); }
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
Code Hunt Programming Game
It’s a game! code iterative gameplay adaptive personalized no cheating clear winning criterion secret test cases
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